Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Thank you so much for offering your opinion; unfortunately your opinion(s) are foolish and not based on facts or reality.
See my previous post above, re: irony.

LOL, well, you do prove a few things with your obsessive fascination with guns:
  1. You're a liar
  2. You're incapable of rebutting sound and logical arguments for controlling guns in America
  3. You have a fetish for guns
  4. You are paranoid
  5. You suffer from a personality disorder (Nee: a Sociopathic indifference for others)
Thank you so much for offering your opinion; unfortunately your opinion(s) are foolish and not based on facts or reality.
See my previous post above, re: irony.

LOL, well, you do prove a few things with your obsessive fascination with guns:
  1. You're a liar
  2. You're incapable of rebutting sound and logical arguments for controlling guns in America
  3. You have a fetish for guns
  4. You are paranoid
  5. You suffer from a personality disorder (Nee: a Sociopathic indifference for others)

And you have the credentials to make such a diagnosis over the internet, I suppose. :lol:
Should they just have said the current weapons of the time, subject to change as arms are developed?
Should they? Who the fuck cares. What they said was bear arms so how do you get from there to you can have guns but not nukes?

You have to think people, and you obviously don't.

You've lost, and you are a sore loser. We have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, as defined by the second amendment in the Bill of Rights. Sorry. You lose . . . again.
How can I lose? I can't. You have already allowed the courts to define what are and are not "constitutionally protected arms". All the gun banners have to do is get the court to decide guns are also, like nukes, not included and the right to own firearms goes away.
They will never go away.

The SC has no authority to change the Constitution and there will never be a time when you disarm this Nation.

And you won't get them even if you pass a law saying to give them up.
Okay, you can't think for shit either. The Court defines what the Constitution actually means. Not what it says, what it means. They found legal abortion. It's not in there. They found birth control. It's not in there. They found gay marriage, it's not in there either.

If they can find it constitutional to take the right to bear arms (own weapons) away from some, they can find it constitutional to take them away from all.

You have to think like a lawyer. Work on it.

Correct which is why Democrats are such a threat to our Constitution and freedom today.
And just where does it say the government gets to define what a word means, what "arms" are? If you say they can ban nukes, defining them as unconstitutional arms, why not other arms, even those that around at the time.

To my knowledge, the SC has only heard arguments about guns and ruled on those. They have not been challenged on nuclear arms.

For that to happen, somebody would have to have been stopped by the government from developing nuclear arms without their permission, take it to the lower courts, and if one party or the other is not satisfied, push it through the court system until it gets to the Supreme Court.

It is only then the Supreme Court could decide if nuclear or WMD's are considered arms and protected by the Constitution.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

If it was up to you dumbass Libtards it would be abolished.

Once again, BULLSHIT

Gun control would not abolish / repeal the 2nd A. and most of those who support gun control also support the right of the ownership of a gun for self defense.

Of course their are some who want to abolish guns, and others who feel there ought to be no control of guns whatsoever. Both are members of the idiot fringe; prohibition will not work, and a laissez faire policy of gun ownership will not either.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded
This fails as a straw man fallacy, hasty generalization fallacy, and speculation fallacy.

Most on the right have been contriving and propagating disgusting lies for decades.

And given the fact that most on the right seek to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law, they’re in no position to accuse others of ‘waging a war’ on women.

so you're waging war on babies.
I'm done with this one. She is simply too stupid to understand that the Constitution and what is Constitutional are two different things, and that if the courts can ban some "arms", they can ban "all arms".

The Constitution doesn't say they can but they can and do because they are allowed to say what the Constitution actually means by "arms".

The only thing that could happen if Hillary gets in and nominates another gun-hating liberal judge is that they can rule the Constitution does not guarantee the right of guns outside of a militia.

That would give the states (and even cities and towns) the ability to make any kind of gun laws they desire including a total ban on guns. It would be here and there and not everywhere; mostly in liberal areas such as California, New York, Maryland and so on.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

If it was up to you dumbass Libtards it would be abolished.

Once again, BULLSHIT

Gun control would not abolish / repeal the 2nd A. and most of those who support gun control also support the right of the ownership of a gun for self defense.

Of course their are some who want to abolish guns, and others who feel there ought to be no control of guns whatsoever. Both are members of the idiot fringe; prohibition will not work, and a laissez faire policy of gun ownership will not either.

I am sorry but it is when the Libtards claim that they only want "reasonable gun control" then that is the world class bullshit. They are lying.

You cannot trust any Libtard to be reasonable when it comes to gun control (and anything else). I have given several examples in other threads where what the Libtards claim is reasonable but is really bat shit crazy to take away the right to keep and bear arms.

One of the examples I have pointed out is that the stupid shithead Liberals claim that the SAFE Act in New York is "reasonable gun control". However, recently a man went to the doctor because of insomnia and the doctor reported it under the provisions of the SAFE Act and the fucking jackbooted government police came to the man's home and confiscated his firearms. How "reasonable" is that?

Liberals hate the idea of citizens being able to resist the almighty power of the filthy ass government and they will do anything to take away that power.

Many Libtards have called for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Others claim they don't want to repeal it but work to neuter it with oppressive regulation like we see in places like California.

If you believe any Liberal when they tell you that they don't want to repeal the Second then you are really stupid and naive. Like the stupid Americans that believed the lies of Obamacare.

Don't give me the bullshit that Liberals don't want to do away with the right to keep and bear arms because that dog don't hunt.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

If it was up to you dumbass Libtards it would be abolished.

Once again, BULLSHIT

Gun control would not abolish / repeal the 2nd A. and most of those who support gun control also support the right of the ownership of a gun for self defense.

Of course their are some who want to abolish guns, and others who feel there ought to be no control of guns whatsoever. Both are members of the idiot fringe; prohibition will not work, and a laissez faire policy of gun ownership will not either.

I am sorry but it is when the Libtards claim that they only want "reasonable gun control" then that is the world class bullshit. They are lying.

You cannot trust any Libtard to be reasonable when it comes to gun control (and anything else). I have given several examples in other threads where what the Libtards claim is reasonable but is really bat shit crazy to take away the right to keep and bear arms.

One of the examples I have pointed out is that the stupid shithead Liberals claim that the SAFE Act in New York is "reasonable gun control". However, recently a man went to the doctor because of insomnia and the doctor reported it under the provisions of the SAFE Act and the fucking jackbooted government police came to the man's home and confiscated his firearms. How "reasonable" is that?

Liberals hate the idea of citizens being able to resist the almighty power of the filthy ass government and they will do anything to take away that power.

Many Libtards have called for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Others claim they don't want to repeal it but work to neuter it with oppressive regulation like we see in places like California.

If you believe any Liberal when they tell you that they don't want to repeal the Second then you are really stupid and naive. Like the stupid Americans that believed the lies of Obamacare.

Don't give me the bullshit that Liberals don't want to do away with the right to keep and bear arms because that dog don't hunt.

BULLSHIT ^^^ complete and utter BULLSHIT
Another perfect example of how the Constitution saves lives and liberal policy would cause deaths. This hatchet-wielding maniac would be fully compliant with law under liberals gun control utopia. But thankfully, the Constitution granted this person the right to protect himself and those around him.

Customer Steps Up to Stop a Hatchet-Wielding Masked Man From Wreaking Havoc at a 7-Eleven
Another perfect example of a statistics of small numbers fallacy from the right.

And yet these fools post the very occasional shootings in other countries as proof they should have more guns.

To them, one shooting in a different country is the same as 30K gun deaths every year in the US.
Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.
Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.

"Temporary confiscation " if a family can prove the gun owner is a dangerous crazy man. What's so bad about this !?
[Qvails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.

"Temporary confiscation " if a family can prove the gun owner is a dangerous crazy man. What's so bad about this !?[/QUOTE]

The Obama administration has said that veterans and people that believe in God are potential terrorists. How can trust anybody that bat shit crazy?

You can't trust Libtards with any interpretation of reasonableness because they are bat shit crazy and will always be unreasonable.

The government should not have the right to restrict the right to keep and bear arms. "Shall not be infringed" means exactly what it says.

Once we give these stupid Libtards the right to interpret who should be allowed the Constitutional rights and who shouldn't then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the parchment it is written on.

What is wrong with adhering to the Bill of Rights?
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded
This fails as a straw man fallacy, hasty generalization fallacy, and speculation fallacy.

Most on the right have been contriving and propagating disgusting lies for decades.

And given the fact that most on the right seek to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law, they’re in no position to accuse others of ‘waging a war’ on women.

so you're waging war on babies.
Liberals have been waging war on babies (abortions) and women (sexual objects) for generations. They've also sadly been waging war on freedom even longer.
Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.
Oh.....they mean this Gabby Giffords?!? :eusa_whistle:

And the Amish are a backwards society that is dying.

I like our society much better than that one.

Geez....what a bigoted statement. Who are you to decide they are a "backwards" society? Because they don't spread STD's promiscuously like you do? Because they don't engage in violence to oppress free speech like you do? Because they don't kill babies like you do?

Typical hateful and bigoted liberal.
Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.

"Temporary confiscation " if a family can prove the gun owner is a dangerous crazy man. What's so bad about this !?

How does one go about proving such a thing?
Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.
Oh.....they mean this Gabby Giffords?!? :eusa_whistle:

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Ms Potato Head.
Good luck coming to confiscate my guns. You won't see anyone in law enforcement even attempt to enforce that were it to happen because the overwhelming majority of them completely support an armed citizenry and the few that don't won't feel it is worth dying over.

Lawmen enforce the law.

This......ah......this.....uh......this one is going to sting a bit Corny. After all, I told you so (then again, you've made it very clear how much you enjoy being bent over by me in front of everyone so I'm sure you'll enjoy this in your own sick way :lol:)

Bottom line - almost all of the people with guns (and the one's that really matter) are on our side. They respect the Constitution. So even if you were to usurp the U.S. Constitution, Congress, and the American people and get guns banned through political activists assigned to the Supreme Court by Hillary, it wouldn't matter anyway. There is literally nothing you can do to win this bizarre authoritarian fantasy of yours Corny. Maybe you can see a mental health professional about your frustration and outrage over being powerless on this issue?

Read the Letter 1,100 Green Berets Signed for Protection of the 2nd Amendment

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