Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Yeah, and if you go by that, then Trump's niece, Mary would have credibility too, if she were called
Good God this is factinating and sad to watch.

Your litmus test for trustworthiness is fealty to the pathological liar Trump

So bizarre...

Ivanka slurped the big lie, when she wasn't under oath.

Under oath, she didn't.

Think on it.
Yeah, and if you go by that, then Trump's niece, Mary would have credibility too, if she were called.

It is fairly easy to lead someone with a series of questions to a desirable answer. Backgrounds are only part of the story.
True, if they pose leading questions but they aren't and NONE of them claim they have been misrepresented. Something you would expect if they were being duped to say stuff that isn't true.
Pelosi knows that her bell would have been rung with questions, she's too old to keep
a straight face when lying.

It is so desperate to blame her for your fellow insurrectionist cultists.

Now blame the US military for 9/11, since they didn't shoot the planes down.
You're missing the point. If there are two parties in congress, both parties deserve equal representation on that committee no? Then why were there people taken off that committee that had legitimate questions to ask the witnesses? Fear.

Then Kevin McCarthy shouldn't have boycotted the committee.
I missed the first 20 minutes or so but I would be surprised if she said Trump got his hands on the wheel. I bet she said something along the lines of "he tried to get his hands on the wheel".
There is conflicting accounts as to what vehicle he was in when this happened. If it was in an armored SUV, then it's quite possible given the switch the president has to lower the barrier. If it was The Beast, then it would have been physically impossible for him to do.
True, if they pose leading questions but they aren't and NONE of them claim they have been misrepresented. Something you would expect if they were being duped to say stuff that isn't true.

This whole thing is being tried under a political lens. And you seriously believe that these people aren't leading the witnesses with their questions?
She was standing near Trump, Spunky. She heard him say it. That makes her a first hand witness to that event. Not hearsay.

The desperation has reached a feverish pitch today from the nobody cares about this crowd.
Not what she said about the limo event. I heard her state that another person told her.
This whole cOmMiTtiE is nothing but a soap opera TV show.

It is also an example of the Soviet tactics the DemocRATS have embraced and utilized.

Show Trial Telenovela
Hutchinson described Trump insisting that security allow armed protesters to move freely. She added that Meadows did little to try to manage Trump on Jan. 6 and sought a pardon for himself. Her testimony fits seamlessly in to what we already knew. But she added a lot of detail.
It appears she testified early due to threats and potential witness testimony. Interesting to get corroborating testimony.
So you jump from that weak sauce to accusing a bunch of people whose names you dont even know of perjuring themselves with testimony you have never heard.
Egads this is all too easy. Watching all this righteous indignance from those who keep insisting Trump fomented an insurrection when there is absolutely no evidence proving he did any such thing.

Statements can be altered, text message chains can be selectively quoted, videos can be doctored or edited to add or remove context. Anything can be selectively interpreted when you have a goal or agenda in mind.

Not 'weaksauce' when these things can and do happen in media and politics all the time.
This whole thing is being tried under a political lens. And you seriously believe that these people aren't leading the witnesses with their questions?
Do you seriously believe that Ivanka wouldn't run to Tucker Carlson the moment she was done with her deposition if the Jan 6 committee was misrepresenting what happened? To your question. Of course, they are leading the witnesses somewhere. It's called facts. What happened, who knew what, when. Etc. etc.

Many people have asked you and so will I. Do you have ANY information that would question anything that's being said?
Notice we're here and not watching the hearings. Meaning that posting on this trivial thread outweighs any interest we have in watching the hearings themselves.

Quite the indictment of the hearings if I do say so myself.
That's not a logical statement. It's more a statement of you.
He endangered every congress person's life when he demanded that the magnetometer be removed. If he says none of this is true, Let him come before the committee under oath. THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. STICK A FORK IN HIM. HE IS DONE.
He knew they were armed and sent them to the Capital. He wanted to go too.
He knew they were armed and sent them to the Capital. He wanted to go too.
I find it funny they were armed and none of them fired a shot. That's what gets me. So, was it an attempt to overthrow the government or to protect themselves from violent counter-protests?

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