Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Why? That is completely FALSE. The reason for problems in a society IS the people, and their attitude. The liberal indoctrinated think they have the right to assault, confront, and jump up in anyone's face they choose to intimidate. The social justice movement has spawned a genre of people who think they are given the right to riot, assault, steal, kill, intimidate extort, and violate their targets in any way they want with NO consequences because they have SPECIAL rights!! The break down of societal norms due to liberal BULLSHIT programs and education is what has spawned the "GUN" problem. I have first hand knowledge of that as being true. So don't even start to post it is BS. I know some very real victims of exactly what I just posted because I am in the HOOD a lot of my time. The people who live there KNOW why things are the way they are in their neighborhoods and if you ask anyone not the problem they will tell you if they trust you.

You say it's completely false, and then go talk about something else.

But then you're talking about "social norms". What, like keeping slaves, like having people use separate facilities etc? I mean the US has higher crime because the white people have kept the black people in ghettos and the like. In other first world countries these are far less likely, and where they do exist, for example in France with the Arabs, then social problems arise from this too.

So, the US didn't have a "GUN" problem before? At what point did these liberal programs (which you conveniently didn't tell me what they are) come into force and when did these programs start having an impact on crime? Yeah, I want to see the evidence.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

What's the point in having the Second amendment if the liberals interpret it into meaninglessness and restrict it to absurd levels?

Like Massachusetts and California. Owning an AR15 semi automatic rifle and 30 round mags are an American birthright.
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

What's the point in having the Second amendment if the liberals interpret it into meaninglessness and restrict it to absurd levels?

Like Massachusetts and California. Owning an AR15 semi automatic rifle and 30 round mags are an American birthright.
I would go further to say automatic.....we need to eliminate liberal oppression of our rights....
The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.

What's the point in having the Second amendment if the liberals interpret it into meaninglessness and restrict it to absurd levels?

Like Massachusetts and California. Owning an AR15 semi automatic rifle and 30 round mags are an American birthright.
I would go further to say automatic.....we need to eliminate liberal oppression of our rights....
Absolutely - we have a constitutional right to fully automatic weapons. Anybody who says otherwise is either a liar or an uninformed idiot.
yes and bear all sort of arms
not only guns etc,,,,

but missiles and heavy artillery too... I could say more...

you know
Why? That is completely FALSE. The reason for problems in a society IS the people, and their attitude. The liberal indoctrinated think they have the right to assault, confront, and jump up in anyone's face they choose to intimidate. The social justice movement has spawned a genre of people who think they are given the right to riot, assault, steal, kill, intimidate extort, and violate their targets in any way they want with NO consequences because they have SPECIAL rights!! The break down of societal norms due to liberal BULLSHIT programs and education is what has spawned the "GUN" problem. I have first hand knowledge of that as being true. So don't even start to post it is BS. I know some very real victims of exactly what I just posted because I am in the HOOD a lot of my time. The people who live there KNOW why things are the way they are in their neighborhoods and if you ask anyone not the problem they will tell you if they trust you.

You say it's completely false, and then go talk about something else.

But then you're talking about "social norms". What, like keeping slaves, like having people use separate facilities etc? I mean the US has higher crime because the white people have kept the black people in ghettos and the like. In other first world countries these are far less likely, and where they do exist, for example in France with the Arabs, then social problems arise from this too.

So, the US didn't have a "GUN" problem before? At what point did these liberal programs (which you conveniently didn't tell me what they are) come into force and when did these programs start having an impact on crime? Yeah, I want to see the evidence.

Under the racist democrat lyndon johnson...his Great Society used government welfare programs to remove fathers from the homes of minority families...starting a multi generational problem of single teenage girls raising children with no adult men in their lives to teach their male children how to become men.....and now we are seeing the fruition of this with the gun murder rate in democrat controlled inner cities....

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