Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Yeah and ever rape involves a drunk girl right?
No, but that happens often enough. Just another example of where a gun wouldn't help.
Once banned the control takes over. It won't be perfect but the prisons filling up won't be a problem. To pay for them we will take everything they own, and sell to guns off to the armies of the world.

Seriously, you need to work on your arguments as well as your piss poor presentation. :D
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family?

Herein is the problem with this comment: "You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family"; every parent, no doubt, of each child killed at Sandy Hook Elementary wanted to keep his or her child safe. No amount of firepower will keep someone intent on murder from completing the act, for the actor is not known before the fist blood is spilled.

Our Bill of Rights protects all of us, something gun lovers want to forget, so focused are they on their right to bear arms. So the NRA and its supporters seek to deprive some citizens of their rights based on subjective biases, and be left alone by the government and laws, to enjoy the fantasy that their guns will always be at the ready to protect a family member at all times and in all places (such as school, a movie theater or sitting in their living room as an errant shot comes through a window).

Guns kill people, as do cars and knives - but which is the chosen weapon of choice by a mass murderer with such an intent? Both guns and knives have legal restrictions; A driver needs to be trained and licensed and insured; and push button, gravity and stiletto knives are illegal (as far as I know) in the US.

A steel door and a teacher with a gun could have prevented all those kids' deaths

Maybe, but once again it's all about you and your rights. Did you consider the costs to arm every teacher, train them, develop a use of force policy and insure the school district for liability? Doesn't the taxpayer have a say in such an expense?

What if a teacher decided s/he didn't want to carry a gun, would you fire him or her? What about the consequences to a teacher who shot and killed a child who brought a gun to school - do we pay for their treatment for PTSD?

Do we also arm, train and require drivers of public transportation to be armed, how about grocery clerks and umpires at baseball games (especially Little League)? Where doe this lunacy stop?
Seriously, you need to work on your arguments as well as your piss poor presentation. :D
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family?

Herein is the problem with this comment: "You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family"; every parent, no doubt, of each child killed at Sandy Hook Elementary wanted to keep his or her child safe. No amount of firepower will keep someone intent on murder from completing the act, for the actor is not known before the fist blood is spilled.

Our Bill of Rights protects all of us, something gun lovers want to forget, so focused are they on their right to bear arms. So the NRA and its supporters seek to deprive some citizens of their rights based on subjective biases, and be left alone by the government and laws, to enjoy the fantasy that their guns will always be at the ready to protect a family member at all times and in all places (such as school, a movie theater or sitting in their living room as an errant shot comes through a window).

Guns kill people, as do cars and knives - but which is the chosen weapon of choice by a mass murderer with such an intent? Both guns and knives have legal restrictions; A driver needs to be trained and licensed and insured; and push button, gravity and stiletto knives are illegal (as far as I know) in the US.

A steel door and a teacher with a gun could have prevented all those kids' deaths

Maybe, but once again it's all about you and your rights. Did you consider the costs to arm every teacher, train them, develop a use of force policy and insure the school district for liability? Doesn't the taxpayer have a say in such an expense?

What if a teacher decided s/he didn't want to carry a gun, would you fire him or her? What about the consequences to a teacher who shot and killed a child who brought a gun to school - do we pay for their treatment for PTSD?

Do we also arm, train and require drivers of public transportation to be armed, how about grocery clerks and umpires at baseball games (especially Little League)? Where doe this lunacy stop?

You don't have to arm them all. Just a few would do. And they could go through the same training cops go through at a bare minimum of cost since they are all state employees already.

Don't confuse private sector employees with employees of the state charged with the care of minors.

Do you let the bag boy at the Piggly Wiggly watch your kids?
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Yeah and ever rape involves a drunk girl right?
No, but that happens often enough. Just another example of where a gun wouldn't help.
and what about the times it doesn't happen that way and a woman could defend herself?

But you don't give a shit about that woman right?

I think the exception proves the rule in this case.

If one person saves his own life by carrying a gun than that's good enough for me
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

GOOD for her! It's a shame she didn't have something a tad larger, but he'll be a guest of the gray bar Hilton for a few years at least.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

GOOD for her! It's a shame she didn't have something a tad larger, but he'll be a guest of the gray bar Hilton for a few years at least.

Any rational person would recognize that people simply have to be able to defend themselves. And the gun is the ultimate equalizer. You can't ask a woman to engage in hand-to-hand combat with a man. You can't ask her to have a knife fight with a man. But a woman with a gun in her hand is every bit the equal as a man with a gun in his hand - because the gun removes all physical disadvantages.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.

Except for the actual research that shows a gun stops a rape cold......while all other means allow the rape to more or less happen.
That is not at all what the research shows and a gun will not stop most rapes so stop saying it will.

Is that so?

So below are two tables, once showing the RISE in rapes in Australia from 1997 to 2007. The other shows the drop in rapes in the US. No spin just facts.

Rapes in Australia – 1995 to 2007, the source, is the Australian Institute of Criminology:


The following table is of crime in the U.S., including rape and murders, the source if the FBI unified crime report. The rapes are in BLUE:


This simple fact is Australia had a massive gun confiscation and rapes increased by half or more over the next decade. While the US saw a fifty percent drop in rapes while the number of guns owned by American DOUBLED.

Read more: Gun Control and Rape Facts
Seriously, you need to work on your arguments as well as your piss poor presentation. :D
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family?

Herein is the problem with this comment: "You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family"; every parent, no doubt, of each child killed at Sandy Hook Elementary wanted to keep his or her child safe. No amount of firepower will keep someone intent on murder from completing the act, for the actor is not known before the fist blood is spilled.

Our Bill of Rights protects all of us, something gun lovers want to forget, so focused are they on their right to bear arms. So the NRA and its supporters seek to deprive some citizens of their rights based on subjective biases, and be left alone by the government and laws, to enjoy the fantasy that their guns will always be at the ready to protect a family member at all times and in all places (such as school, a movie theater or sitting in their living room as an errant shot comes through a window).

Guns kill people, as do cars and knives - but which is the chosen weapon of choice by a mass murderer with such an intent? Both guns and knives have legal restrictions; A driver needs to be trained and licensed and insured; and push button, gravity and stiletto knives are illegal (as far as I know) in the US.

A steel door and a teacher with a gun could have prevented all those kids' deaths

Maybe, but once again it's all about you and your rights. Did you consider the costs to arm every teacher, train them, develop a use of force policy and insure the school district for liability? Doesn't the taxpayer have a say in such an expense?

What if a teacher decided s/he didn't want to carry a gun, would you fire him or her? What about the consequences to a teacher who shot and killed a child who brought a gun to school - do we pay for their treatment for PTSD?

Do we also arm, train and require drivers of public transportation to be armed, how about grocery clerks and umpires at baseball games (especially Little League)? Where doe this lunacy stop?

You don't have don't even have to arm many of the teachers just a tiny number...and don't reveal who they officially declare your school no longer a gun free zone and the shooters will pick another target.......

The gun free zone sign is a signal to attack to mass shooters.......just the chance that they might face an armed resistor would make them go somewhere else.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.

Except for the actual research that shows a gun stops a rape cold......while all other means allow the rape to more or less happen.
That is not at all what the research shows and a gun will not stop most rapes so stop saying it will.

I posted the research and what it said.....and it said you don't know what the f**k you are talking about.....guns are the best way to stop a rape...nothing else comes close.....
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

This is exactly how left wing nut jobs see people.......the woman is completely clueless about her own safety.....

Listen moron...the woman who goes and gets a concealed carry 21....since that is the age for buying a hand no...she isn't getting drunk, especially if she bought a gun for self defense.....

what is it with you lefties and wanting women to be easily it like what I think...that sexual assault is a perk for being a left wing guy?

Bill and Hillary seem to think so.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

Hey, you choose to be unarmed and unprotected. That's your call. But millions of other American women are choosing to arm themselves and be prepared. In fact, i think more & more are deciding to do that.

American gun ranges are now full of women. That wasn't the case a few years ago. But like i said, you make your own decisions in this life. You do what you gotta do, and other women will do what they gotta do.

Everytime I go I see women all over the place......nice change from the 90s when you never saw them there.

Yeah, i think most women have been indoctrinated to believe that guns aren't for them. They've seen it as only being a guy thing. But that's definitely changing. Women are all over gun ranges these days. I see men with their wives and daughters al the time. They really enjoy it. It's fun and it makes them proficient with their firearms.

I mean let's face it, women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7. They really should understand that. They are prey. I think many more are coming to understand that though. More & more women are choosing to defend themselves against the rabid beasts. I think it's great to see.
Last edited:
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

Hey, you choose to be unarmed and unprotected. That's your call. But millions of other American women are choosing to arm themselves and be prepared. In fact, i think more & more are deciding to do that.

American gun ranges are now full of women. That wasn't the case a few years ago. But like i said, you make your own decisions in this life. You do what you gotta do, and other women will do what they gotta do.

Everytime I go I see women all over the place......nice change from the 90s when you never saw them there.

Yeah, i think most women have been indoctrinated to believe that guns aren't for them. They've seen it as only being a guy thing. But that's definitely changing. Women are all over gun ranges these day. I see men with their wives and daughters al the time. They really enjoy it. It's fun and it makes them proficient with their firearms.

I mean let's face it, women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7. They really should understand that. They are prey. I think many more are coming to understand that though. More & more women are choosing to defend themselves against the rabid beasts. I think it's great to see.

I mean let's face it, women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7.

WHy are you bringing the democrat party into this?
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

Hey, you choose to be unarmed and unprotected. That's your call. But millions of other American women are choosing to arm themselves and be prepared. In fact, i think more & more are deciding to do that.

American gun ranges are now full of women. That wasn't the case a few years ago. But like i said, you make your own decisions in this life. You do what you gotta do, and other women will do what they gotta do.

Everytime I go I see women all over the place......nice change from the 90s when you never saw them there.

Yeah, i think most women have been indoctrinated to believe that guns aren't for them. They've seen it as only being a guy thing. But that's definitely changing. Women are all over gun ranges these day. I see men with their wives and daughters al the time. They really enjoy it. It's fun and it makes them proficient with their firearms.

I mean let's face it, women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7. They really should understand that. They are prey. I think many more are coming to understand that though. More & more women are choosing to defend themselves against the rabid beasts. I think it's great to see.

I have a range about fifteen minutes from my house. I remember years ago (about 20) men used to bring their female friends and family to the range. The men shot up targets and the women were behind the glass watching.

Today there are few behind the glass watching and women are on the range with their men. Years ago we used to walk right in and grab a booth. Today, it's usually an hour or more wait to get a booth, and since that time, other ranges have opened up in the area.

When you keep pushing people, at some point, the people push back; people who are sick of reading stories of helpless people being robbed, beaten or killed knowing that it could have been prevented.

I never shot a gun in my life until my apartment was broken into, and I knew the people that did it. These were dangerous desperate people. So I bought a gun off the father of a friend of mine. The people that broke into my home thought I didn't know it was them, so I played the game. I told them I was going to wait for the MF"s who broke into my apartment to return, and when they do (pulling out my new gun) I'm going to get even.

They left and never came back.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Yeah and ever rape involves a drunk girl right?

Well in fairness, not being a drunk slut could help a bit. But that being said, if you are a woman on a college campus, you're especially being hunted. Violence against women on college campuses is at an all time high. They especially, should be prepared to defend themselves.

We live in a sick sick world. One can hope & pray nothing terrible ever happens to them or their loved ones. But the sad reality is, anyone could find themselves in a kill or be killed situation. It is what it is.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

Hey, you choose to be unarmed and unprotected. That's your call. But millions of other American women are choosing to arm themselves and be prepared. In fact, i think more & more are deciding to do that.

American gun ranges are now full of women. That wasn't the case a few years ago. But like i said, you make your own decisions in this life. You do what you gotta do, and other women will do what they gotta do.

Everytime I go I see women all over the place......nice change from the 90s when you never saw them there.

Yeah, i think most women have been indoctrinated to believe that guns aren't for them. They've seen it as only being a guy thing. But that's definitely changing. Women are all over gun ranges these day. I see men with their wives and daughters al the time. They really enjoy it. It's fun and it makes them proficient with their firearms.

I mean let's face it, women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7. They really should understand that. They are prey. I think many more are coming to understand that though. More & more women are choosing to defend themselves against the rabid beasts. I think it's great to see.

I mean let's face it, women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7.

WHy are you bringing the democrat party into this?

Oh no, i wasn't only talking about Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.

Except for the actual research that shows a gun stops a rape cold......while all other means allow the rape to more or less happen.
That is not at all what the research shows and a gun will not stop most rapes so stop saying it will.

A gun will stop a rape. Much more so than being unarmed and defenseless will.
Last edited:
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.

Hey, you choose to be unarmed and unprotected. That's your call. But millions of other American women are choosing to arm themselves and be prepared. In fact, i think more & more are deciding to do that.

American gun ranges are now full of women. That wasn't the case a few years ago. But like i said, you make your own decisions in this life. You do what you gotta do, and other women will do what they gotta do.

Everytime I go I see women all over the place......nice change from the 90s when you never saw them there.

Yeah, i think most women have been indoctrinated to believe that guns aren't for them. They've seen it as only being a guy thing. But that's definitely changing. Women are all over gun ranges these day. I see men with their wives and daughters al the time. They really enjoy it. It's fun and it makes them proficient with their firearms.

I mean let's face it, women especially, are hunted by brutal psychopaths 24/7. They really should understand that. They are prey. I think many more are coming to understand that though. More & more women are choosing to defend themselves against the rabid beasts. I think it's great to see.

I have a range about fifteen minutes from my house. I remember years ago (about 20) men used to bring their female friends and family to the range. The men shot up targets and the women were behind the glass watching.

Today there are few behind the glass watching and women are on the range with their men. Years ago we used to walk right in and grab a booth. Today, it's usually an hour or more wait to get a booth, and since that time, other ranges have opened up in the area.

When you keep pushing people, at some point, the people push back; people who are sick of reading stories of helpless people being robbed, beaten or killed knowing that it could have been prevented.

I never shot a gun in my life until my apartment was broken into, and I knew the people that did it. These were dangerous desperate people. So I bought a gun off the father of a friend of mine. The people that broke into my home thought I didn't know it was them, so I played the game. I told them I was going to wait for the MF"s who broke into my apartment to return, and when they do (pulling out my new gun) I'm going to get even.

They left and never came back.

More & more women are choosing not to be passive victims. It's a rabid beast's worst nightmare. Women are gonna kill them if they attack. Times are changing.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.

Except for the actual research that shows a gun stops a rape cold......while all other means allow the rape to more or less happen.
That is not at all what the research shows and a gun will not stop most rapes so stop saying it will.

A gun will stop a rape. Much more so than being unarmed and defenseless.

But "no" means "no"....right?
So if I don't kill someone....I will be killed?

If you and your family are attacked, it will be just you against the rabid beasts. The Police won't likely arrive until after the bloody deed is done. They just can't be everywhere at all times.

A woman especially, should always be armed. They're preyed on 24/7. If not a firearm, then obtain another type of weapon. And become proficient with it. In a case of 'kill or be killed', who's it gonna be? You, or the rabid beast?

Paranoia strikes deep, into the heart it will creep, there's a man with a gun over there, telling me I need to beware.

Sorry. fear only works with those who are always afraid, people like you.

Many victims of horrific crimes have had your same mentality. Until it happens to you or your loved ones, you have no idea what brutal terror is. Women especially, should always be armed. If not with a firearm, then some other type of weapon. But don't just obtain the weapon, become proficient with its use.

I wrote and managed two VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) grants offered by the Dept. of Justice (DOJ), which included probation officers, police officers/sheriff deputies and victim advocates, evaluated anger management training and enforced stay away court orders. I have a very good grasp on the issues, and violence which women face in our society and around the world.

And you are still F*****g clueless.....

I'd tell you to fuck off but I pity you, you are one dumb foolish piece of shit.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.

Except for the actual research that shows a gun stops a rape cold......while all other means allow the rape to more or less happen.
That is not at all what the research shows and a gun will not stop most rapes so stop saying it will.

A gun will stop a rape. Much more so than being unarmed and defenseless.

But "no" means "no"....right?

"No" doesn't mean anything to a rabid beast. What he wants, he takes. All women should consider being armed in some way.

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