Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

That shuts them up every time....

Really? Because I obliterated her ignorant "are you allowed to own nukes" question. Obliterated. To the point that she had no response.

You never answered the question.
Yes I did. Go back and read it genius. Plus there is a lot more I can add to it if you'd like.

I did. You didn’t.
Proving yet again that you lie and that you are completely ignorant. Here you go Candy....

I gave a simple answer in post #362 on page #37

And an in-depth response in post #369 on page #37

And by the way - I haven't even given the best reasons yet. I'm waiting for a libtard to have any kind of logical response before I break out the point that will destroy any stupid think you people have to say about nukes. So please (and I'm serious - please) come up with some even remotely logical response so I can humiliate you people and put this nonsensical and desperate position away once and for all!

You’re not that interesting….feel free to re-type it so I can laugh at it in person.
You have a limited right, and that will go away eventually.

I have an unlimited right junior. And there is nothing you can about it. Which is why you are so pissed off.

We’ll see what the Supreme Court says after Hillary gets 400 EVs…. tick tock tick tock tick tock
Thankfully for the American people.....neither the Supreme Court nor Hilldabeast get to decide my Constitutional right. That's the beauty of a right my dear. It's non-negotiable and cannot be revoked (unless the Constitution is amended of course and - well - good luck with that).


And if you don’t have health insurance, you pay a penalty.
Kill or be killed. That's the reality folks. The Police most often only arrive after the fact. They can't be everywhere at all times. They'll arrive after the bloddy deed with their chalk and body bag.

So the fact is, it is you against the rabid beasts. It's your responsibility to protect your loved ones. Arming yourself and becoming proficient with your firearm, is a good way to do that. You owe it to your family to keep them safe. Don't let em down.

So if I don't kill someone....I will be killed?

If you and your family are attacked, it will be just you against the rabid beasts. The Police won't likely arrive until after the bloody deed is done. They just can't be everywhere at all times.

A woman especially, should always be armed. They're preyed on 24/7. If not a firearm, then obtain another type of weapon. And become proficient with it. In a case of 'kill or be killed', who's it gonna be? You, or the rabid beast?

Paranoia strikes deep, into the heart it will creep, there's a man with a gun over there, telling me I need to beware.

Sorry. fear only works with those who are always afraid, people like you.

Many victims of horrific crimes have had your same mentality. Until it happens to you or your loved ones, you have no idea what brutal terror is. Women especially, should always be armed. If not with a firearm, then some other type of weapon. But don't just obtain the weapon, become proficient with its use.

I wrote and managed two VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) grants offered by the Dept. of Justice (DOJ), which included probation officers, police officers/sheriff deputies and victim advocates, evaluated anger management training and enforced stay away court orders. I have a very good grasp on the issues, and violence which women face in our society and around the world.
You have a limited right, and that will go away eventually.

I have an unlimited right junior. And there is nothing you can about it. Which is why you are so pissed off.

We’ll see what the Supreme Court says after Hillary gets 400 EVs…. tick tock tick tock tick tock
Thankfully for the American people.....neither the Supreme Court nor Hilldabeast get to decide my Constitutional right. That's the beauty of a right my dear. It's non-negotiable and cannot be revoked (unless the Constitution is amended of course and - well - good luck with that).


And if you don’t have health insurance, you pay a penalty.
it is a tax. Not a penalty. If it were a penalty, it would have been deemed as unconstitutional...thus making your post non applicable.

I assume you did not really care about the SCOTUS decision. All you cared about was Obama winning. For if you truly cared, you would have understood how a "penalty" would have been unconstitutional.

You are pathetically transparent. And noticeably naïve as it pertains to the crux of the issues.
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

I bet God has a bitchin gun collection. My wager is he is favoring the automatics. What with no gun laws in heaven my guess is he has a sweet stock of fully automatic 50 cal's.

God's favorite ammo? Depleted uranium! No Doubt!

No, he has a lightening bolt gun. :D

Well,... of course he does! God is a collector though. He collects the souls of these dweebs forever and ever and on and on... He's got BILLIONS of them.

Doncha think he might wanna collect other cool shit?
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Sad how you honestly think that citing this "fact" based in part on your suppositions means that guns can never be of any help
But....since no one else asked you to do so....
Prove yourclaim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
I never said never. I said they are useless, which in most cases they are...
... and so, in some cases, they are useful, negating your claim they are useless.
Well done.

When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun....
Again: Prove your claim.
Be sure to not to to use your own suppositions as support.
My claim is easy, women don't shoot men they know and most won't shoot a stranger.

And I'm not about to account for every possible exception here. A gun is not the answer to rape, that is men not raping women, and they mostly rape women they know.

A gun IS the answer to violent crime.

I belonged to a local blog when our state was considering Concealed Carry. I got into it with one of your ilk who asked me why I'm behind the new proposed law.

I told him the usual stuff, but my main concern is my mother. My mother never drove a car in her life. She likes to walk to places she needs to go like the store, a neighbors house, Bingo, the church and so on. That's why I wanted the law to pass.

He wrote back and asked if the law did pass, would my elderly mother carry a firearm?

To that I replied "no she wouldn't, but the criminal doesn't know that."

In many states, a guy would have to seriously consider if raping a woman is worth his life unlike before CCW laws were passed. In our state, there is an overwhelming amount of females applying for the gun license and is now outpacing men.

You see, CCW laws protect the armed person because he has equal or greater defense than the attacker. But it also greatly benefits those who do not carry a gun because a criminal is unsure whether you are one of those people who do have a gun or not.
You have a limited right, and that will go away eventually.

I have an unlimited right junior. And there is nothing you can about it. Which is why you are so pissed off.

We’ll see what the Supreme Court says after Hillary gets 400 EVs…. tick tock tick tock tick tock

You seem to think that we are just going to become disarmed just because Hillary is President.

Fuck her and the SC.

I don't care who is President.

We are not just going to hand over our weapons and disarm ourselves.

They will have to shred the Constitution and bust down every door in this nation to do what you imply.
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You know....a gun stops even people you a husband on a restraining order...or the guy on your date who won't take no for an answer......funny how they will listen to the loaded gun pointed at them......

Why is it that you guys think women can't use a gun it simply because as a left wing nutter, rape and sexual abuse of women is kind of a perk for you guys? And if we let women have guns....they won't just "let it happen?"
Women don't shoot men they know, and men they know know where they keep their guns.

A gun is not defense, it's offense.

And here is actual research....

And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.
Women are mostly raped by family members, boyfriends, and men they know. They would almost never shoot, and it would be too late regardless.

You are thinking of the guy who jumps out of the bushes, and they'll never see him coming. That is a very small number of rape cases and the best defense is self defense, not a gun.

Come have to be brain...this is the exact same stupid argument he makes.........

I used to teach self defense moron........reality, as well as the actual research show that guns are the best tool to stop a rape...especially stranger rape....
Stranger rape is one of four. For three of four women, a gun is useless. Just because people feel a gun might stop a rape doesn't mean it will.

Women don't shoot their family members or boyfriends. Most won't even shoot a stranger let alone a man they know and it's men they know who rape them.

Again.....are you sure you aren't Brain........I feel like I am posting directly to him.....this is exactly his stupid argument for why women should not carry guns......just let that alleged 25% get raped since the gun might not help the other 75%.......did you guys go to the same government school....?
You know....a gun stops even people you a husband on a restraining order...or the guy on your date who won't take no for an answer......funny how they will listen to the loaded gun pointed at them......

Why is it that you guys think women can't use a gun it simply because as a left wing nutter, rape and sexual abuse of women is kind of a perk for you guys? And if we let women have guns....they won't just "let it happen?"
Women don't shoot men they know, and men they know know where they keep their guns.

A gun is not defense, it's offense.

Well, you make your own choices. You choose to be unarmed, that's your call i guess. But i wouldn't advise it. Women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7.
The paranoid world you live in is all in your head.

Better safe than sorry. Women especially, are being hunted. And most aren't pampered elites with 24/7 armed security and living in luxurious well-secured mansions. That's the life of rich elite women like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

The elites and their families are in no danger of being raped and murdered. They're very well-protected. They don't live in the same world as most others do. In the real world, it is only you against the rabid beasts. It is what it is.
You have to remember Pauly, that's exactly what people like J4J and Candy want. Women helpless and hunted. They are scared of liberty. They want control over others.

Absolutely. Disarm the women in our country and allow strange men wearing dresses enter their public restroom facilities............ but it's the Republicans that have this war on women you see.......
You have a limited right, and that will go away eventually.

I have an unlimited right junior. And there is nothing you can about it. Which is why you are so pissed off.

We’ll see what the Supreme Court says after Hillary gets 400 EVs…. tick tock tick tock tick tock

You seem to think that we are just going to become disarmed just because Hillary is President.

Fuck her and the SC.

I don't care who is President.

We were not just going to hand over our weapons and disarm ourselves.

They will have to shred the Constitution and bust down every door in this nation to do what you imply.
Candycorn continually shows us how naïve she is as it pertains to the constitution and the overall issues of our nation.
She seems to believe that a President can override and amendment with an executive order....and based on her post, she seems to believe that the supreme court has the power to determine an amendment as unconstitutional.,
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

This is exactly how left wing nut jobs see people.......the woman is completely clueless about her own safety.....

Listen moron...the woman who goes and gets a concealed carry 21....since that is the age for buying a hand no...she isn't getting drunk, especially if she bought a gun for self defense.....

what is it with you lefties and wanting women to be easily it like what I think...that sexual assault is a perk for being a left wing guy?
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.

Except for the actual research that shows a gun stops a rape cold......while all other means allow the rape to more or less happen.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

Hey, you choose to be unarmed and unprotected. That's your call. But millions of other American women are choosing to arm themselves and be prepared. In fact, i think more & more are deciding to do that.

American gun ranges are now full of women. That wasn't the case a few years ago. But like i said, you make your own decisions in this life. You do what you gotta do, and other women will do what they gotta do.

Everytime I go I see women all over the place......nice change from the 90s when you never saw them there.
Come on....brain changed his name...right.....I swear it is like talking to brain on this topic....
You have a limited right, and that will go away eventually.

I have an unlimited right junior. And there is nothing you can about it. Which is why you are so pissed off.

We’ll see what the Supreme Court says after Hillary gets 400 EVs…. tick tock tick tock tick tock

You seem to think that we are just going to become disarmed just because Hillary is President.

Fuck her and the SC.

I don't care who is President.

We were not just going to hand over our weapons and disarm ourselves.

They will have to shred the Constitution and bust down every door in this nation to do what you imply.
Candycorn continually shows us how naïve she is as it pertains to the constitution and the overall issues of our nation.
She seems to believe that a President can override and amendment with an executive order....and based on her post, she seems to believe that the supreme court has the power to determine an amendment as unconstitutional.,
She also fails to realize that damned near everyone of us served this country and are fully capable in the use of the firearms we own.

These idiots also think that our own military families will go against us and ignore the Constitution. They do not understand that we will fight back and our Military families will join us.
You have a limited right, and that will go away eventually.

I have an unlimited right junior. And there is nothing you can about it. Which is why you are so pissed off.

We’ll see what the Supreme Court says after Hillary gets 400 EVs…. tick tock tick tock tick tock

You seem to think that we are just going to become disarmed just because Hillary is President.

Fuck her and the SC.

I don't care who is President.

We were not just going to hand over our weapons and disarm ourselves.

They will have to shred the Constitution and bust down every door in this nation to do what you imply.
Candycorn continually shows us how naïve she is as it pertains to the constitution and the overall issues of our nation.
She seems to believe that a President can override and amendment with an executive order....and based on her post, she seems to believe that the supreme court has the power to determine an amendment as unconstitutional.,

No, the SC can't do that. But what they can do is rule that the Constitution does not guarantee the right to firearms of citizens outside of an organized militia.

If that were the case, then it would be up to states and cities to create their own gun laws; laws such as a heavy tax on guns and ammo; laws that consists of piles of paperwork and red tape; laws that guns are down right outlawed in a city or state.

It's a very dangerous thing, and something I hope most people consider when deciding to vote for Hillary or not.
Bombs are not arms, and nobody needs a bomb for self-defense.
Apparently, English is not your strong point.
"weapons and ammunition; armaments."
We already have laws in place regarding those types of "arms." Thanks. Lol.
That's my point. The 2nd Amendment says we can keep/bear arms, but they can be regulated.
And they are! Heavily.
"Heavily" is a relative term. And our social reality is different now than 200+ years ago; "arms" are a lot more lethal, e.g., plastic bombs & automatic short rifles w/ super destructive bullets.

The bottom line is public safety or "the security of a free state".
The debate should be about that, not profits for gun manufacturers or fun for gun fanatics, both represented by NRA. If NRA regulated itself, its members, then gov/voters would not need to step in to focus on "public safety" ... which has its own relative viewpoints!
Obviously, not a simple black/white issue.

again...the facts, the truth and reality are not on your side.....

We do not have a gun problem......we have a criminal problem.....with 357,000,000 million guns in private hands there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014......70-80% of the victims, more in some cities, were convicted felons shot by other felons.....leaving about 1,642 actually innocent victims of gun crime.....

but that means 356,991,876 million guns were not used to commit murder against anyone......

And in 2013...with 320,000,000 million guns in private hands we only had 505 gun accidental deaths.....

Each year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 million times by normal Americans....and they save lives when they are doing it...

There is nothing you say about the gun debate that is even remotely accurate or reflects the reality of guns in the United States.....

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