Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

For me, it isn't very complicated. It's kill or be killed. Women especially, should arm themselves and become proficient with their weapon. If not a firearm, then obtain some other weapon for defense. Women especially, are preyed on 24/7.

Most women aren't like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. They don't have 24/7 armed security, or live in well-secured mansions on massive secluded gated properties. Most are on their own against the rabid beasts. I think it's crazy a woman would even consider not arming and protecting herself. Not a wise safe decision.
Rabid beasts? Most women who are raped, for example, know who is raping them, 3 out of 4 times. Explain how the gun was supposed to help them then? Self defense training might help but a gun? No.

You know....a gun stops even people you a husband on a restraining order...or the guy on your date who won't take no for an answer......funny how they will listen to the loaded gun pointed at them......

Why is it that you guys think women can't use a gun it simply because as a left wing nutter, rape and sexual abuse of women is kind of a perk for you guys? And if we let women have guns....they won't just "let it happen?"
Women don't shoot men they know, and men they know know where they keep their guns.

A gun is not defense, it's offense.

Well, you make your own choices. You choose to be unarmed, that's your call i guess. But i wouldn't advise it. Women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7.
The paranoid world you live in is all in your head.

Better safe than sorry. Women especially, are being hunted. And most aren't pampered elites with 24/7 armed security and living in luxurious well-secured mansions. That's the life of rich elite women like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

The elites and their families are in no danger of being raped and murdered. They're very well-protected. They don't live in the same world as most others do. In the real world, it is only you against the rabid beasts. It is what it is.
Why would anyone think that?

Your gun versus their tank. GLWT.

Thank you for proving that the 2nd Amendment has been significantly violated already. The fact that your admitting that you've stripped the American people to the point that they can't defend themselves against their own military if fun by a tyrannical government is indisputable proof that the 2nd Amendment has not been upheld like idiots such as CCJ claim.

Rabid beasts? Most women who are raped, for example, know who is raping them, 3 out of 4 times. Explain how the gun was supposed to help them then? Self defense training might help but a gun? No.

You know....a gun stops even people you a husband on a restraining order...or the guy on your date who won't take no for an answer......funny how they will listen to the loaded gun pointed at them......

Why is it that you guys think women can't use a gun it simply because as a left wing nutter, rape and sexual abuse of women is kind of a perk for you guys? And if we let women have guns....they won't just "let it happen?"
Women don't shoot men they know, and men they know know where they keep their guns.

A gun is not defense, it's offense.

Well, you make your own choices. You choose to be unarmed, that's your call i guess. But i wouldn't advise it. Women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7.
The paranoid world you live in is all in your head.

Better safe than sorry. Women especially, are being hunted. And most aren't pampered elites with 24/7 armed security and living in luxurious well-secured mansions. That's the life of rich elite women like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

The elites and their families are in no danger of being raped and murdered. They're very well-protected. They don't live in the same world as most others do. In the real world, it is only you against the rabid beasts. It is what it is.
You have to remember Pauly, that's exactly what people like J4J and Candy want. Women helpless and hunted. They are scared of liberty. They want control over others.
That's a great start. Now if we could do that nationwide we would be like Australia and have almost no gun deaths

I inform Candy that guns are banned in Chicago (because, as usual, she doesn't know). I then add a link showing 43 people shot just over one weekend alone (Mother's Day no less) and 20 some killed. Her response? "That's a great start. Now if we could just do that nationwide".
You can't make this stuff up folks. She's happy about people being shot and killed and wants it to be "nationwide".
CC and reality broke off their relationship quite some time ago.
I used to feel sorry for her in that regard, but its clear that -she- initiated the separation..
CC and reality broke off their relationship quite some time ago.
I used to feel sorry for her in that regard, but its clear that -she- initiated the separation..
Best. Post. Ever. Holy heck did that literally cause me to burst out laughing. Well done and thank you for that good laugh! :clap2::clap::clap2:
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

Hey, you choose to be unarmed and unprotected. That's your call. But millions of other American women are choosing to arm themselves and be prepared. In fact, i think more & more are deciding to do that.

American gun ranges are now full of women. That wasn't the case a few years ago. But like i said, you make your own decisions in this life. You do what you gotta do, and other women will do what they gotta do.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Sad how you honestly think that citing this "fact" based in part on your suppositions means that guns can never be of any help
But....since no one else asked you to do so....
Prove yourclaim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Sad how you honestly think that citing this "fact" based in part on your suppositions means that guns can never be of any help
But....since no one else asked you to do so....
Prove yourclaim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
I never said never. I said they are useless, which in most cases they are because in most cases women get raped by men they either know or are related to.
Where does the Constitution say "gun"?
I see that you -choose- to be ignorant of the law.
That being the case, it is impossible for you to have an honest conversation in this regard.
I am aware of the law,....
Ah - so you ARE aware the fact that The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Good to see you fully understand that your attempt to interject weapons beyond firearms into the conversation is nothing but a red herring.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Sad how you honestly think that citing this "fact" based in part on your suppositions means that guns can never be of any help
But....since no one else asked you to do so....
Prove yourclaim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
I never said never. I said they are useless, which in most cases they are...
... and so, in some cases, they are useful, negating your claim they are useless.
Well done.

When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Again: Prove your claim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
Where does the Constitution say "gun"?
I see that you -choose- to be ignorant of the law.
That being the case, it is impossible for you to have an honest conversation in this regard.
I am aware of the law,....
Ah - so you ARE aware the fact that The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Good to see you fully understand that your attempt to interject weapons beyond firearms into the conversation is nothing but a red herring.
That is injected by others which is why we ask if nukes are allowed? Read the thread, there are those here who believe any weapon the government has they can have. No regualations at all. That's not my position or yours so next time read first then post.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Sad how you honestly think that citing this "fact" based in part on your suppositions means that guns can never be of any help
But....since no one else asked you to do so....
Prove yourclaim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
I never said never. I said they are useless, which in most cases they are...
... and so, in some cases, they are useful, negating your claim they are useless.
Well done.

When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Again: Prove your claim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
My claim is easy, women don't shoot men they know and most won't shoot a stranger.

And I'm not about to account for every possible exception here. A gun is not the answer to rape, that is men not raping women, and they mostly rape women they know.
Liberals will tell you that tyranny can not happen here like it has everywhere else in the world. I think its funny when I here it. Apparently that's the only thing a Liberal believe is special about the US.

I wonder how many of them know how close we came to being the Kingdom of the United States after the Revolutionary War that's what a bunch of Military officers wanted. If they had won out it would have Been
King George I instead of President Washington.

It's funny you say that - I've had that argument with a good friend of mine for years. He's under this bizarre belief that the U.S. has this mystical, magical unicorn power which prevents a military coup (like Iraq did when Saddam Hussein took over) or deteriorate into civil conflict (even though we already had one of those).

It's really sad to see how liberals are just obedient little lapdogs, trained to obey an ideology at all costs. Their refusal to stop and learn anything (especially from history) is just killing this country.
I'm not so worried about a military coup. The top Brass may try something but the lower ranks will see any order to take over the government as unlawful. maybe with foreign troops they could but I believe the majority of the armed services will tell them to go take a flying leap.

Who really concerns me is the politicians that stay in power for decades and may not want to give it up.
So true. That discussion has come up on many occasions.
I don't call for more laws, I call for fewer guns.

In other words, you call for more mass murder. Because everywhere guns are banned, we see horrific mass murders. And everywhere we see an abundance of guns, we see nothing but peace and civility.
Japan, few guns and very peaceful. Iraq, many guns and no peace.

Try again, Puddles.

Now you're using facts. So unfair.

The gun nut's only argument is that Americans are simply more homicidal than Japanese
Oh please!

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