Thai Government Vows to be “First Country” to Declare Pfizer Contracts “Null” After Princess Drops of Heart Attack, Dr. Bhakdi Presents “Fraud”

Libs are to blame for her condition

Sorry, you bunch of fakers but the Princess had an illness not caused by Covid shotz.

yet, there are experts who dissagree with Moonglow

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Mainz, winner of the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology, and long a staunch and distinguished foe of the COVID mRNA injections, reports that after meetings with the Thai government, including representatives of the royal family, the nation’s highest health authorities have said they will see to it that its Pfizer contracts are declared null.
I am.... for TB, polio and tetanus.... nothing since then.

I'm curious, now that you've been injected with AIDS, do you think about dick.... I mean, more than you used to?
Funny how you are always on the prowl for a penis.
yet, there are experts who dissagree with Moonglow

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Mainz, winner of the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology, and long a staunch and distinguished foe of the COVID mRNA injections, reports that after meetings with the Thai government, including representatives of the royal family, the nation’s highest health authorities have said they will see to it that its Pfizer contracts are declared null.
Dr Moonglow is a world renowned expert on viruses

He told me so
Dr Moonglow is a world renowned expert on viruses

He told me so
I merely tell you what the doctors told everyone...Because you had rather forsake the truth to spread fake information is your choice and a reflection upon your base character.

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