Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Maybe, mabe not. Clearly the current administration is making him look much better.
No the current administration is not making him look better. Nothing can make him look better. Biden has his problems, most of which are not of his own making. Although it will hurt him, he is not a raving lunatic who cheepens the presidency
holy crap, batman ... & come july - we'll get to see the documentarian testify with the video he's been shooting since september thru the insurrection & after - all at the bequest of panty waist, jared.

& i do believe mo brooks wants to testify live as well - now that he lost his alabammy primary & donny's reneged endorsement.
All of which are very liberal . CNN and the NY Times is anything but credible. Huffpo is hard left wing.
They tell the truth. That they are hard left is your opinion. They are liberal and may spin news that way, but they do not knowingly lie. Gateway lies and uses hyped up language as they did with Hutchinson
First, I have no special knowledge on this matter. I am not an insider, nor do I know one.

But, what strikes in me a cautionary note about these alleged 'denials' from alleged Secret Service sources is.........

........is how thoroughly Cheney plowed the ground around Hutchinson's version of events.

Meaning, (and if I recall properly) but Cheney took pains to ask if the agents had denied or changed the story to Hutchinson. If memory serves, she asked it more than once, or asked it in at least two different ways. If I was an opposing lawyer in court I would suspect a trap. Or at minimum, ponder "Why did she nail that particular story down so tight? What's up with that?"

Time will tell.
The RightyTighties are in overdrive trying to discount this dyed-in-the-wool Republican woman's testimony.
That's understandable. The game is played this way.

Still, for my own personal opinion......the woman came across as credible. Believable. She seemed organized and cautious in how she answered. No rhetorical flourishes with her. And the various commentary last evening by folks who worked with her in the White House added context to how well she was regarded as the 'go-to' administrator for Meadows, and others in the West Wing.
First, I have no special knowledge on this matter. I am not an insider, nor do I know one.

But, what strikes in me a cautionary note about these alleged 'denials' from alleged Secret Service sources is.........

........is how thoroughly Cheney plowed the ground around Hutchinson's version of events.

Meaning, (and if I recall properly) but Cheney took pains to ask if the agents had denied or changed the story to Hutchinson. If memory serves, she asked it more than once, or asked it in at least two different ways. If I was an opposing lawyer in court I would suspect a trap. Or at minimum, ponder "Why did she nail that particular story down so tight? What's up with that?"

Time will tell.
The RightyTighties are in overdrive trying to discount this dyed-in-the-wool Republican woman's testimony.
That's understandable. The game is played this way.

Still, for my own personal opinion......the woman came across as credible. Believable. She seemed organized and cautious in how she answered. No rhetorical flourishes with her. And the various commentary last evening by folks who worked with her in the White House added context to how well she was regarded as the 'go-to' administrator for Meadows, and others in the West Wing.
I too find her very credible that she heard things from other people
That’s not the issue.
The main purpose is to try and make President Trump not electable.

I would speculate that making Trump un-electable is more of a side benefit. A not unwelcome happenstance to the investigation.

My view, is that the primary focus ----and face it, the primary responsibility ---- of any Congressional Committee is to be informational. Informational --- so that Congress can devise new laws, or change old laws so that such a violent and dangerous attack on the People's House cannot happen again.

Ergo....get to the bottom of this attack. Autopsy the hell outta it. What happened? Who did what? Who said what? And to whom? To what effect? In short, who was responsible for this debacle?

So if they find the answers to all of that....then that improves the likelihood that better future decisions to prevent a re-occurrence can occur.

They tell the truth. That they are hard left is your opinion. They are liberal and may spin news that way, but they do not knowingly lie. Gateway lies and uses hyped up language as they did with Hutchinson
I know. In your mind as long as they parrot the liberal line they are telling the truth. You are not interested in truth. You want your bias confirmed. CNN and the NY Times have knowingly reported false strories on many occasions.
No the current administration is not making him look better. Nothing can make him look better. Biden has his problems, most of which are not of his own making. Although it will hurt him, he is not a raving lunatic who cheepens the presidency
Nearly all of our current problems are a result of current administration policy. What isn't? It's certainly not Putin's fault as our rudderless president claims.
What did she witness?

She witnessed Trump being informed sone people were armed.

She witnessed Trump saying let them remain armed, just let them in to fill up the Ellipse.

She witnessed Trump summoning an armed crowd to the Capitol.
I know. In your mind as long as they parrot the liberal line they are telling the truth. You are not interested in truth. You want your bias confirmed. CNN and the NY Times have knowingly reported false strories on many occasions.
They may have made mistakes. They did not knowingly lie. There is a difference
Actually it hasn’t proved that Trump is guilty of anything.

I get that many people don’t like his personality, but being an ass is not a crime.

They're not providing proof. Proof is established in a court of law. They're providing evidence. And the evidence thus far shows Trump was involved in a scheme to get fake electors submitted to Congress with the hope that Pence would reject legit Biden electors, leading to Trump remaining as president.

And now the Department of Justice is investigating the evidence they're discovering to determine if crimes were committed.
She witnessed Trump being informed sone people were armed.

She witnessed Trump saying let them remain armed, just let them in to fill up the Ellipse.

She witnessed Trump summoning an armed crowd to the Capitol.
Being armed happens a lot and no way, nor reason, to disarm them. It’s a false flag because the bombshell turned out to be a Shitbomb.
Actually it hasn’t proved that Trump is guilty of anything.

I get that many people don’t like his personality, but being an ass is not a crime.
Being an asshole is not a crime. Sad that HRC is not an asshole and trump supporters chant "lock her up". trump has not yet been indicted or charged for a series of crimes he appears to have planned and committed.

Most mob bosses have been able to get away with serious crimes too, but not too long.

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