Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

If it was up to you dumbass Libtards it would be abolished.

Once again, BULLSHIT

Gun control would not abolish / repeal the 2nd A. and most of those who support gun control also support the right of the ownership of a gun for self defense.

Of course their are some who want to abolish guns, and others who feel there ought to be no control of guns whatsoever. Both are members of the idiot fringe; prohibition will not work, and a laissez faire policy of gun ownership will not either.

I am sorry but it is when the Libtards claim that they only want "reasonable gun control" then that is the world class bullshit. They are lying.

You cannot trust any Libtard to be reasonable when it comes to gun control (and anything else). I have given several examples in other threads where what the Libtards claim is reasonable but is really bat shit crazy to take away the right to keep and bear arms.

One of the examples I have pointed out is that the stupid shithead Liberals claim that the SAFE Act in New York is "reasonable gun control". However, recently a man went to the doctor because of insomnia and the doctor reported it under the provisions of the SAFE Act and the fucking jackbooted government police came to the man's home and confiscated his firearms. How "reasonable" is that?

Liberals hate the idea of citizens being able to resist the almighty power of the filthy ass government and they will do anything to take away that power.

Many Libtards have called for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Others claim they don't want to repeal it but work to neuter it with oppressive regulation like we see in places like California.

If you believe any Liberal when they tell you that they don't want to repeal the Second then you are really stupid and naive. Like the stupid Americans that believed the lies of Obamacare.

Don't give me the bullshit that Liberals don't want to do away with the right to keep and bear arms because that dog don't hunt.

All you have to do is look at the history of liberals to prove your statement. I guess one of the good things about being older is seeing what took place in the past.

I remember when liberals complained about cigarette smoke in movie theaters. That's all they wanted to make them happy. Fast forward to today, and you can't even smoke a cigarette outside in some places yet alone anywhere inside.

I remember when the gays just wanted to come out of the closet......that's all, just let them be free. Fast forward to today, they have forced themselves into our military, able to adopt children, and even forced states to accept their marriages against their will.

I remember when the environmentalists just wanted to have lead removed from paint and gasoline. That's all, lead is a strong and dangerous pollutant. Today, they are trying to ban coal, put more restrictions on fracking, and even have EPA standards for your Fn lawnmower.

The history of liberals is clear. They never stop at X. X is just the starting point. Oh yes, sure, they will tell you that's all they want is X to make them happy, but don't you believe it. .
Good luck coming to confiscate my guns. You won't see anyone in law enforcement even attempt to enforce that were it to happen because the overwhelming majority of them completely support an armed citizenry and the few that don't won't feel it is worth dying over.

Lawmen enforce the law.

This......ah......this.....uh......this one is also going to sting a bit Corny. After all, I told you so (then again, you've made it very clear how much you enjoy being bent over by me in front of everyone so I'm sure you'll enjoy this in your own sick way :lol:)

Bottom line - almost all of the people with guns (and the one's that really matter) are on our side. They respect the Constitution. So even if you were to usurp the U.S. Constitution, Congress, and the American people and get guns banned through political activists assigned to the Supreme Court by Hillary, it wouldn't matter anyway. There is literally nothing you can do to win this bizarre authoritarian fantasy of yours Corny. Maybe you can see a mental health professional about your frustration and outrage over being powerless on this issue?

I know this is a bit off topic, but this thread has drifted into Constitutional rights a bit, so I thought I would throw this story out here about my state to demonstrate what some believe their Constitutional rights are:

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Planned Parenthood is suing Ohio's health department over a law designed to strip government money from the organization's affiliates in the state.

The funds, mostly federal, have supported HIV testing, promoted teen pregnancy prevention and provided help to new or expectant mothers.

Ohio's law is slated to take effect May 23. It would bar the money from going to entities that perform or promote abortions.

In a complaint filed Wednesday in federal court, Planned Parenthood says the law violates the organization's constitutional rights by denying it funding "in retaliation for" providing abortions. It wants the court to block the law from being enforced.

Planned Parenthood sues over Ohio law that strips funding

Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.

"Temporary confiscation " if a family can prove the gun owner is a dangerous crazy man. What's so bad about this !?

How does one go about proving such a thing?

The same way you go about proving anything ! Testimony , physical evidence etc..

How any times have psychos gone on shooting sprees and we all wonder "why didn't someone do somthing !?"
I know this is a bit off topic, but this thread has drifted into Constitutional rights a bit, so I thought I would throw this story out here about my state to demonstrate what some believe their Constitutional rights are:

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Planned Parenthood is suing Ohio's health department over a law designed to strip government money from the organization's affiliates in the state.

The funds, mostly federal, have supported HIV testing, promoted teen pregnancy prevention and provided help to new or expectant mothers.

Ohio's law is slated to take effect May 23. It would bar the money from going to entities that perform or promote abortions.

In a complaint filed Wednesday in federal court, Planned Parenthood says the law violates the organization's constitutional rights by denying it funding "in retaliation for" providing abortions. It wants the court to block the law from being enforced.

Planned Parenthood sues over Ohio law that strips funding

First of all, there is no Constitutional right to "funding". Second, Constitutional rights applies to individuals.
And here is liberal policy in all of its glory. Guns banned, people dying at alarming rates...

Mother's Day Weekend Bloodbath: 43 Wounded, 9 Killed in Chicago

Yet the US still has a much higher murder rate than any other first world country, and it's got the most relaxed gun laws too. And you can't see this.

Especially since it is categorically FALSE !


Which first world countries have a murder rate lower than the USA?

Cute question - intentionally disingenuous. "What house with four people, ages 34, 32, 9 and 2, of which two have birthdays in the month of May, who drive a 4 year old Subaru with rust on the rear panel, is located on the north side of an east-west corridor, the name of which starts with P and ending with K has a small pine tree and an aspen in the left side of the yard as you face the house?"

The US ranks 34th in national homocide rates (in 2013) Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data | Table
I know this is a bit off topic, but this thread has drifted into Constitutional rights a bit, so I thought I would throw this story out here about my state to demonstrate what some believe their Constitutional rights are:

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Planned Parenthood is suing Ohio's health department over a law designed to strip government money from the organization's affiliates in the state.

The funds, mostly federal, have supported HIV testing, promoted teen pregnancy prevention and provided help to new or expectant mothers.

Ohio's law is slated to take effect May 23. It would bar the money from going to entities that perform or promote abortions.

In a complaint filed Wednesday in federal court, Planned Parenthood says the law violates the organization's constitutional rights by denying it funding "in retaliation for" providing abortions. It wants the court to block the law from being enforced.

Planned Parenthood sues over Ohio law that strips funding

First of all, there is no Constitutional right to "funding". Second, Constitutional rights applies to individuals.

That's kind of my point.

People believe that the Constitution gives them the liberty to get anything they desire. While the Constitution never mentions abortion or funding to such places, I would be willing to bet that if it ever made it to the Supreme Court, it would currently be a tie decision at 4 to 4.

Further proof that the Constitution (unfortunately) is up to the definition of judges and not the actual words or intent itself. It's all about the ideology of the judges more than the proper interpretation.

It's also why our gun rights would be in a precarious situation if Hillary is elected President. It doesn't matter what the Constitution says, it's a matter of what the judges say it says.
Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.

"Temporary confiscation " if a family can prove the gun owner is a dangerous crazy man. What's so bad about this !?

How does one go about proving such a thing?

The same way you go about proving anything ! Testimony , physical evidence etc..

How any times have psychos gone on shooting sprees and we all wonder "why didn't someone do somthing !?"

So give me an example of what kind of "physical evidence" would show somebody is not capable of owning or using a firearm. Testimony? Very subjective, don't you think? Testimony is an opinion at best.
Here is a great example of how bat shit crazy these Libtards are and how their real agenda is confiscation.

Ms Potato Head is leading the effort today.

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation - Breitbart

Gabby Giffords: Universal Background Checks Not Enough, Legalize Confiscation

On May 9 — less than two years since universal background checks were hoisted onto the backs of law-abiding citizens in Washington state — Gabby Giffords was in the state campaigning for special protective orders that will allow firearm confiscation.
The orders — “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” — would be similar to California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders, inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household. reported on Giffords’s visit to support the confiscatory orders contained in Initiative 1491. The outlet quoted Giffords urging a crowd of about 1,500 to support I-1491, saying, “We must never stop fighting! Fight, fight, fight. Be bold, be courageous. The nation is counting on you.” Giffords’s husband Mark Kelly traveled with her, and he explained that they support the initiative over legislation because it allows them to get around the opposition to confiscatory orders that currently prevails in the U.S. Congress as well as the Washington state legislature.

"Temporary confiscation " if a family can prove the gun owner is a dangerous crazy man. What's so bad about this !?

How does one go about proving such a thing?

The same way you go about proving anything ! Testimony , physical evidence etc..

How any times have psychos gone on shooting sprees and we all wonder "why didn't someone do somthing !?"

So give me an example of what kind of "physical evidence" would show somebody is not capable of owning or using a firearm. Testimony? Very subjective, don't you think? Testimony is an opinion at best.

Physical evidence ? How about a wife coming into court with a black eye after her psycho husband beat her up . Throw in some testimony on how husband is being erratic and talks about killing a bunch of police officers .

What would u think of that ?

He has people with guns protect him because other people can have guns.

I don't like guns. However if I lived in a dangerous place, I'd want a gun. That doesn't make my a hypocrite for wanting to be rid of guns. It means I fear other people with guns, and would rather not have to have a gun to protect myself.
And here is liberal policy in all of its glory. Guns banned, people dying at alarming rates...

Mother's Day Weekend Bloodbath: 43 Wounded, 9 Killed in Chicago

Yet the US still has a much higher murder rate than any other first world country, and it's got the most relaxed gun laws too. And you can't see this.

Especially since it is categorically FALSE !


Which first world countries have a murder rate lower than the USA?

Cute question - intentionally disingenuous. "What house with four people, ages 34, 32, 9 and 2, of which two have birthdays in the month of May, who drive a 4 year old Subaru with rust on the rear panel, is located on the north side of an east-west corridor, the name of which starts with P and ending with K has a small pine tree and an aspen in the left side of the yard as you face the house?"

The US ranks 34th in national homocide rates (in 2013) Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data | Table

Er..... not at all.

I use first world countries because there are lots of issues with countries who aren't first world.

The US somewhere near the top of many rankings, like GDP, like size of the economy and so on. To compare the USA to a country like Somalia is just ridiculous. To compare the US to a country like South Africa is still ridiculous.

To compare the US with a country like the UK, Canada, Australia, etc, which have the money to spend on social programs, which have the education, the resources to deal with problems effectively, then you see what the US should be and what the US is not.

Germany murder rate 0.7
France murder rate 1.2
UK murder rate 1.0
Spain murder rate 0.6
Sweden murder rate 0.9

US murder rate 3.8

Do you see the difference?

You can try and play little games and pretend that the US should be compared to Honduras, but the reality is the US has a GDP of $55,000, Honduras has a GDP of $4,800.

There's a massive difference.
And here is liberal policy in all of its glory. Guns banned, people dying at alarming rates...

Mother's Day Weekend Bloodbath: 43 Wounded, 9 Killed in Chicago

Yet the US still has a much higher murder rate than any other first world country, and it's got the most relaxed gun laws too. And you can't see this.

Especially since it is categorically FALSE !


Which first world countries have a murder rate lower than the USA?

Cute question - intentionally disingenuous. "What house with four people, ages 34, 32, 9 and 2, of which two have birthdays in the month of May, who drive a 4 year old Subaru with rust on the rear panel, is located on the north side of an east-west corridor, the name of which starts with P and ending with K has a small pine tree and an aspen in the left side of the yard as you face the house?"

The US ranks 34th in national homocide rates (in 2013) Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data | Table

Er..... not at all.

I use first world countries because there are lots of issues with countries who aren't first world.

The US somewhere near the top of many rankings, like GDP, like size of the economy and so on. To compare the USA to a country like Somalia is just ridiculous. To compare the US to a country like South Africa is still ridiculous.

To compare the US with a country like the UK, Canada, Australia, etc, which have the money to spend on social programs, which have the education, the resources to deal with problems effectively, then you see what the US should be and what the US is not.

Germany murder rate 0.7
France murder rate 1.2
UK murder rate 1.0
Spain murder rate 0.6
Sweden murder rate 0.9

US murder rate 3.8

Do you see the difference?

You can try and play little games and pretend that the US should be compared to Honduras, but the reality is the US has a GDP of $55,000, Honduras has a GDP of $4,800.

There's a massive difference.

Chicago had a bloody Mother’s Day weekend. It was one of the worst spats of violence he city has seen since September. Eight people were killed, with another 43 wounded. In terms of people being shot, that figures has surged to 1,225 this year. The city is on track to have 500 homicides this year. So, while violent crime has dropped to historic lows, the Windy City, along with Washington D.C. and Baltimore, form the unholy trinity of urban areas that are responsible for the slight spike in homicides were about to have in 2016 (via WFB):

Three major cities accounted for more than half of the rise in the national murder rate between 2014 and 2015, a new report shows.

Though overall crime rates were stagnant in America’s 30 largest cities the murder rate rose 13.3 percent, according to a report from the Brennan Center for Justice.

The violent crime rate also rose by 3.1% in those major cities, lead by increases in Los Angeles, Baltimore, and Charlotte.

Three cities were also mainly responsible for the rise in murders. “Final data confirm that three cities (Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.) account for more than half (244) of the national increase in murders,” the report said.

“Final data confirm that three cities (Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.) account for more than half (244) of the national increase in murders,” the report said.

Last year, Baltimore had the second bloodiest year in its history, with 344 homicides, just shy of the 1993 record of 353. The nation’s capital saw a 54 percent spike in homicides for their 2015-crime report. Still, even as urban areas see more crime, it’s no nowhere near the levels of violence we reached across the country 20 years ago. America is a much safer place, except in these anti-gun, and overwhelmingly Democratic, bastions. Maybe it’s time to make it easier for people to defend themselves.


Figures don't lie ... but liars figure.

He has people with guns protect him because other people can have guns.

I don't like guns. However if I lived in a dangerous place, I'd want a gun. That doesn't make my a hypocrite for wanting to be rid of guns. It means I fear other people with guns, and would rather not have to have a gun to protect myself.
Understood. And I appreciate your candor. However, at the end of the day, we have a Constitutional right to firearms and that's all that matters. If they are not for you, I certainly respect your right not to have one.

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