Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

What, exactly, do you suppose all this means?
It means there's plenty of room under the 2ND to regulate the type of guns, gun sales and gun ownership. According to the most conservative justice on the court at the time.
Like what, specifically?
Note the 2nd use of the word 'specific".
Do you mean "exactly"?
It means what I said it means. Now if you have something to add then feel free. But I'm not playing word games.
So, you -cannot- tell us what specific regulations on the right to arms are (supposedly) constitutionally permissible by the paragraph you cite.
Thank you .

Apparently it's some secret constitutional knowledge unknown to the justices that you don't wish to share.
Kill or be killed. That's the reality folks. The Police most often only arrive after the fact. They can't be everywhere at all times. They'll arrive after the bloddy deed with their chalk and body bag.

So the fact is, it is you against the rabid beasts. It's your responsibility to protect your loved ones. Arming yourself and becoming proficient with your firearm, is a good way to do that. You owe it to your family to keep them safe. Don't let em down.

So if I don't kill someone....I will be killed?

If you and your family are attacked, it will be just you against the rabid beasts. The Police won't likely arrive until after the bloody deed is done. They just can't be everywhere at all times.

A woman especially, should always be armed. They're preyed on 24/7. If not a firearm, then obtain another type of weapon. And become proficient with it. In a case of 'kill or be killed', who's it gonna be? You, or the rabid beast?

Paranoia strikes deep, into the heart it will creep, there's a man with a gun over there, telling me I need to beware.

Sorry. fear only works with those who are always afraid, people like you.

Many victims of horrific crimes have had your same mentality. Until it happens to you or your loved ones, you have no idea what brutal terror is. Women especially, should always be armed. If not with a firearm, then some other type of weapon. But don't just obtain the weapon, become proficient with its use.

I wrote and managed two VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) grants offered by the Dept. of Justice (DOJ), which included probation officers, police officers/sheriff deputies and victim advocates, evaluated anger management training and enforced stay away court orders. I have a very good grasp on the issues, and violence which women face in our society and around the world.

And you are still F*****g clueless.....
What, exactly, do you suppose all this means?
It means there's plenty of room under the 2ND to regulate the type of guns, gun sales and gun ownership. According to the most conservative justice on the court at the time.
Like what, specifically?
Note the 2nd use of the word 'specific".
Do you mean "exactly"?
It means what I said it means. Now if you have something to add then feel free. But I'm not playing word games.
So, you -cannot- tell us what specific regulations on the right to arms are (supposedly) constitutionally permissible by the paragraph you cite.
Thank you .
Apparently it's some secret constitutional knowledge unknown to the justices that you don't wish to share.
Not sure how I, or anyone else, can share what YOU think about the constitutional / legal ramifications of that paragraph might be.
So far, YOU haven't said squat.
You have a limited right, and that will go away eventually.

I have an unlimited right junior. And there is nothing you can about it. Which is why you are so pissed off.

We’ll see what the Supreme Court says after Hillary gets 400 EVs…. tick tock tick tock tick tock
Thankfully for the American people.....neither the Supreme Court nor Hilldabeast get to decide my Constitutional right. That's the beauty of a right my dear. It's non-negotiable and cannot be revoked (unless the Constitution is amended of course and - well - good luck with that).


And if you don’t have health insurance, you pay a penalty.
True. But they can tax my bank account from anywhere. Good luck coming to confiscate my guns. You won't see anyone in law enforcement even attempt to enforce that were it to happen because the overwhelming majority of them completely support an armed citizenry and the few that don't won't feel it is worth dying over.
Really? Because I obliterated her ignorant "are you allowed to own nukes" question. Obliterated. To the point that she had no response.

You never answered the question.
Yes I did. Go back and read it genius. Plus there is a lot more I can add to it if you'd like.

I did. You didn’t.
Proving yet again that you lie and that you are completely ignorant. Here you go Candy....

I gave a simple answer in post #362 on page #37

And an in-depth response in post #369 on page #37

And by the way - I haven't even given the best reasons yet. I'm waiting for a libtard to have any kind of logical response before I break out the point that will destroy any stupid think you people have to say about nukes. So please (and I'm serious - please) come up with some even remotely logical response so I can humiliate you people and put this nonsensical and desperate position away once and for all!

You’re not that interesting….feel free to re-type it so I can laugh at it in person.
In other don't have a logical response. Don't worry, that's not reflection of you. It's the reflection of the absurd position. :lol:
Criminals in places like Iraq do in fact use bombs. If you take away one weapon, they will use another and perhaps more destructive weapon in it's place. Besides the fact that guns are never going to go away. They exist . . . period. If you "ban" them, you are just pushing that industry into the black market where there is no way to trace or "control" anything.
Once banned the control takes over. It won't be perfect but the prisons filling up won't be a problem. To pay for them we will take everything they own, and sell to guns off to the armies of the world.

Seriously, you need to work on your arguments as well as your piss poor presentation. :D
Your argument boils down to, I like guns, they make my pansy ass feel safe.

You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family?

Herein is the problem with this comment: "You're a pansy for wanting to protect your own life and perhaps your family"; every parent, no doubt, of each child killed at Sandy Hook Elementary wanted to keep his or her child safe. No amount of firepower will keep someone intent on murder from completing the act, for the actor is not known before the fist blood is spilled.

Our Bill of Rights protects all of us, something gun lovers want to forget, so focused are they on their right to bear arms. So the NRA and its supporters seek to deprive some citizens of their rights based on subjective biases, and be left alone by the government and laws, to enjoy the fantasy that their guns will always be at the ready to protect a family member at all times and in all places (such as school, a movie theater or sitting in their living room as an errant shot comes through a window).

Guns kill people, as do cars and knives - but which is the chosen weapon of choice by a mass murderer with such an intent? Both guns and knives have legal restrictions; A driver needs to be trained and licensed and insured; and push button, gravity and stiletto knives are illegal (as far as I know) in the US.

A steel door and a teacher with a gun could have prevented all those kids' deaths
It means there's plenty of room under the 2ND to regulate the type of guns, gun sales and gun ownership. According to the most conservative justice on the court at the time.
Like what, specifically?
Note the 2nd use of the word 'specific".
Do you mean "exactly"?
It means what I said it means. Now if you have something to add then feel free. But I'm not playing word games.
So, you -cannot- tell us what specific regulations on the right to arms are (supposedly) constitutionally permissible by the paragraph you cite.
Thank you .
Apparently it's some secret constitutional knowledge unknown to the justices that you don't wish to share.
Not sure how I, or anyone else, can share what YOU think about the constitutional / legal ramifications of that paragraph might be.
So far, YOU haven't said squat.

I responded, now either discuss my post or fuck off.
Kill or be killed. That's the reality folks. The Police most often only arrive after the fact. They can't be everywhere at all times. They'll arrive after the bloddy deed with their chalk and body bag.

So the fact is, it is you against the rabid beasts. It's your responsibility to protect your loved ones. Arming yourself and becoming proficient with your firearm, is a good way to do that. You owe it to your family to keep them safe. Don't let em down.
Pauly.....what are you doing? Libtards like Candy don't understand logic. Plus, having been part of a faction that has been waging a war on women for decades, there is nothing she'd rather see than unarmed, helpless women raped and murdered at the end of a knife. It gets her off for some bizarre reason (theories abound).

For me, it isn't very complicated. It's kill or be killed. Women especially, should arm themselves and become proficient with their weapon. If not a firearm, then obtain some other weapon for defense. Women especially, are preyed on 24/7.

Most women aren't like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. They don't have 24/7 armed security, or live in well-secured mansions on massive secluded gated properties. Most are on their own against the rabid beasts. I think it's crazy a woman would even consider not arming and protecting herself. Not a wise safe decision.
Rabid beasts? Most women who are raped, for example, know who is raping them, 3 out of 4 times. Explain how the gun was supposed to help them then? Self defense training might help but a gun? No.

You know....a gun stops even people you a husband on a restraining order...or the guy on your date who won't take no for an answer......funny how they will listen to the loaded gun pointed at them......

Why is it that you guys think women can't use a gun it simply because as a left wing nutter, rape and sexual abuse of women is kind of a perk for you guys? And if we let women have guns....they won't just "let it happen?"
Women don't shoot men they know, and men they know know where they keep their guns.

A gun is not defense, it's offense.
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

I bet God has a bitchin gun collection. My wager is he is favoring the automatics. What with no gun laws in heaven my guess is he has a sweet stock of fully automatic 50 cal's.

God's favorite ammo? Depleted uranium! No Doubt!

No, he has a lightening bolt gun. :D

Well,... of course he does! God is a collector though. He collects the souls of these dweebs forever and ever and on and on... He's got BILLIONS of them.

Doncha think he might wanna collect other cool shit?
Shocking. Another left-wing arrogant atheist who believes he is the "almighty" and all "powerful". Why? Because he compared himself to gerbil and determined that that made him the superior being in the universe.

The hilarious thing about liberals is that they don't even know how much they don't even know.
Only the people who think nuclear weapons are firearms.
The rest of us? Not so much.
Nothing in any of that nonsense negates the fact that the 2nd protects any firearm suitable for any of the traditionally legal purposes for same.
It says, Bear Arms, not guns. Now what?
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Nothing in any of that nonsense negates the fact that the 2nd protects any firearm suitable for any of the traditionally legal purposes for same.
It does not say Firearm. It says, Bear Arms.
The term as used in the 2nd has a legal definition - why do you choose to be ignorant of this?

Nothing in any of that nonsense negates the fact that the 2nd protects any firearm suitable for any of the traditionally legal purposes for same
Where does the Constitution say "gun"?
arms: definition of arms in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

By just talking about guns we are actually restricting the definition to a very narrow one
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Yeah and ever rape involves a drunk girl right?
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.

Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.

Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Yeah and ever rape involves a drunk girl right?
Remember, in the mind of liberals, it does. It's always the girls fault and usually because she was drunk. The left has been waging this kind of war on women for decades.
Laws do not stop criminals never have never will

Here is the best part of that reality and what demonstrates the profound stupidity of liberalism. Since the founding of this nation, there have been laws against murder. The laws against murder are so serious, that a person can ultimately be sentenced with capital punishment for it.

Now, if the laws against murder (punishable by death) doesn't stop someone from picking up a gun and killing people, how exactly will laws again guns stop them from picking up a gun and killing someone? :cuckoo:

Liberal logic folks! Few thing are as amusing.
No, they didn't. The sentence that is the 2nd Amendment begins with the reason why citizens have a right to keep and bear arms. It is plain language. The concept and ruling that the Amendment included the individual rights are recent and a major change from past interpretations. It was narrowly passed by the Robert's court with an opinion written by Justice Scalia.
That decision can be turned any time and will rely on future Justice's agreeing with the Scalia opinion. That is a major reason the replacement of Scalia is being denied.

The fact that you even think that the Supreme Court has the power to decide what the Constitution says and to create or alter law from the bench just shows how much you don't know about the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. government.

Considering that is their primary purpose, I would say you are indeed the clueless one.
Really? Well since the U.S. Constitution established the Supreme Court and laid out their function, please show me the section of the Constitution in which it tasked the Supreme Court with deciding what the Constitution itself means (hint: you won't be able to because nobody would be dumb enough to create a law and then in that law decide to give someone else the power to decide what that law means).
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

I bet God has a bitchin gun collection. My wager is he is favoring the automatics. What with no gun laws in heaven my guess is he has a sweet stock of fully automatic 50 cal's.

God's favorite ammo? Depleted uranium! No Doubt!

No, he has a lightening bolt gun. :D

Well,... of course he does! God is a collector though. He collects the souls of these dweebs forever and ever and on and on... He's got BILLIONS of them.

Doncha think he might wanna collect other cool shit?
Shocking. Another left-wing arrogant atheist who believes he is the "almighty" and all "powerful". Why? Because he compared himself to gerbil and determined that that made him the superior being in the universe.

The hilarious thing about liberals is that they don't even know how much they don't even know.

There you go again... compounding your stupidity with ignorance. You think that an atheist can't qualify as a republican because we don't believe your wishful sky fairy religion yet the republican party has all but nominated a man that only believes in his personal wealth. Do you think Trump believes in YOUR version of God? Not very likely Sparky. He doesn't care about abortion. He doesn't care about gays. He has no loyalty concerning Made In America. He has never been loyal to his marriage vows. Just what has Trump exemplified in his life that parallels the neo con existence?

So I HAVE to be a liberal? Because I think you are an idiot? Rave on Sport. Your opinion is meaningless and can be bought and sold by the highest bidders.
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

I bet God has a bitchin gun collection. My wager is he is favoring the automatics. What with no gun laws in heaven my guess is he has a sweet stock of fully automatic 50 cal's.

God's favorite ammo? Depleted uranium! No Doubt!

No, he has a lightening bolt gun. :D

Well,... of course he does! God is a collector though. He collects the souls of these dweebs forever and ever and on and on... He's got BILLIONS of them.

Doncha think he might wanna collect other cool shit?
Shocking. Another left-wing arrogant atheist who believes he is the "almighty" and all "powerful". Why? Because he compared himself to gerbil and determined that that made him the superior being in the universe.

The hilarious thing about liberals is that they don't even know how much they don't even know.

There you go again... compounding your stupidity with ignorance. You think that an atheist can't qualify as a republican because we don't believe your wishful sky fairy religion yet the republican party has all but nominated a man that only believes in his personal wealth. Do you think Trump believes in YOUR version of God? Not very likely Sparky. He doesn't care about abortion. He doesn't care about gays. He has no loyalty concerning Made In America. He has never been loyal to his marriage vows. Just what has Trump exemplified in his life that parallels the neo con existence?

So I HAVE to be a liberal? Because I think you are an idiot? Rave on Sport. Your opinion is meaningless and can be bought and sold by the highest bidders.
There you go again....compounding your stupidity with ignorance. I've posted only several dozen times already how much I hate Trump and was completely against him. But you go with that absurd position that I'm "supporting" him...junior.
Like what, specifically?
Note the 2nd use of the word 'specific".
Do you mean "exactly"?
It means what I said it means. Now if you have something to add then feel free. But I'm not playing word games.
So, you -cannot- tell us what specific regulations on the right to arms are (supposedly) constitutionally permissible by the paragraph you cite.
Thank you .
Apparently it's some secret constitutional knowledge unknown to the justices that you don't wish to share.
Not sure how I, or anyone else, can share what YOU think about the constitutional / legal ramifications of that paragraph might be.
So far, YOU haven't said squat.
I responded, now either discuss my post or fuck off.
Your response was meaningless -- you were told that this paragraph is significant, but you have no idea why, because you have no idea what any of it means.
This is what happen when your master of an issue is limited to talking points.
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

I bet God has a bitchin gun collection. My wager is he is favoring the automatics. What with no gun laws in heaven my guess is he has a sweet stock of fully automatic 50 cal's.

God's favorite ammo? Depleted uranium! No Doubt!

No, he has a lightening bolt gun. :D

Well,... of course he does! God is a collector though. He collects the souls of these dweebs forever and ever and on and on... He's got BILLIONS of them.

Doncha think he might wanna collect other cool shit?
Shocking. Another left-wing arrogant atheist who believes he is the "almighty" and all "powerful". Why? Because he compared himself to gerbil and determined that that made him the superior being in the universe.

The hilarious thing about liberals is that they don't even know how much they don't even know.

There you go again... compounding your stupidity with ignorance. You think that an atheist can't qualify as a republican because we don't believe your wishful sky fairy religion yet the republican party has all but nominated a man that only believes in his personal wealth. Do you think Trump believes in YOUR version of God? Not very likely Sparky. He doesn't care about abortion. He doesn't care about gays. He has no loyalty concerning Made In America. He has never been loyal to his marriage vows. Just what has Trump exemplified in his life that parallels the neo con existence?

So I HAVE to be a liberal? Because I think you are an idiot? Rave on Sport. Your opinion is meaningless and can be bought and sold by the highest bidders.
There you go again....compounding your stupidity with ignorance. I've posted only several dozen times already how much I hate Trump and was completely against him. But you go with that absurd position that I'm "supporting" him...junior.

I'm more of a fan of the second amendment that either you or trump. I was given my first firearms when I was ten. I bagged the biggest buck in my community when I was twelve. There isn't a damned thing you can tell me about the right to bare arms. That is what this thread is about right? moron? I inherited my grandfathers custom built Weatherby 300. It was his prize Elk gun. I'll take my Gramp's wishes on gun ownership than anything your silly ass has to say about who should own a weapon.
And it's really easy to take your wife and daughters to the range and practice. It can actually be a lot of fun. It can be done, and is being done. I see it all the time these days.
Help them become comfortable and confident with the firearms. It's very important, because you don't want a terrible incident to be the first time they handle the firearms. You want them to be proficient by then. So, get out and shoot. It's fun. Enjoy.
Go to range and learn gun. Check.
Go to apartment and put gun in bedside table. Check.
Go to party at college with girlfriend. Check.
Drink too much with guy I really like. Check.
Pass out and get raped by same guy. Check.
Yeah, the gun was a big fucking help.
Sad how you honestly think that describing a hypothetical instance where a gun is of no help means that guns can never be of any help.
When 3 of 4 rapes would not be stopped by a gun, stop believing a gun is the answer. It's dumb.

Except for the actual research that shows a gun stops a rape cold......while all other means allow the rape to more or less happen.
That is not at all what the research shows and a gun will not stop most rapes so stop saying it will.

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