tge Big Guy said some interesting things last night

All false. Biden doesn’t always clarify the nuances well.
- He’s clearly not able to end fracking. That would take states to do that. He can only ban it from Federal lands
- He’s not raising taxes on those who spend. People under $400,000 are the spenders in the nation and will have no tax increase.
- Joe doesn’t have the power to eliminate the oil companies. We are already in transition away from oil. It’s happening. There are more jobs in Clean energy today already growing rapidly. If it were up to Trumpers we’d still be using landlines.
- Biden will grow jobs faster.. ask Wall Street. But even if you don’t believe them know that being able to operate around the virus is critical to opening the economy. Biden will address it.Trump will simply lie about it not to scare you.
Biden got busted talking out of both sides of his mouth on fracking. He gives a speech in a fracking state and says "I'm for fracking!" He stands in front of Liberals and says "I'm going to end fracking!" And how do you end the Trump tax cuts but only increase taxes on people making over $400K? He is assuming voters are stupid. They are not.
Last night

Joe Biden said he will listen to his scientists and shut down the economy to fight the virus

Joe Biden said he will raise taxes during an economic recession

Joe Biden said he will give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants

Joe Biden said he will eliminate the oil industry

a vote for Trump is a cire to save America & many many jobs

Aside from the fact that Joe Biden didn't say ANY of those things ... Great post! :rolleyes-41:

Aside from the fact videos have been posted of Frackless Fingering Joe saying every one of those things.
Case in point, the shit head we have here.
Ol’ Hoe Hidin is on film taking every single possible position in a topic... “I’ll ban fracking. I’ll limit fracking. I wont ban fracking” etc.
People like this say he never said it, yet it’s on tape.

Hmmm NO - He was talking about Federal Lands. Biden wants to move away from oil. He speaks of a "TRANSITION" to green energy. This is a great idea, and Moody's says his proposals will create 7 million more jobs than Rump's.


Mostly False
About this rating
What's True
In a primary debate in March 2020, Biden appeared to suggest he was in favor of ending fracking.
What's False
Biden's campaign quickly clarified that he was referring to his already repeatedly stated policy on fracking, which is to end new gas and oil production on federal lands, but not ban fracking outright.

which joe Biden position are you quoting? He has taken so many of them.
So he wants to “move away”, huh? Isn’t that what obongo wanted and pushed? What did that do? It drove up the price of energy (like he said it would). We paid through the nose for gasoline. We pissed away how many billions on green energy? And what difference did it make... zero.
We will “move away” as technology advances. Not due to government saying “make it so”.
sigh. Another lost cause.
Last night

Joe Biden said he will listen to his scientists and shut down the economy to fight the virus

Joe Biden said he will raise taxes during an economic recession

Joe Biden said he will give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants

Joe Biden said he will eliminate the oil industry

a vote for Trump is a cire to save America & many many jobs

Aside from the fact that Joe Biden didn't say ANY of those things ... Great post! :rolleyes-41: must have dozed off.

I watched your video. He wasn't president at the time. He clarified what he would do with immigration reform. Maybe YOU were dozing.
And BTW, "Zero Tolerance" family separation was DONALD'S policy. He and Jiffy Sessions clearly stated the the policy was a DETERRENT.
It was CRUEL and they failed to keep track of 545 snatched toddlers, many of whom were still breast feeding along with their deported parent(s).
Obama never snatched toddlers unless the parent was a felon, NOT the parents of that child, and/or the child was in danger.

He wasn't president at the time? WTF, sounds like reading and history are your difficulties. Biden was never president and the OP states "Biden said he will give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants" and you said Biden never said those things...your ADD must be flaring up.

He'll keep Obama's promise to Dreamers and offer a PATHWAY to citizenship to illegal immigrants. Good idea. The subject of deporting 11 million illegals has been analyzed to infinity. It is viable from neither a logistics nor a cost standpoint.
Last night

Joe Biden said he will listen to his scientists and shut down the economy to fight the virus

Joe Biden said he will raise taxes during an economic recession

Joe Biden said he will give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants

Joe Biden said he will eliminate the oil industry

a vote for Trump is a cire to save America & many many jobs

Aside from the fact that Joe Biden didn't say ANY of those things ... Great post! :rolleyes-41: must have dozed off.

I watched your video. He wasn't president at the time. He clarified what he would do with immigration reform. Maybe YOU were dozing.
And BTW, "Zero Tolerance" family separation was DONALD'S policy. He and Jiffy Sessions clearly stated the the policy was a DETERRENT.
It was CRUEL and they failed to keep track of 545 snatched toddlers, many of whom were still breast feeding along with their deported parent(s).
Obama never snatched toddlers unless the parent was a felon, NOT the parents of that child, and/or the child was in danger.

He wasn't president at the time? WTF, sounds like reading and history are your difficulties. Biden was never president and the OP states "Biden said he will give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants" and you said Biden never said those things...your ADD must be flaring up.

He'll keep Obama's promise to Dreamers and offer a PATHWAY to citizenship to illegal immigrants. Good idea. The subject of deporting 11 million illegals has been analyzed to infinity. It is viable from neither a logistics nor a cost standpoint.

Joe Biden is Owned By The Coming New World Order.

America is over if this man and his running mate are elected.

Watch and Learn.


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