Thank god for Susan rice


By appointing Susan Rice as his new national-security adviser and Samantha Power to represent the U.S. at the United Nations, Barack Obama is practically shouting a message to the Washington GOP: “I’m no longer afraid of you.

Obama Unbound - The Daily Beast
What did Susan Rice lie about?

What she said is supported by the New York Times, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Associated Press:

Four Media Reports From Libya That Linked The Benghazi Attacks To The Anti-Islam Video

But not by Libyan Central Intelligence and the CIA. Kinda trumps liberally biased news sources.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

Contrary to the Obama administration's account that the attacks and protests on and around the US consulate in Benghazi were spontaneous; triggered by an anti Islamic film, a Libyan intelligence source, later confirmed by Libyan president Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf, has revealed that the attacks and subsequent killings of a US ambassador and three others was "premeditated and preplanned," it also stated that there were no protests at the consulate leading up to the incident. It further hinted at a possible link to al-Qaida . The information released by the Libyan intelligence source also contradicted a similar claim made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice earlier that week on Sunday morning.

Libya Attack Premeditated or spontaneous: Libya says al-Qaida involved
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What did Susan Rice lie about?

What she said is supported by the New York Times, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Associated Press:

Four Media Reports From Libya That Linked The Benghazi Attacks To The Anti-Islam Video

But not by Libyan Central Intelligence and the CIA. Kinda trumps liberally biased news sources.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

Contrary to the Obama administration's account that the attacks and protests on and around the US consulate in Benghazi were spontaneous; triggered by an anti Islamic film, a Libyan intelligence source, later confirmed by Libyan president Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf, has revealed that the attacks and subsequent killings of a US ambassador and three others was "premeditated and preplanned," it also stated that there were no protests at the consulate leading up to the incident. It further hinted at a possible link to al-Qaida . The information released by the Libyan intelligence source also contradicted a similar claim made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice earlier that week on Sunday morning.

Libya Attack Premeditated or spontaneous: Libya says al-Qaida involved

Aw, so now all of a sudden the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood President has credibility. Funny...
What did Susan Rice lie about?

What she said is supported by the New York Times, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Associated Press:

Four Media Reports From Libya That Linked The Benghazi Attacks To The Anti-Islam Video

But not by Libyan Central Intelligence and the CIA. Kinda trumps liberally biased news sources.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

Contrary to the Obama administration's account that the attacks and protests on and around the US consulate in Benghazi were spontaneous; triggered by an anti Islamic film, a Libyan intelligence source, later confirmed by Libyan president Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf, has revealed that the attacks and subsequent killings of a US ambassador and three others was "premeditated and preplanned," it also stated that there were no protests at the consulate leading up to the incident. It further hinted at a possible link to al-Qaida . The information released by the Libyan intelligence source also contradicted a similar claim made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice earlier that week on Sunday morning.

Libya Attack Premeditated or spontaneous: Libya says al-Qaida involved

Israeli Foreign Ministry: U.S. ignored Arab radicalization - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Aw, so now all of a sudden the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood President has credibility. Funny...

More credibility than the Liberal media. Yep. Notice Haaretz is not Muslim, but Jewish.
Ok Susan Rice if your on this board I'm sorry that you went on five Sunday morning talk shows and claimed the Benghazi attack was in response to a youtube video and that you were apparently the only person in the administration who was unaware that was total B.S.

You do realize that these shows were all taped and broadcast within a 4-5 hour window on the same day? When McCain and Graham, who literally dominate these same shows now, go on all five every Sunday and say the same damn thing on every single one, too.

So please explain your logic as to why you think Rice should have said something different on each one....And please, your mouthing of redundant Republican talking points is just that....mouthing.

Perhaps if she had told the truth on just one of them...... Instead she choose to lie on them all.

Well, as Donald Rumsfeld said, ""You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." And this is all the information she had at the time that was available to her by the CIA or that she was able to disclose to the public.

But I don't expect you to even understand what Rumsfeld meant when he said that either, much less the irony.

You do realize that these shows were all taped and broadcast within a 4-5 hour window on the same day? When McCain and Graham, who literally dominate these same shows now, go on all five every Sunday and say the same damn thing on every single one, too.

So please explain your logic as to why you think Rice should have said something different on each one....And please, your mouthing of redundant Republican talking points is just that....mouthing.

Perhaps if she had told the truth on just one of them...... Instead she choose to lie on them all.

Well, as Donald Rumsfeld said, ""You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." And this is all the information she had at the time that was available to her by the CIA or that she was able to disclose to the public.

But I don't expect you to even understand what Rumsfeld meant when he said that either, much less the irony.

They knew long before then that it wasn't because of the video.

She went on those shows and lied.

You do realize that these shows were all taped and broadcast within a 4-5 hour window on the same day? When McCain and Graham, who literally dominate these same shows now, go on all five every Sunday and say the same damn thing on every single one, too.

So please explain your logic as to why you think Rice should have said something different on each one....And please, your mouthing of redundant Republican talking points is just that....mouthing.

Perhaps if she had told the truth on just one of them...... Instead she choose to lie on them all.

Well, as Donald Rumsfeld said, ""You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." And this is all the information she had at the time that was available to her by the CIA or that she was able to disclose to the public.

But I don't expect you to even understand what Rumsfeld meant when he said that either, much less the irony.
You do realize the administration continued to push the video line for two weeks after the attack do you not? Of course you do but you will never be able to admit it.

You do realize that these shows were all taped and broadcast within a 4-5 hour window on the same day? When McCain and Graham, who literally dominate these same shows now, go on all five every Sunday and say the same damn thing on every single one, too.

So please explain your logic as to why you think Rice should have said something different on each one....And please, your mouthing of redundant Republican talking points is just that....mouthing.

Perhaps if she had told the truth on just one of them...... Instead she choose to lie on them all.

Well, as Donald Rumsfeld said, ""You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." And this is all the information she had at the time that was available to her by the CIA or that she was able to disclose to the public.

But I don't expect you to even understand what Rumsfeld meant when he said that either, much less the irony.

All the information??....yeah right. What a lame excuse but I wouldn't expect anything different from you.

You do realize that these shows were all taped and broadcast within a 4-5 hour window on the same day? When McCain and Graham, who literally dominate these same shows now, go on all five every Sunday and say the same damn thing on every single one, too.

So please explain your logic as to why you think Rice should have said something different on each one....And please, your mouthing of redundant Republican talking points is just that....mouthing.

Perhaps if she had told the truth on just one of them...... Instead she choose to lie on them all.

Well, as Donald Rumsfeld said, ""You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." And this is all the information she had at the time that was available to her by the CIA or that she was able to disclose to the public.

But I don't expect you to even understand what Rumsfeld meant when he said that either, much less the irony.

Does posting in bold make you feel special? Because you still have no argument.

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