Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

So help us to understand something here Cornhole. If the Constitution requires a person to be a member of a militia before they can own a firearm, how is it that I've managed to purchase dozens of firearms over my life time despite never having been in a militia? And not on the black market. Every single firearm I have purchased was a brand new firearm from dealer. How do you explain that?

How do you explain that all 50 states have some form of conceal carry? If the people aren't allowed to have firearms, what would there be to carry concealed? :lmao:

Lets be honest - this is just you being desperate for attention. You have no husband. No boyfriend. You're nearly 50 and you just want to antagonize someone for attention like a 1st grader. We all know that you know that guns are 100% legal and Constitutional for any U.S. citizen.
Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

You could post this a million times, and they will STILL use their same old lame arguments. Lol.
She's just doing it for attention. In another thread she started crying and basically asking why I was so "mean" because I was obliterating her with facts. More than anything she likes to antagonize people so that she will have someone to talk to. She doesn't realize if she's stop acting like an idiot that she wouldn't need to resort to stuff like that for someone to talk to her.

Well, this place is FOR debate, not for finding boyfriends, so she is not out of line even if she is wrong. :D
Is that your way of turning me down gently??? :shock:

:lol: You wanna be my boyfriend? I had no idea. :p
Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

So help us to understand something here Cornhole. If the Constitution requires a person to be a member of a militia before they can own a firearm, how is it that I've managed to purchase dozens of firearms over my life time despite never having been in a militia? And not on the black market. Every single firearm I have purchased was a brand new firearm from dealer. How do you explain that?

How do you explain that all 50 states have some form of conceal carry? If the people aren't allowed to have firearms, what would there be to carry concealed? :lmao:

Lets be honest - this is just you being desperate for attention. You have no husband. No boyfriend. You're nearly 50 and you just want to antagonize someone for attention like a 1st grader. We all know that you know that guns are 100% legal and Constitutional for any U.S. citizen.
"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

You could post this a million times, and they will STILL use their same old lame arguments. Lol.
She's just doing it for attention. In another thread she started crying and basically asking why I was so "mean" because I was obliterating her with facts. More than anything she likes to antagonize people so that she will have someone to talk to. She doesn't realize if she's stop acting like an idiot that she wouldn't need to resort to stuff like that for someone to talk to her.

Well, this place is FOR debate, not for finding boyfriends, so she is not out of line even if she is wrong. :D
Is that your way of turning me down gently??? :shock:

:lol: You wanna be my boyfriend? I had no idea. :p
By the way - there is a BIG difference between "debate" and just being an antagonistic idiot. CC is the latter.
Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

So help us to understand something here Cornhole. If the Constitution requires a person to be a member of a militia before they can own a firearm, how is it that I've managed to purchase dozens of firearms over my life time despite never having been in a militia? And not on the black market. Every single firearm I have purchased was a brand new firearm from dealer. How do you explain that?

How do you explain that all 50 states have some form of conceal carry? If the people aren't allowed to have firearms, what would there be to carry concealed? :lmao:

Lets be honest - this is just you being desperate for attention. You have no husband. No boyfriend. You're nearly 50 and you just want to antagonize someone for attention like a 1st grader. We all know that you know that guns are 100% legal and Constitutional for any U.S. citizen.
You could post this a million times, and they will STILL use their same old lame arguments. Lol.
She's just doing it for attention. In another thread she started crying and basically asking why I was so "mean" because I was obliterating her with facts. More than anything she likes to antagonize people so that she will have someone to talk to. She doesn't realize if she's stop acting like an idiot that she wouldn't need to resort to stuff like that for someone to talk to her.

Well, this place is FOR debate, not for finding boyfriends, so she is not out of line even if she is wrong. :D
Is that your way of turning me down gently??? :shock:

:lol: You wanna be my boyfriend? I had no idea. :p
By the way - there is a BIG difference between "debate" and just being an antagonistic idiot. CC is the latter.

I don't know her very well. I haven't read many of her posts.
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

So, you thank a fictitious Sky Daddy for a right erroneously granted by probably the most fucked up poorly written sentence in American history - the 2nd Amendment. Funny...
Only a libtard could consider "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" to be a "fucked up poorly written sentence". You can't make this stuff up folks

Seriously - that is so straight forward and simple that your average 1st Grader would be able to understand it. Which explains why libtards can't. :lol:

Laky...we've been down this road before. And you were hammered with facts and obliterated with truth. No matter how desperate you are to pervert the U.S. Constitution out of fear, it's not happening. You lost. Accept it. If liberty and firearms are just too scary for you, Cuba will welcome you with open arms son.
So help us to understand something here Cornhole. If the Constitution requires a person to be a member of a militia before they can own a firearm, how is it that I've managed to purchase dozens of firearms over my life time despite never having been in a militia? And not on the black market. Every single firearm I have purchased was a brand new firearm from dealer. How do you explain that?

How do you explain that all 50 states have some form of conceal carry? If the people aren't allowed to have firearms, what would there be to carry concealed? :lmao:

Lets be honest - this is just you being desperate for attention. You have no husband. No boyfriend. You're nearly 50 and you just want to antagonize someone for attention like a 1st grader. We all know that you know that guns are 100% legal and Constitutional for any U.S. citizen.
She's just doing it for attention. In another thread she started crying and basically asking why I was so "mean" because I was obliterating her with facts. More than anything she likes to antagonize people so that she will have someone to talk to. She doesn't realize if she's stop acting like an idiot that she wouldn't need to resort to stuff like that for someone to talk to her.

Well, this place is FOR debate, not for finding boyfriends, so she is not out of line even if she is wrong. :D
Is that your way of turning me down gently??? :shock:

:lol: You wanna be my boyfriend? I had no idea. :p
By the way - there is a BIG difference between "debate" and just being an antagonistic idiot. CC is the latter.

I don't know her very well. I haven't read many of her posts.
Well you just got a dozen of her "best". Draw your own conclusions from there...
Well, this place is FOR debate, not for finding boyfriends, so she is not out of line even if she is wrong. :D
Is that your way of turning me down gently??? :shock:

:lol: You wanna be my boyfriend? I had no idea. :p
By the way - there is a BIG difference between "debate" and just being an antagonistic idiot. CC is the latter.

I don't know her very well. I haven't read many of her posts.
Well you just got a dozen of her "best". Draw your own conclusions from there...

She's very repetitive. :D
Is that your way of turning me down gently??? :shock:

:lol: You wanna be my boyfriend? I had no idea. :p
By the way - there is a BIG difference between "debate" and just being an antagonistic idiot. CC is the latter.

I don't know her very well. I haven't read many of her posts.
Well you just got a dozen of her "best". Draw your own conclusions from there...

She's very repetitive. :D
I had another term in mind - but yours is much more polite so we'll go with yours :biggrin:
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

So, you thank a fictitious Sky Daddy for a right erroneously granted...

Notice the extreme arrogance there friends? Lakhota is willing to declare that no only does he know that God doesn't exist, but that our founders, all of society, and much of humanity was wrong for granting a basic right like the right to defend one's self. Lakhota (in his mind) is the ultimate authority in the universe my friends - far wiser than anyone who has ever lived and thus why he has no need for God and why he can tell you that your rights were "erroneously granted".
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

So, you thank a fictitious Sky Daddy for a right erroneously granted by probably the most fucked up poorly written sentence in American history - the 2nd Amendment. Funny...

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard, don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.” ― Alan M. Dershowitz

I've warned libtards about this thousands of times over several decades. But they are just too stupid to realize that anything they use to eliminate the 2nd Amendment can be used to eliminate other rights or amendments. A perfect example is their nonsensical "but the founder could never have envisioned the technical advancement that would result in fully automatic weapons". Well, I guarantee you they were a lot closer to envisioning that than they ever were to envisioning computers, laptops, cell phones, apps, the internet, satellites, etc. which allow freedom of speech and freedom of the press to flow around the entire world in milliseconds. So by their own logic, every liberal should sit down and shut up immediately. Surrender their 1st Amendment rights like good little libtards.
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

So, you thank a fictitious Sky Daddy for a right erroneously granted by probably the most fucked up poorly written sentence in American history - the 2nd Amendment. Funny...

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard, don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.” ― Alan M. Dershowitz

I've warned libtards about this thousands of times over several decades. But they are just too stupid to realize that anything they use to eliminate the 2nd Amendment can be used to eliminate other rights or amendments. A perfect example is their nonsensical "but the founder could never have envisioned the technical advancement that would result in fully automatic weapons". Well, I guarantee you they were a lot closer to envisioning that than they ever were to envisioning computers, laptops, cell phones, apps, the internet, satellites, etc. which allow freedom of speech and freedom of the press to flow around the entire world in milliseconds. So by their own logic, every liberal should sit down and shut up immediately. Surrender their 1st Amendment rights like good little libtards.

What they should do is what I suggest to them all the time: Hang a huge sign on your front porch that says THERE ARE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and see where that gets you.

So far, none have taken me up on my offer that I'm aware of. Maybe they are no longer with us......who knows?
Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

So, you thank a fictitious Sky Daddy for a right erroneously granted by probably the most fucked up poorly written sentence in American history - the 2nd Amendment. Funny...

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard, don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.” ― Alan M. Dershowitz

I've warned libtards about this thousands of times over several decades. But they are just too stupid to realize that anything they use to eliminate the 2nd Amendment can be used to eliminate other rights or amendments. A perfect example is their nonsensical "but the founder could never have envisioned the technical advancement that would result in fully automatic weapons". Well, I guarantee you they were a lot closer to envisioning that than they ever were to envisioning computers, laptops, cell phones, apps, the internet, satellites, etc. which allow freedom of speech and freedom of the press to flow around the entire world in milliseconds. So by their own logic, every liberal should sit down and shut up immediately. Surrender their 1st Amendment rights like good little libtards.

What they should do is what I suggest to them all the time: Hang a huge sign on your front porch that says THERE ARE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and see where that gets you.

So far, none have taken me up on my offer that I'm aware of. Maybe they are no longer with us......who knows?
Yep! Ironic. They are soooooo afraid of guns, but they are also sooooo afraid to tell everyone that their home doesn't have a gun. Seems like liberals are always afraid not matter what. Which makes a lot of sense really since fear will almost always drive irrational responses (which is all we get from the left).
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

Interesting. I'm seeing quite a trend. Have you to find someone who was an active member of a "militia" and yet all of them have a very large and impressive arsenal at their disposal. Can you explain that CC?

But understand something - that is exactly why the liberals want to disarm you. The prisons are filled with Dumbocrat voters (the Republican inmate is definitely the minority). The people who want to rape and murder you are the exact same people trying to disarm you (for obvious reasons).
But understand something - that is exactly why the liberals want to disarm you. The prisons are filled with Dumbocrat voters (the Republican inmate is definitely the minority). The people who want to rape and murder you are the exact same people trying to disarm you (for obvious reasons).

Actually, I don't have a gun (I just thought it was a pretty cool meme), but if I decided I did want one, it's a pretty crappy reason to try and prevent me from getting one because of "mass shooters."
But understand something - that is exactly why the liberals want to disarm you. The prisons are filled with Dumbocrat voters (the Republican inmate is definitely the minority). The people who want to rape and murder you are the exact same people trying to disarm you (for obvious reasons).

I would disagree with your statement.

Both parties rely on their bases for victory and support. The two largest in the Democrat party are victims and government dependents.

Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. So it make sense for Democrats to create as many victims as possible.

If Democrats were able to make firearms illegal, then the only two entities that would have firearms would be the police and the criminals. That's because most law abiding citizens would have to adhere to the new laws, but criminals wouldn't.

In essence, they would create a country wide gun-free zone for us law biding citizens. That would create big crime. And how do Democrats battle big anything? Bigger government.

Without the ability to defend ourselves, we too become victims. We would need more police, more prisons, more courts, more government period.

That's the real reason behind disarming Americans.

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