Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Nobody has ever explained why a few words in the amendment are ignored and the rest are gospel!
Well how can one explain something that has never happened? Nobody has ever ignored words in the U.S. Constitution (other than progressives).

As I've explained to you before - your favorite part (the "well regulated militia") is the why. It is what is known as in legalese the Prefatory Clause. The why is the reason. The reason is that firearms are "necessary to the security of a free state". But it is not the what.

The what - or the Operative Clause in legalese - is "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". The right belongs to the people - all people. Not just members of a militia.

See? So simple, only a progressive could be confused by it.
Winding you two losers up and watching you spin for me is just an added bonus.

See what I mean ChrisL? Openly admitting doing anything she can to get my attention? She so wants to believe she can "wind me up" or that I would "spin" for her. Ahh the fantasies of cougars...

The second amendment says “well regulated militia”. IF you’re not in one, sorry, no gun for you.

Time for you to spin.

Blast from the past.

Nobody has ever explained why a few words in the amendment are ignored and the rest are gospel!

That was the case last year.
That will be the case this year
Will be the case going forward

it's you who are selective

the right of the people ( not the militia) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

the people are already all considered to be members of the militia
Winding you two losers up and watching you spin for me is just an added bonus.

See what I mean ChrisL? Openly admitting doing anything she can to get my attention? She so wants to believe she can "wind me up" or that I would "spin" for her. Ahh the fantasies of cougars...

The second amendment says “well regulated militia”. IF you’re not in one, sorry, no gun for you.

Time for you to spin.

Blast from the past.

Nobody has ever explained why a few words in the amendment are ignored and the rest are gospel!

That was the case last year.
That will be the case this year
Will be the case going forward

it's you who are selective

the right of the people ( not the militia) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

the people are already all considered to be members of the militia

Really…without any training as a unit, commonality of terms, uniforms, tactical or strategic training, command structure.

Not sure how any adult could make such a statement.
Winding you two losers up and watching you spin for me is just an added bonus.

See what I mean ChrisL? Openly admitting doing anything she can to get my attention? She so wants to believe she can "wind me up" or that I would "spin" for her. Ahh the fantasies of cougars...

The second amendment says “well regulated militia”. IF you’re not in one, sorry, no gun for you.

Time for you to spin.

Blast from the past.

Nobody has ever explained why a few words in the amendment are ignored and the rest are gospel!

That was the case last year.
That will be the case this year
Will be the case going forward

it's you who are selective

the right of the people ( not the militia) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

the people are already all considered to be members of the militia

Really…without any training as a unit, commonality of terms, uniforms, tactical or strategic training, command structure.

Not sure how any adult could make such a statement.

it doesn't take much to research the subject

all men at the time were considered to be the militia

and the second clearly says the right of the people (not the militia) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

the people hold the right because the people are the militia
Here is the liberal training as a unit and command structure you speak of counselor...

Really…without any training as a unit, commonality of terms, uniforms, tactical or strategic training, command structure.

Holy shit... :lmao:

The poster child for the left. Uneducated. Illiterate. And still given a high profile, high paying job because of the color of his skin.

And now I will rephrase that so that the left can understand it:
The child poster of for the left. Uneducated. Illiterate. And still given a hi profiler, hi paying job becauses of his skin the color of his skin color.
Not sure how any adult could make such a statement.
That's ok....I'm not sure how any adult could reject the U.S. Constitution and embrace fascism. What is it exactly about liberty that bothers you so much? I'm not being sarcastic - I'm asking a serious question.

Everyone on the left has this bizarre fear that if all of society isn't forced to row in the same direction at the barrel of a gun, something awful is going to happen. What is that "awful" thing?
I am going to buy more ammo as you fuckers want to take away my rights to be who I wish to be. Fascist bastards will have a small war on their hands.
So is this why you're so angry all the time? You're a transgender struggling with your identity? I'm not making fun of you - I'm just asking. You're always pissed off and that would explain it.

By the way - the left aren't trying to take away your right to be transgender. That's one of the few rights those fascists aren't trying to take away. And of course - the right would never strip you of your right to be who you want to be. We won't allow you to invade the restroom of women of course - but you can still put a dress and lipstick on.
mattie, mattie, mattie that operation really worked...

While fascism continues to expand around the world, we continue to see a push back to liberty here in the U.S.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) who will introduce a bill that goes the opposite way to expand gun rights. “My bill would make the District of Columbia honor your concealed carry permit from any state — and this is for anybody, not just members of Congress — who comes and visits Washington, D.C.,” Massie said.
I've needed this in the past. Let's hope the Republican Congress gets this signed into law ASAP.

New Bill Recognizes Out-of-State Concealed Carry Permits in DC—for Lawmakers AND Citizens

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