Thank god for Susan rice

Obama to nominate a white woman to replace Susan Rice as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Anyone have a problem with that?
When will the right apologize to Susan Rice?

Ok Susan Rice if your on this board I'm sorry that you went on five Sunday morning talk shows and claimed the Benghazi attack was in response to a youtube video and that you were apparently the only person in the administration who was unaware that was total B.S.
The eight ring circus continues..... but then.... we know this Administration is a joke.

Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11 instead of Condi Rice.

Oh, you mean the one that missed the memo about an attack on the U.S.? After the previous attack on the same target in 1993? That Condi Rice?
When will the right apologize to Susan Rice?

Ok Susan Rice if your on this board I'm sorry that you went on five Sunday morning talk shows and claimed the Benghazi attack was in response to a youtube video and that you were apparently the only person in the administration who was unaware that was total B.S.

You do realize that these shows were all taped and broadcast within a 4-5 hour window on the same day? When McCain and Graham, who literally dominate these same shows now, go on all five every Sunday and say the same damn thing on every single one, too.

So please explain your logic as to why you think Rice should have said something different on each one....And please, your mouthing of redundant Republican talking points is just that....mouthing.
When will the right apologize to Susan Rice?

Ok Susan Rice if your on this board I'm sorry that you went on five Sunday morning talk shows and claimed the Benghazi attack was in response to a youtube video and that you were apparently the only person in the administration who was unaware that was total B.S.

You do realize that these shows were all taped and broadcast within a 4-5 hour window on the same day? When McCain and Graham, who literally dominate these same shows now, go on all five every Sunday and say the same damn thing on every single one, too.

So please explain your logic as to why you think Rice should have said something different on each one....And please, your mouthing of redundant Republican talking points is just that....mouthing.

Perhaps if she had told the truth on just one of them...... Instead she choose to lie on them all.
Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11 instead of Condi Rice.

see this is what i mean about this guy....NEVER questions......just jumps up and claps.....hey Lakota?.....does Rice have a background in National Security that you are so happy she got this?...

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