Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Cars are super regulated. Safety inspected each year in most states. You must carry liability insurance. You must have a license to operate one. Have built in safety features in many models such as collision avoidance, safety belts, and air bags. Cops set up checkpoints at random to make sure the drivers are sober, you have insurance, and are licensed to be firing err I mean driving.

Put those well-regulated implements into firearms and you’ll see a bunch of people feel a lot better.

The beauty of the U.S. Constitution and my rights is that I don't have to care about people "feeling a lot better". How many things do you break per day in the midst of a temper that the U.S. Constitution and the rights that they afford me don't provide you with the juvenile "safe space" you are so desperate for?
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)'s sad. The left just can't be honest. I don't understand why it's so hard to say "I hate the 2nd Amendment, guns scare me, and I think they should be outlawed" and then work to amend the U.S. Constitution legally so that guns are restricted our outlawed.

I would have zero problem with any liberal that did that. The founders weren't dictators, they built in a mechanism to change the Constitution as the people see fit. The reason people are so irate with liberals is because they can't accept the will of the American people and so they attempt to restrict our rights and freedoms by violating the law. It's disgusting and disgraceful.
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)'s sad. The left just can't be honest. I don't understand why it's so hard to say "I hate the 2nd Amendment, guns scare me, and I think they should be outlawed" and then work to amend the U.S. Constitution legally so that guns are restricted our outlawed.

I would have zero problem with any liberal that did that. The founders weren't dictators, they built in a mechanism to change the Constitution as the people see fit. The reason people are so irate with liberals is because they can't accept the will of the American people and so they attempt to restrict our rights and freedoms by violating the law. It's disgusting and disgraceful.

They are SO dishonest. They are afraid to say what they are really thinking. I love the ones who tell you that they own guns.
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?

Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?

Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)
"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?

Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)

I imagine a bunch of bigots were sitting around saying the same thing about Plessy (sp?). How’d that work out for you guys?
Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?

Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)

I imagine a bunch of bigots were sitting around saying the same thing about Plessy (sp?). How’d that work out for you guys?

What? Lol. :cuckoo: That's right, let your true nuttiness shine through! A sure sign of one who has no legs to stand on. :lol:
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

I purchase my firearms from the drug cartels. They have not yet asked me if I am part of a well regulated militia.

Long live the blackmarket.

Will the real Donald Drumpf please stand up?

No argument there CC (at all). The guy has been a dedicated Dumbocrat for most of his life. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn some day that he is the real life "Manchurian Candidate". Sent by the Dumbocrats in attempt to ensure that no matter which side wins, a liberal sits in the Oval Office.
Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)

Do you know why a gorilla beats on its chest? It is really scared and it's hoping that a false display of bravado will intimidate a threat into running away so that the gorilla doesn't have to fight. That is CC in a nut shell. She keeps trying to comfort herself by convincing herself that Hillary is already president and replacing 7 of the 9 justices with political activists.

The funniest part of that? It wouldn't matter if it happened anyway. The Supreme Court has zero authority over the U.S. Constitution. All of us would keep our guns no matter what they ruled. That is the part that pisses her off the most. The realization that she is as helpless as an infant strapped into a high chair :lmao:
Last edited:
If you’re in a “well regulated militia"

"No scholar or court has argued seriously that the Second Amendment guarantees a “right” to join or bear arms in the National Guard or a state militia – such organizations make their own recruitment and employment decisions. This argument, contrived in the 20th century to emasculate the Second Amendment, has never been taken seriously on the merits."

"Attorney General Ashcroft states that “the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.”

"Ashcroft quotes George Mason at the Virginia ratification convention in 1788: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people [...] To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

The Ashcroft letter continues: “As recently as 1986, the United States Congress and President Ronald Reagan explicitly adopted this view in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act.” The act states, “The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution [...] require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies.” This finding was amply supported by The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a 1982 report of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. It found:

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

Rewriting the Second Amendment - Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D.

Ouch. This is a comprehensive beat down on your nonsensical and completely made up view of the U.S. Constitution.

Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

I purchase my firearms from the drug cartels. They have not yet asked me if I am part of a well regulated militia.

Long live the blackmarket.

What a coincidence - CC sells *some* things on the blackmarket! Who would have thought that the two of you would be engaging in commerce in the same market? Small world! ;)
Corny's arguments against the 2A are completely ridiculous and easily proven false, yet keeps on making the same old arguments which are shot down again and again. :)

Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?

Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)

I imagine a bunch of bigots were sitting around saying the same thing about Plessy (sp?). How’d that work out for you guys?
A bunch of bigots? You mean the liberal Dumbocrats who hated black people (and still do) and fought to keep slavery legal (and still do)? Yeah....if you're on the left....bringing up Plessy vs. Ferguson is a bad idea. That's like a rapist brining up sex.
Don’t have to re-write it; “well regulated militia” are already in the amendment.

Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?

Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)

I imagine a bunch of bigots were sitting around saying the same thing about Plessy (sp?). How’d that work out for you guys?
A bunch of bigots? You mean the liberal Dumbocrats who hated black people (and still do) and fought to keep slavery legal (and still do)? Yeah....if you're on the left....bringing up Plessy vs. Ferguson is a bad idea. That's like a rapist brining up sex.
Sorry, your personal interpretation (due to your dishonesty) has already been struck down by the SCOTUS. :D What else you got?

Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)

I imagine a bunch of bigots were sitting around saying the same thing about Plessy (sp?). How’d that work out for you guys?
A bunch of bigots? You mean the liberal Dumbocrats who hated black people (and still do) and fought to keep slavery legal (and still do)? Yeah....if you're on the left....bringing up Plessy vs. Ferguson is a bad idea. That's like a rapist brining up sex.

How repetitive of you . . . *yawn* Got anything better?
Which SCOTUS was that? We’re getting a new one (practically) installed when HRC starts appointing 3-4 to go along with Kagan and Sotomayor.

Of course you don't know. Lol. More dishonesty?

And? That doesn't mean anything. You can dream all day long though! ;)

I imagine a bunch of bigots were sitting around saying the same thing about Plessy (sp?). How’d that work out for you guys?
A bunch of bigots? You mean the liberal Dumbocrats who hated black people (and still do) and fought to keep slavery legal (and still do)? Yeah....if you're on the left....bringing up Plessy vs. Ferguson is a bad idea. That's like a rapist brining up sex.

How repetitive of you . . . *yawn* Got anything better?

It need not be original when it is so very effective. Your messiah disagrees with you. LOL.

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