Texting while driving ban.. STUPID..WHERE IS our COMMON SENSE GONE?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!
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* About 6,000 deaths and a half a million injuries are caused by distracted drivers every year.
* While teenagers are texting, they spend about 10 percent of the time outside the driving lane they’re supposed to be in.
* Talking on a cell phone while driving can make a young driver’s reaction time as slow as that of a 70-year-old.
* Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. That is enough time to travel the length of a football field.

Cell Phone Accident Statistics and Texting While Driving Facts

Folks... AGAIN most of you are going to stupidly say.. well see your statistics show their oughta be a law..NO texting while driving"!
NO!!! NO!!! NO!

What should be done again is teaching common SENSE!

LOOK the driver that causes a death distracted by eating a sandwich or texting .. IT IS THE DRIVER's FAULT... REGARDLESS!

So now we want our law officers to ticket texting while driving! As is there is no other more serious crimes!

TEACH people common laws of physics.. it takes 5 seconds to read a text.. long enough to go the length of a football field..DUH you going to have an accident!

Common SENSE folks and NO MORE laws! I'm getting LAWED to death!
The University of North Texas Health Science Center has looked at traffic data from the Fatality Accident Reporting System and texting data from the FCC and CTIA, and — after some hefty number crunching — has come to the conclusion that texting while driving is responsible for accidents that claimed 16,141 lives during the period of 2001 – 2007. I don’t think you need me to tell you that this is an alarmingly large number.
The original article in the LA Times also highlights some interesting factoids from the article:

  • The percentage of all traffic deaths caused by distracted driving rose from 11% in 1999 to 16% in 2008.
  • Distracted-driving crashes are more common in urban areas. Overall, 40% of all crashes happened in urban areas in 2008, up from 33% a decade earlier.
  • Only one-third of Americans had a cellphone in 1999. By 2008, 91% of us did.
  • The average monthly volume of text messages was 1 million in 2002. By 2008, it was 110 million
So now we're up to 6,000 deaths a year from texting/being distracted while driving? That's in the neighborhood of 16 people a day, or one person dies every 1.5 hours.

It's more than just being a nutcase blabbing one's daily drivel to a captive audience in a diner. If you've ever seen one, they're not thinking about the world around them or the people in it.

It's like the distractions are a psychotic break from the rw. No wonder people die at the hands of these north ends of a horse going south on the freeway.
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I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!


Stupid is he! Let's hope that you never have to eat your words stupid fucking moron! How would you feel if a loved one was killed by someone texting while driving!
I live in Michigan, and we have a law against texting while driving.
Although i agree we have to educate young people as much as possible, they're still TEENAGERS and they are not all going to agree with what we tell them. I love seeing news reports that show accidents caused by texting. NOT because i want to see young people die from it (just in case some asshole decides that's what i'm saying!)...but because it shows everyone what it can cause. There's no reason to not pull over to the side of the road or into a business to text someone....if it's important. I have a friend i work with that lost her daughter to this negligence. I hate laws that are not fair, but i believe we do need one for this. It's the same as drunk driving....you're just not paying attention to what's around you. A law that WILL save lives is worth it.
Not sure if anyone will be saved by these laws. Most are unenforceable. The only time anyone gets a ticket is after an accident.
Not sure if anyone will be saved by these laws. Most are unenforceable. The only time anyone gets a ticket is after an accident.

I believe in Michigan a cop can stop you if they 'THINK' you may be texting. Just like if they see you without a seatbelt on they can stop you. But ya, some have gotten pretty good at it and are pretty aware of the police being around. But still, it's very dangerous. I tried it once, just to see if i could.....NOPE! Guess i'm just to old to have that concentration!
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

I guess you ain't been driving behind very many texting while driving morons. I say, " Throw their f'n iPhones in the sewer where they belong.
Not sure if anyone will be saved by these laws. Most are unenforceable. The only time anyone gets a ticket is after an accident.


If the same amount of money spent on stupid global warming from pre-school up through advertising DaILY how we should take care of "global warming" WAS Spent on common sense practical illustrations of how doing unto others as you would have others do unto you I.E> The Golden Rule.. If that same effort were done.. there would be a lot less dependency on laws! But when you have cynics and idiots calling that "religious teachings" and NOT understanding that the Golden Rule is very good common sense it just doesn't work!

Spend more money educating people and less LEGISLATING!!!
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

I guess you ain't been driving behind very many texting while driving morons. I say, " Throw their f'n iPhones in the sewer where they belong.

AND you missed my POINT entirely!

TEACH people common sense and not this stupid garbage of "touchy feely crap" or "bully not", or "building self esteem" crap!

TEACH the practical REASONS YOU don't text and drive I>E. YOU can't stop your
f..king car if your eyes are on the keyboard!
Spend the shit...ing money on EDUCATING and NOT LEGLISLATING!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DebhWD6ljZs]AT&T Don't Text While Driving Documentary - YouTube[/ame]
See it all the time. And when I do, I give them lots of room and change lanes around them.

Here in Oregon if you tell the cops about it, they just say that only if a cop sees it does it matter
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

I guess you ain't been driving behind very many texting while driving morons. I say, " Throw their f'n iPhones in the sewer where they belong.

AND you missed my POINT entirely!

TEACH people common sense and not this stupid garbage of "touchy feely crap" or "bully not", or "building self esteem" crap!

TEACH the practical REASONS YOU don't text and drive I>E. YOU can't stop your
f..king car if your eyes are on the keyboard!
Spend the shit...ing money on EDUCATING and NOT LEGLISLATING!

Like that will work against an addiction... Throw the iPhones in the sewer. Cost them some bucks, some pride and inconvenience. Then maybe, maybe the message will come through and then again maybe not. Even then your method is proven bullshit.
Every State should have laws against texting or using a phone while driving. Only arrogant and selfish people are against that. The problem is the laws are not enforced very well and people continue talking and texting. Plus, like in California, the fines are so small the laws are a joke. Texting is just as bad as drunk driving. Whenever I see a car driving slow and weaving 9 out 10 times the person is on the phone or texting.
I drive a 4 wheel drive truck that sits higher than most vehicles on the highway...... I have a good view inside cars. I am amazed at how addicted people are to cell phones. I was driving to work the other day and was moving along pretty fast with the traffic in the left lane. I looked in my mirror to see a Mustang with a young woman behind the wheel...... I didn't see her face, she was looking down. I moved to the right just in time, she passed me doing at least 90 mph, never looking up.

At night, when i'm driving home, it's really obvious...... the light from the desktop lights up the car........it's hard to believe just how many imbeciles are right next to you doing that crap.
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

I guess you ain't been driving behind very many texting while driving morons. I say, " Throw their f'n iPhones in the sewer where they belong.

AND you missed my POINT entirely!

TEACH people common sense and not this stupid garbage of "touchy feely crap" or "bully not", or "building self esteem" crap!

TEACH the practical REASONS YOU don't text and drive I>E. YOU can't stop your
f..king car if your eyes are on the keyboard!
Spend the shit...ing money on EDUCATING and NOT LEGLISLATING!

The problem is an addiction to mediocre bullshit conversation on their phone, they'll be texting while you try to show them a film on why it's a bad idea to text. It used to be out loud inane conversation, now it's texting....... the cell phone is easily one of the greatest and absolute worst invention ever...... the only chance is to put a blocker in every car when it is in drive..... you will not be able to use the technology while driving..... period!
I'm watching the news and this guy is all upset his daughter was killed because the driver was texting and driving. So now he wants a state law banning texting and driving!

Stupid because the reporter showing clearly that texting and driving was a distraction and the reporter states.." and studies show reaction time of 2 to 3 seconds.."

What in fu...k is wrong with you people!

IT is NOT going to save any more lives to "BAN texting while DRiving"!
What we ALL NEED is constant constant lessons in the laws of physics!
For example every day after the pledge of allegiance students should be given a lesson in the laws of physics!
Reaction time! Show the kid what happens when texting and walking for example!

MY point is we are being LAWED to death and it isn't reducing stupidity!

Common sense should be taught evidently!
YOU can't expect to stop your car if your eyes are on the keyboard!

Common Sense..

BUT no we need another law!

40,000 NEW Laws alone went into affect on Jan 2012 across the country!
HOW utterly STUPID aliens must think we are that the least expensive, most efficient way a society progresses is when the populace has self governance!
When more people are responsible for themselves then irresponsible people is what should be the objective.
But our country is quickly becoming a NANNY STATE!
We can't seem to think for ourselves! To have common sense!
YOU don't text while driving! You don't drive drunk! You don't have unprotected sex!
YOU don't have to be an animal.. be an intelligent responsible common sense ADULT!

I guess you ain't been driving behind very many texting while driving morons. I say, " Throw their f'n iPhones in the sewer where they belong.

AND you missed my POINT entirely!

TEACH people common sense and not this stupid garbage of "touchy feely crap" or "bully not", or "building self esteem" crap!

TEACH the practical REASONS YOU don't text and drive I>E. YOU can't stop your
f..king car if your eyes are on the keyboard!
Spend the shit...ing money on EDUCATING and NOT LEGLISLATING!

And drunk driving?
Well most of you still missed my point!
And evidently MOST of you MUST have a parent i.e. cop looking at EVERY action you do to make sure you won't hurt yourself or someone else!
MY how times have changed!
It appears MOST of you WANT to be like sheep.
NOT responsible! No common sense!
Literally stupid dumb animals ONLY responding to an adult that knows
Where are you people with any sense of responsibility? Adults? COMMON SENSE?
I don't text and drive because it is dangerous to others and to me!
Are the rest of you too stupid, too dumb, too lacking in common sense to GET IT?
YOU ARE really pathetic and a growing concern for society's existence when "there oughta be a law" is the ONLY way you sheep respond!
Here in Dallas(and I'm sure everywhere else) I almost never see anybody driving who ISN'T talking on a cell phone or texting.

Texting while driving creates dangerous road conditions for everybody. Because of that, it should be regulated and enforced.

Sorry but the studies and statistics show that texting is just as harmful as being intoxicated, oftentimes even moreso. Because it's not just the life of the person texting at stake, the state should be allowed to ban the dangerous behavior and place some hefty fines with it. I'd love to see cops pull people over who are texting, because those individuals are being reckless drivers.

So healthmyths, shut the fuck up about your law of physics shit. You want to force people to do some sort of physics pledge but think the ban on texting while driving is a stupid idea?

Come on, fucking seriously? Your logic of "I don't do it because of common sense, therefore nobody else would" is patently flawed. Do you even NOTICE drivers around you that are texting and driving or talking on a cell phone while driving? Everybody is doing it... and it needs to stop.

You admit yourself that texting while driving is a danger to you and others if you did it... yet you have no problem with people being allowed to do it?
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Most countries in the world do not allow texting or cell phone talk while driving...

neither is a right but a desire!

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