Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Here is an even better analysis I ran into.

Whether you call it murder or gun deaths.
The reality is that currently we are on a fairly steady decline from the much higher level of murder and gun violence during Prohibition and the strong War on Drugs years.
It is easy to prove you are wrong.
There are only about 8000 gun murder a year.
But the mass shootings with AR are more like just 100 a year, and completely and utterly irrelevant.
The reality is that over 10,000 of the shooting each year are suicides, which not only are not murders or shooting, but obviously something that gun control can not change.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?

Whether you call it murder or gun deaths.
The reality is that currently we are on a fairly steady decline from the much higher level of murder and gun violence during Prohibition and the strong War on Drugs years.
It is easy to prove you are wrong.
There are only about 8000 gun murder a year.
But the mass shootings with AR are more like just 100 a year, and completely and utterly irrelevant.
The reality is that over 10,000 of the shooting each year are suicides, which not only are not murders or shooting, but obviously something that gun control can not change.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?


What is wrong is that the graph time range is so short that it makes it look as if gun deaths have always been on a constant rise.
That would make people believe gun deaths have always constantly gotten worse, so then they would conclude gun control is necessary.
When you widen the range of years, you see that the over all is down, and the tiny blip up around 2015 is still very low compared to the 1990s.
Which then shows that gun control is not at all necessary.
Whether you call it murder or gun deaths.
The reality is that currently we are on a fairly steady decline from the much higher level of murder and gun violence during Prohibition and the strong War on Drugs years.
It is easy to prove you are wrong.
There are only about 8000 gun murder a year.
But the mass shootings with AR are more like just 100 a year, and completely and utterly irrelevant.
The reality is that over 10,000 of the shooting each year are suicides, which not only are not murders or shooting, but obviously something that gun control can not change.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?


What is wrong is that the graph time range is so short that it makes it look as if gun deaths have always been on a constant rise.
That would make people believe gun deaths have always constantly gotten worse, so then they would conclude gun control is necessary.
When you widen the range of years, you see that the over all is down, and the tiny blip up around 2015 is still very low compared to the 1990s.
Which then shows that gun control is not at all necessary.

You called me a liar and the post is 100% accurate.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?

Quit wiggling, admit you lied and did not even read the chart before your childish rant. Grow up! You sound like a far-left Progressive!
Whether you call it murder or gun deaths.
The reality is that currently we are on a fairly steady decline from the much higher level of murder and gun violence during Prohibition and the strong War on Drugs years.
It is easy to prove you are wrong.
There are only about 8000 gun murder a year.
But the mass shootings with AR are more like just 100 a year, and completely and utterly irrelevant.
The reality is that over 10,000 of the shooting each year are suicides, which not only are not murders or shooting, but obviously something that gun control can not change.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?


What is wrong is that the graph time range is so short that it makes it look as if gun deaths have always been on a constant rise.
That would make people believe gun deaths have always constantly gotten worse, so then they would conclude gun control is necessary.
When you widen the range of years, you see that the over all is down, and the tiny blip up around 2015 is still very low compared to the 1990s.
Which then shows that gun control is not at all necessary.

You called me a liar and the post is 100% accurate.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?

Quit wiggling, admit you lied and did not even read the chart before your childish rant. Grow up! You sound like a far-left Progressive!

The graph is clearly wrong and deceptive.
Gun deaths are not on the increase in general, a year or so variation means nothing.
You should not have posted it.
It is wrong to post a short and small increase without showing that it is following a large and long decrease.

And yes, I am a very far-left Progressive.
Phew, we are down to 40000 gun deaths?
I feel safer. Now.
But. Not you repelling your doublewide invaders?
Be afraid, be very afraid


13 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence in 2018

That is deliberately deceptive by using a very narrow window.
Here is the reality.


Gun deaths are way down from normal.
And the peaks were caused by Prohibition and the War on Drugs, so then clearly it is federal legislation that causes murder to spike.

Normal here is through the roof in Europe.
So how is ours relative to the uk again?
It's still 10x that of other educated countries.
What do we expect?
USA is a violent place, founded by convicts, slave owners and religious nuts
Whether you call it murder or gun deaths.
The reality is that currently we are on a fairly steady decline from the much higher level of murder and gun violence during Prohibition and the strong War on Drugs years.
It is easy to prove you are wrong.
There are only about 8000 gun murder a year.
But the mass shootings with AR are more like just 100 a year, and completely and utterly irrelevant.
The reality is that over 10,000 of the shooting each year are suicides, which not only are not murders or shooting, but obviously something that gun control can not change.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?


What is wrong is that the graph time range is so short that it makes it look as if gun deaths have always been on a constant rise.
That would make people believe gun deaths have always constantly gotten worse, so then they would conclude gun control is necessary.
When you widen the range of years, you see that the over all is down, and the tiny blip up around 2015 is still very low compared to the 1990s.
Which then shows that gun control is not at all necessary.

You called me a liar and the post is 100% accurate.

Is this post 100% true or not?

Where does it mention the word MURDER?

Quit wiggling, admit you lied and did not even read the chart before your childish rant. Grow up! You sound like a far-left Progressive!

Is this sweaty trey, 11 hours grilling Hillary and came away with ZERO?
Phew, we are down to 40000 gun deaths?
I feel safer. Now.
But. Not you repelling your doublewide invaders?
Be afraid, be very afraid


13 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence in 2018

That is deliberately deceptive by using a very narrow window.
Here is the reality.


Gun deaths are way down from normal.
And the peaks were caused by Prohibition and the War on Drugs, so then clearly it is federal legislation that causes murder to spike.

Normal here is through the roof in Europe.
So how is ours relative to the uk again?
It's still 10x that of other educated countries.
What do we expect?
USA is a violent place, founded by convicts, slave owners and religious nuts

Yes, no public health care, a history of thing like Prohibition and the war on drugs, etc., it is not at all surprising we have a higher murder rate than countries that imprison fewer people and take care of them better.
Normal here is through the roof in Europe.
So how is ours relative to the uk again?
It's still 10x that of other educated countries.

What do we expect?
USA is a violent place, founded by convicts, slave owners and religious nuts

"USA is a violent place, founded by convicts, slave owners and religious nuts"

Sounds like you need to be in a country where you are happy instead of so senselessly angry and filled with so much hate. Where do you live?

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
Phew, we are down to 40000 gun deaths?
I feel safer. Now.
But. Not you repelling your doublewide invaders?
Be afraid, be very afraid


13 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence in 2018

That is deliberately deceptive by using a very narrow window.
Here is the reality.


Gun deaths are way down from normal.
And the peaks were caused by Prohibition and the War on Drugs, so then clearly it is federal legislation that causes murder to spike.

Normal here is through the roof in Europe.
So how is ours relative to the uk again?
It's still 10x that of other educated countries.
What do we expect?
USA is a violent place, founded by convicts, slave owners and religious nuts

Yes, no public health care, a history of thing like Prohibition and the war on drugs, etc., it is not at all surprising we have a higher murder rate than countries that imprison fewer people and take care of them better.

You just keep on lying and have run like a scared little girl from the fact that you called me a liar for posting a factual chart.

Then you come here pushing more lies. You must be so proud!
Yes, no public health care...
Why the fuck should their be “public healthcare”?!? I’m so sick of you fucking parasites demanding that I pay for your lifestyle.

If you want something - you pay for it. That’s how life works, you lazy freeloader.
Every single day in America, an armed citizen prevents a crime. Every. Single. Day.

Georgia homeowner fatally shoots 3 masked teens allegedly trying to rob him
Darn these uppity.nixxer teens. Lynch them all don't youthink?
Nah. That’s crazy talk. Instead, we should let them violate any and all laws. Without exception. I mean, who the fuck are you to say that they cannot invade your home, ph3iron? Hell, who are you to say it’s even “your” home. It belongs to the public. It belongs to society. You didn’t build that.

And those “uppity nixxer teens” (what the fuck is a “nixxer” anyway?) - they have a right to rob you.
Every single day in America, an armed citizen prevents a crime. Every. Single. Day.

Georgia homeowner fatally shoots 3 masked teens allegedly trying to rob him
A. Hoot my patriot lynching friend spends all day looking for single examples tokeepour gun mania going. Terrific life
Bwahahaha! Someone is sooo butthurt that I’ve provided volumes of data proving she is dead wrong. :laugh:

(Psst...I literally never search. Ever. These are headline stories)

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