Thank god for Susan rice

Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11 instead of Condi Rice.

^ if this message comes across as incoherent babbling that's probably because Dorkhota finds it difficult to talk with his tongue stuck so far up Obama's asshole.
Let's not forget that appointing such a controversial figure as Rice does help change the topic from IRS corruption and Erik Holder's perjury, and any number of other scandals percolating

Sure....... because the American public is so knowledgeable about any of those things ..... they're sure to remember that dumb fuck Rice........the only thing that is memorable about that hag is the perpetual "who farted?" look on her face. These are the people that think watching a basketball game is an intellectual exercise........they voted for an imbecile "community vote buyer"........sure, they know who that asswipe Holder is. 9 out of 10 of them couldn't tell you the name of the Vice President, they certainly don't know who the Attorney General is.
Ask that dip shit lakotex, he won't know.
Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11 instead of Condi Rice.

Oh, you mean the one that missed the memo about an attack on the U.S.? After the previous attack on the same target in 1993? That Condi Rice?

The same Rice that perfectly parroted the Bush era talking points that Iraq/Saddam was the next Hitler? Was arming Terrorist with his newly constituted WMD programs. Even though she knew it was all lies? The only outrage exclaimed by libertarians to that situation was answered by these same Right wingers on display today, with talk of those who questioned her (Condi) were somehow unpatriotic and were supporting the very terrorist who struck us on 9-11?
The same Rice that perfectly parroted the Bush era talking points that Iraq/Saddam was the next Hitler? Was arming Terrorist with his newly constituted WMD programs. Even though she knew it was all lies? The only outrage exclaimed by libertarians to that situation was answered by these same Right wingers on display today, with talk of those who questioned her (Condi) were somehow unpatriotic and were supporting the very terrorist who struck us on 9-11?

Stick a dick back in your mouth and STFU, KKKomrade.
Of course she lied.

She went out on every talk show and said the attack was in retaliation for a fucking U-Tube video. She knew all along, via the CIA, that it was an attack by AQ.

This is about Barry, his administration and Behghazi. Not 9-11, the Iraq war or any other POTUS.
Get real. Everytime someone criticizes your hero you start in with your deflection bs. You drag Bush and the kitchen sink in to deflect. Good Gawd. Barry and his administration fucked up big time and you just don't want to admit it.

Barry could care less about four dead men. He jetted off to his fundraiser. Hardly the actions of a POTUS fully involved in an attack on his Embassy and the death of HIS amabassador and three other very good men. He's a fucking jackass.

Great post.


Of course if Bush were POTUS during Benghazi we all now OL'Swallow would be screaming like a stuck pig. He'd be screaming about lies, cover-ups and the fact that Bush jetted off to his fundraiser.

What a hypocrite he truly is.
Obama to nominate a white woman to replace Susan Rice as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Anyone have a problem with that?

Just a problem with the sheer incompetence of both women is all.

Rice was confirmed as UN ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009

Republicans prove they have no honor or shame in their desire to undermine the current Presidency.
The same Rice that perfectly parroted the Bush era talking points that Iraq/Saddam was the next Hitler? Was arming Terrorist with his newly constituted WMD programs. Even though she knew it was all lies? The only outrage exclaimed by libertarians to that situation was answered by these same Right wingers on display today, with talk of those who questioned her (Condi) were somehow unpatriotic and were supporting the very terrorist who struck us on 9-11?

Stick a dick back in your mouth and STFU, KKKomrade.

Blow it out your ass dick-breath.

Gee, I don't know.
Here are people that have been targets of the Democratic Party.




They all have in common an association with the GOP.

Comparing apples and oranges:

1. Condi Rice ignored pre-9/11 warnings.

2. Powell is a good man who was duped by Bush.

3. West is nuts (forced out of Army / rejected by Florida voters).

4. Don't know the last guy.

Everyone knew she had parroted the Bush Talking points on Iraq and while her confirmation had more votes against (13) since 1825 for that position, there was no wide spread Faux Outrage from the Democrats to block her nomination for doing what was SOP in using established talking points when dealing with the Press.

This is just another example of how the reactionary Echo-Chamber led Republican Party has divided the country.
Comparing apples and oranges:

1. Condi Rice ignored pre-9/11 warnings.

2. Powell is a good man who was duped by Bush.

3. West is nuts (forced out of Army / rejected by Florida voters).

4. Don't know the last guy.

and Lakota is a Dick who never answers questions......but then he never questions anything i should not be surprised....

lakota accepts everything (d) rejects everything (r)

simple as that
and he wont answer questions about something he brings up.......maybe someone else here can answer this,because i could not find anything.....what are Rice's qualifications in Security for this job?....i thought maybe Lakota since he has a boner over this Woman getting the job he would know.....but i forgot that Obama can appoint anyone he wants,qualified or not,in Lakotas don't just let him do what he wants....
Yup. She lied her ass off for Barry's administration.

I'm sure the deaths of four very good mean absolutely nothing to her or Barry.

He sure had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser while his ambassador and three other men were dying in Benghazi.

Funny how no one on the left want to address that very point. He jetted off. He had his priorities all right and the deaths of four men didn't figure into it at all.

Not surprised Rice is now a National Security Adviser. She's totally incompetant like the rest of his administration. Good job there jackass. She will fit right in.

Except she didn't lie.

And I don't get why you folks are very concerned over these deaths..yet completely unconcerned with the 3000 deaths that occurred at the World Trade Center or Pentagon unless it's to further your political agenda..

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Or the deaths of 4000 troops and 100K Iraqis based on a lie.

Why is that?

Do you really hate America that much?

Of course she lied.

She went out on every talk show and said the attack was in retaliation for a fucking U-Tube video. She knew all along, via the CIA, that it was an attack by AQ.

This is about Barry, his administration and Behghazi. Not 9-11, the Iraq war or any other POTUS.
Get real. Everytime someone criticizes your hero you start in with your deflection bs. You drag Bush and the kitchen sink in to deflect. Good Gawd. Barry and his administration fucked up big time and you just don't want to admit it.

Barry could care less about four dead men. He jetted off to his fundraiser. Hardly the actions of a POTUS fully involved in an attack on his Embassy and the death of HIS amabassador and three other very good men. He's a fucking jackass.

No lie at all.

"First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation. "

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts | NBC News
Obama to nominate a white woman to replace Susan Rice as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Anyone have a problem with that?

Just a problem with the sheer incompetence of both women is all.

Rice was confirmed as UN ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009

Republicans prove they have no honor or shame in their desire to undermine the current Presidency.

Are you going for King of the Non-Sequitur? Waht difference does it make how Rice was confirmed in 2009? Now she has a record. And that record is one of incompetence, arrogance, and lying. This makes her perfect for the Obama Administration. No wonder he wanted her as SecState.
Just a problem with the sheer incompetence of both women is all.

Rice was confirmed as UN ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009

Republicans prove they have no honor or shame in their desire to undermine the current Presidency.

Are you going for King of the Non-Sequitur? Waht difference does it make how Rice was confirmed in 2009? Now she has a record. And that record is one of incompetence, arrogance, and lying. This makes her perfect for the Obama Administration. No wonder he wanted her as SecState.

She had a record prior to being our UN ambassador. She is a victim of the New Reactionary Republican Party.
Rice was confirmed as UN ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009

Republicans prove they have no honor or shame in their desire to undermine the current Presidency.

Are you going for King of the Non-Sequitur? Waht difference does it make how Rice was confirmed in 2009? Now she has a record. And that record is one of incompetence, arrogance, and lying. This makes her perfect for the Obama Administration. No wonder he wanted her as SecState.

She had a record prior to being our UN ambassador. She is a victim of the New Reactionary Republican Party.

Her poor performance and arrogance is not the result of the GOP. Her decision to lie for the administration on national TV was not caused by the GOP.

Is there ever anything that Democrats will take responsibility for?
It will be interesting to see if the democrats up for reelection next year will be thankful for Susan Rice since I suspect both the I.R.S and Benghazi scandals will play a role in the midterms as will the AP James Rosen one though to a lesser degree.
Except she didn't lie.

And I don't get why you folks are very concerned over these deaths..yet completely unconcerned with the 3000 deaths that occurred at the World Trade Center or Pentagon unless it's to further your political agenda..

Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube

Or the deaths of 4000 troops and 100K Iraqis based on a lie.

Why is that?

Do you really hate America that much?

Of course she lied.

She went out on every talk show and said the attack was in retaliation for a fucking U-Tube video. She knew all along, via the CIA, that it was an attack by AQ.

This is about Barry, his administration and Behghazi. Not 9-11, the Iraq war or any other POTUS.
Get real. Everytime someone criticizes your hero you start in with your deflection bs. You drag Bush and the kitchen sink in to deflect. Good Gawd. Barry and his administration fucked up big time and you just don't want to admit it.

Barry could care less about four dead men. He jetted off to his fundraiser. Hardly the actions of a POTUS fully involved in an attack on his Embassy and the death of HIS amabassador and three other very good men. He's a fucking jackass.

No lie at all.

"First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation. "

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts | NBC News

Hell. The CIA had men right there. Woods worked for the CIA. Ya don't think he didn't let em know who was attacking?? There was no demonstration. It was a straightup attack.

They said it was AQ from the get go. No one, except Rice and the administration, mentioined anything about a video.

They had months of warnings about this attack and it coincided with 9-11. Thats what it was about. Not some damned video.
Susan Rice is eminently qualified to serve in this administration...

She can brazenly lie to the American people without flinching~

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