Thank god for Susan rice

Gee, I don't know.
Here are people that have been targets of the Democratic Party.




They all have in common an association with the GOP.

Comparing apples and oranges:

1. Condi Rice ignored pre-9/11 warnings.

2. Powell is a good man who was duped by Bush.

3. West is nuts (forced out of Army / rejected by Florida voters).

4. Don't know the last guy.

All I did was highlight that you were race-baiting.
Funny how you all of the sudden tried to move the goalposts. Oh wait, it wasn't funny.

Showing the obvious isn't race-baiting. I even left out ACORN.
Media Matters have been proven to be liars so many times that I stopped doing it..

I just consider those who are still using them and TPM for sources as partisan hacks and fools.

I've never caught Media Matters or TPM in a lie. They usually provide live source links to back up their claims. Can you give us a proven example of when they lied?

He's probably confusing Media Matter's article about Glenn Beck's lies and thought it was MM that lied! :lol:

Media Matters Covers Beck?s Fifteen Biggest Lies of 2010 | Duck Soup

Number 3:

It has been proven that those in academia tend to lean to the left on more than their share of issues. This translates to the material our teachers use and to what they teach their students. It's a never ending circle of corruption.

Number 2:

Thomas Jefferson explained the separation of church and state in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802:

"Thomas Jefferson's response, dated January 1, 1802, concurs with the Danbury Baptists' views on religious liberty, and the accompanying separation of civil government from concerns of religious doctrine and practice. Jefferson writes: "...I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."

Baptists in the history of separation of church and state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Number 1:

Slavery is indeed a "human thing" as evidenced by records dating back to the Neolithic Revolution 11,000 years ago and the advent of agriculture. As far as I know, Slavery predates history. Slavery is indiscriminate, it has, nor will ever be solely based on racial animosity. Nice spin job there, Mert.
Last edited:

You do know that Media Matters is a 501 c (4) group?

How are they considered a "Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees"

They are a watchdog group dedicated to comprehensibly monitor, analyze and correct conservative misinformation. It is non-profit, and not outright politically campaign active, like some of the whining Tea Party groups that complained because the IRS took longer processing their forms, and ended up giving them tax exemption when they were clearly active in political campaigning.
Comparing apples and oranges:

1. Condi Rice ignored pre-9/11 warnings.

2. Powell is a good man who was duped by Bush.

3. West is nuts (forced out of Army / rejected by Florida voters).

4. Don't know the last guy.

All I did was highlight that you were race-baiting.
Funny how you all of the sudden tried to move the goalposts. Oh wait, it wasn't funny.

Showing the obvious isn't race-baiting.

It is. Why are you doing it on a Benghazi/Susan Rice related thread? That much is obvious granted. You have no argument.

You do know that Media Matters is a 501 c (4) group?

How are they considered a "Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees"

They are a watchdog group dedicated to comprehensibly monitor, analyze and correct conservative misinformation. It is non-profit, and not outright politically campaign active, like some of the whining Tea Party groups that complained because the IRS took longer processing their forms, and ended up giving them tax exemption when they were clearly active in political campaigning.

They are about as legitimate a "watchdog" as the IRS itself. Please.

Media Matters memo called for hiring private investigators ?to look into the personal lives? of Fox employees | The Daily Caller

A little after 1 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2009, Karl Frisch emailed a memo to his bosses, Media Matters for America founder David Brock and president Eric Burns. In the first few lines, Frisch explained why Media Matters should launch a “Fox Fund” whose mission would be to attack the Fox News Channel.

“Simply put,” Frisch wrote, “the progressive movement is in need of an enemy. George W. Bush is gone. We really don’t have John McCain to kick around any more. Filling the lack of leadership on the right, Fox News has emerged as the central enemy and antagonist of the Obama administration, our Congressional majorities and the progressive movement as a whole.”

“We must take Fox News head-on in a well funded, presidential-style campaign to discredit and embarrass the network, making it illegitimate in the eyes of news consumers.”

What Frisch proceeded to suggest, however, went well beyond what legitimate presidential campaigns attempt. “We should hire private investigators to look into the personal lives of Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors, senior network and corporate staff,” he wrote.

After that, Frisch argued, should come the legal assault: “We should look into contracting with a major law firm to study any available legal actions that can be taken against Fox News, from a class action law suit to defamation claims for those wronged by the network. I imagine this would be difficult but the right law firm is bound to find some legal ground for us to take action against the network.”

Frisch went on to call for “an elaborate shareholder campaign” against News Corporation, the parent company of Fox News: “This can take many forms, from a front group of shareholders, to passing resolutions at shareholder meetings or massive demonstrations are [sic] shareholder meetings.”

Given the leaky nature of electronic communications, it’s unusual to see the term “front group” used approvingly in office email. Yet Frisch continued: “We should also hire a team of trackers to stake out private and public events with Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors and senior network/corporate staff.”

Preparing his bosses for the potential cost, he added that, “If we need to buy tickets for events that these people will be speaking at, so be it.”

What a Civic group they are... eh?
Media Matters memo called for hiring private investigators ?to look into the personal lives? of Fox employees | The Daily Caller

A little after 1 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2009, Karl Frisch emailed a memo to his bosses, Media Matters for America founder David Brock and president Eric Burns. In the first few lines, Frisch explained why Media Matters should launch a “Fox Fund” whose mission would be to attack the Fox News Channel.

“Simply put,” Frisch wrote, “the progressive movement is in need of an enemy. George W. Bush is gone. We really don’t have John McCain to kick around any more. Filling the lack of leadership on the right, Fox News has emerged as the central enemy and antagonist of the Obama administration, our Congressional majorities and the progressive movement as a whole.”

“We must take Fox News head-on in a well funded, presidential-style campaign to discredit and embarrass the network, making it illegitimate in the eyes of news consumers.”

What Frisch proceeded to suggest, however, went well beyond what legitimate presidential campaigns attempt. “We should hire private investigators to look into the personal lives of Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors, senior network and corporate staff,” he wrote.

After that, Frisch argued, should come the legal assault: “We should look into contracting with a major law firm to study any available legal actions that can be taken against Fox News, from a class action law suit to defamation claims for those wronged by the network. I imagine this would be difficult but the right law firm is bound to find some legal ground for us to take action against the network

Frisch went on to call for “an elaborate shareholder campaign” against News Corporation, the parent company of Fox News: “This can take many forms, from a front group of shareholders, to passing resolutions at shareholder meetings or massive demonstrations are [sic] shareholder meetings.”

Given the leaky nature of electronic communications, it’s unusual to see the term “front group” used approvingly in office email. Yet Frisch continued: “We should also hire a team of trackers to stake out private and public events with Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors and senior network/corporate staff.”

Preparing his bosses for the potential cost, he added that, “If we need to buy tickets for events that these people will be speaking at, so be it.”

What a Civic group they are... eh?

Tucker Carlson? The Daily Caller? Holy shit...

Dominican official alleges The Daily Caller was behind false Menendez prostitution claims* - NY Daily News
Media Matters memo called for hiring private investigators ?to look into the personal lives? of Fox employees | The Daily Caller

A little after 1 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2009, Karl Frisch emailed a memo to his bosses, Media Matters for America founder David Brock and president Eric Burns. In the first few lines, Frisch explained why Media Matters should launch a “Fox Fund” whose mission would be to attack the Fox News Channel.

“Simply put,” Frisch wrote, “the progressive movement is in need of an enemy. George W. Bush is gone. We really don’t have John McCain to kick around any more. Filling the lack of leadership on the right, Fox News has emerged as the central enemy and antagonist of the Obama administration, our Congressional majorities and the progressive movement as a whole.”

“We must take Fox News head-on in a well funded, presidential-style campaign to discredit and embarrass the network, making it illegitimate in the eyes of news consumers.”

What Frisch proceeded to suggest, however, went well beyond what legitimate presidential campaigns attempt. “We should hire private investigators to look into the personal lives of Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors, senior network and corporate staff,” he wrote.

After that, Frisch argued, should come the legal assault: “We should look into contracting with a major law firm to study any available legal actions that can be taken against Fox News, from a class action law suit to defamation claims for those wronged by the network. I imagine this would be difficult but the right law firm is bound to find some legal ground for us to take action against the network

Frisch went on to call for “an elaborate shareholder campaign” against News Corporation, the parent company of Fox News: “This can take many forms, from a front group of shareholders, to passing resolutions at shareholder meetings or massive demonstrations are [sic] shareholder meetings.”

Given the leaky nature of electronic communications, it’s unusual to see the term “front group” used approvingly in office email. Yet Frisch continued: “We should also hire a team of trackers to stake out private and public events with Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors and senior network/corporate staff.”

Preparing his bosses for the potential cost, he added that, “If we need to buy tickets for events that these people will be speaking at, so be it.”

What a Civic group they are... eh?

Tucker Carlson? The Daily Caller? Holy shit...

Dominican official alleges The Daily Caller was behind false Menendez prostitution claims* - NY Daily News


You do know that Media Matters is a 501 c (4) group?

How are they considered a "Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees"

They are a watchdog group dedicated to comprehensibly monitor, analyze and correct conservative misinformation. It is non-profit, and not outright politically campaign active, like some of the whining Tea Party groups that complained because the IRS took longer processing their forms, and ended up giving them tax exemption when they were clearly active in political campaigning.

They are about as legitimate a "watchdog" as the IRS itself. Please.

You mean the same IRS that went after Liberal organizations when W was president? I guess it was okay, then! :eusa_whistle:
They are a watchdog group dedicated to comprehensibly monitor, analyze and correct conservative misinformation. It is non-profit, and not outright politically campaign active, like some of the whining Tea Party groups that complained because the IRS took longer processing their forms, and ended up giving them tax exemption when they were clearly active in political campaigning.

They are about as legitimate a "watchdog" as the IRS itself. Please.

You mean the same IRS that went after Liberal organizations when W was president? I guess it was okay, then! :eusa_whistle:

Also, Democrats were the only ones DENIED approval.
Damn! Fifth-graders are smarter than you are so what the hell are you talking about here.

Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11.

Hey, 'Laff-hota'.
Are you smarter then a 5th grader? :cuckoo:
Damn! Fifth-graders are smarter than you are so what the hell are you talking about here.

Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11.

Hey, 'Laff-hota'.
Are you smarter then a 5th grader? :cuckoo:

What is that? A cry from another butt hurt Republican?

Gee, I don't know.
Here are people that have been targets of the Democratic Party.




They all have in common an association with the GOP.

Comparing apples and oranges:

1. Condi Rice ignored pre-9/11 warnings.

2. Powell is a good man who was duped by Bush.

3. West is nuts (forced out of Army / rejected by Florida voters).

4. Don't know the last guy.

and Lakota is a Dick who never answers questions......but then he never questions anything i should not be surprised....
Where's your "credible" proof to back up your claims?

Where's yours? You're the last person to talk "credible" to anyone, Mr. Media Matters. :eusa_whistle:

It's hilarious how much wingnuts fear and hate Media Matters - but they can never prove them wrong! Hence, the fear and hate. Hilarious...

its hilarious how you wont answer simple questions.....are you too scared?.....i promise you....NO ONE will hurt can talk freely here.....
Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11 instead of Condi Rice.

Amen to that - we wouldn't have had a 911 to begin with.

yea she would have prevented it.....geezus talk about 2 people sucked in by a party.....
They are about as legitimate a "watchdog" as the IRS itself. Please.

You mean the same IRS that went after Liberal organizations when W was president? I guess it was okay, then! :eusa_whistle:

Also, Democrats were the only ones DENIED approval.

You're not really pulling out that nonsense are ya? Some democrats were denied approval because they didn't fit the criteria. Republican groups did not have the chance to be denied or approved since they were being stonewalled and encumbered by different rules aimed to make their applications harder or impossible to pass simply because of their group's names. The IRS themselves said what they did was wrong. President Obama said he was outraged by what had happened. Stop spinning partisan nonsense that nobody outside the staff of Media Matters really buys.
You mean the same IRS that went after Liberal organizations when W was president? I guess it was okay, then! :eusa_whistle:

Also, Democrats were the only ones DENIED approval.

You're not really pulling out that nonsense are ya? Some democrats were denied approval because they didn't fit the criteria. Republican groups did not have the chance to be denied or approved since they were being stonewalled and encumbered by different rules aimed to make their applications harder or impossible to pass simply because of their group's names. The IRS themselves said what they did was wrong. President Obama said he was outraged by what had happened. Stop spinning partisan nonsense that nobody outside the staff of Media Matters really buys.

Bagdad Jim McDermott has been spouting this crap now for two days... Seems that they are trying hard to push this lie.

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