Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Seems if they are impugning the validity of the committee over the testimony, the committee would subpoena them ASAP and make them testify under oath. The committee is refusing to do this. They've not hesitated to subpoena any other member of the Trump admin or team. That doesn't seem a bit odd to you?

LOL!!! subpoena? they don't need no stinking subpoena. after every hearing - the chair states anyone having additional info or wants to clarify anything that was testified to - is free & welcome to get in touch with them.

you're 'excuse' is a big fat fail.
And let's remember that Bobby Engle and Tony Ornato were Trump loyalists. The "Palace guard" if you will

This occurred in the in the SUV not "The Beast" so it IS possible for this to have occurred.

But again...this particular incident is the LEAST damning bit of testimony and impugns the rest in no way
Didn't she swear under oath that she heard it happened in the Beast? If she did and TRUMP! wasn't in the Beast, then what she recounted is false and cannot be taken seriously.
she was asked the way the agent's demeanor was as he was sitting in the chair & she used the word, he seemed to be 'discombobulated' & as the other dude was relaying what happened in the SUV to her - the agent donny supposedly grabbed didn't object to it at the time.
Was it an SUV or the Beast? I thought she said several times that it was the Beast. If that was false, the whole thing was probably just a story, embellished for effect. This is the problem with hearsay.
cassidy hutchinson testified that mark meadows was literally pacifying donny by not divulging the truth & left it up to his protection to tell him & that's why he freaked inside the SUV. sounds exactly how meadows woulda played that out - he's such a weasel.
I thought her testimony about Meadows being afraid to go to speak with Don about the "hang Mike Pence" chants was revealing. The point at which Cipolonne said he was going to talk to Trump because it was so incredibly damning for Don not to do anything.

The Chief-of-Staff is the guy who is supposed to tell the prez the truth, no matter how hard it is. But Meadows was just a sycophant with the title of Chief. His predecessors, ones who actually did confront Trump, they had all been fired.
Didn't she swear under oath that she heard it happened in the Beast? If she did and TRUMP! wasn't in the Beast, then what she recounted is false and cannot be taken seriously.
I'm trying to think of something that could matter less. Nope, nothing comes to mind.
Didn't she swear under oath that she heard it happened in the Beast? If she did and TRUMP! wasn't in the Beast, then what she recounted is false and cannot be taken seriously.
Her story has all manner of holes in it. That's the problem when you make stuff up, it's almost impossible to get all the details right.

In my view, this brouhaha over the wrestling match in the car will fade soon. It is a tempest in a teapot that the RightTighties are fervently wishing to be a nuclear reactor. Gone soon. Betcha.


What may linger longer is ---- the testimony of Pat Cipollone.
He's been subpoenaed now (wouldn't surprise me that it was after he subtly hinted to 'em to do so. CYA, you know.)

The testimony so far has surely indicated Cipolllone is a key guy in a number of meetings. I hope he comes to the witness table cooperatively.....and brings his files, memory sticks, contemporaneous notes.....and his knowledge of who said what to whom.

These hearings are getting curioser and curioser. No?
"Linger longer?" You mean we will be laughing at it longer?
You’re not going to sit here and act like its not being reported that the 2 SS agents who were in the vehicle are saying she’s full of shit are you?

That's not been reported. What was actually reported was someone else, who was not in the vehicle that day, is claiming those 2 agents dispute Hutchinson's claim. But those 2 agents have not yet made a public statement yet either way. Rightards, who regrettably suffer from a lack of comprehension, read that wrong and ran with it out of desperation. And while it's entirely possible those 2 agents can publicly state they never told her that, that hasn't actually happened yet. Read for clarity next time.

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