Thank god for Susan rice

Also, Democrats were the only ones DENIED approval.

You're not really pulling out that nonsense are ya? Some democrats were denied approval because they didn't fit the criteria. Republican groups did not have the chance to be denied or approved since they were being stonewalled and encumbered by different rules aimed to make their applications harder or impossible to pass simply because of their group's names. The IRS themselves said what they did was wrong. President Obama said he was outraged by what had happened. Stop spinning partisan nonsense that nobody outside the staff of Media Matters really buys.

Bagdad Jim McDermott has been spouting this crap now for two days... Seems that they are trying hard to push this lie.

Blaming the victims is always a stupid idea.
You're not really pulling out that nonsense are ya? Some democrats were denied approval because they didn't fit the criteria. Republican groups did not have the chance to be denied or approved since they were being stonewalled and encumbered by different rules aimed to make their applications harder or impossible to pass simply because of their group's names. The IRS themselves said what they did was wrong. President Obama said he was outraged by what had happened. Stop spinning partisan nonsense that nobody outside the staff of Media Matters really buys.

Bagdad Jim McDermott has been spouting this crap now for two days... Seems that they are trying hard to push this lie.

Blaming the victims is always a stupid idea.

got a chance to see his interview megyn kelly

he came across as a real jackass

and perhaps a sexist pig
Gee, I don't know.
Here are people that have been targets of the Democratic Party.




They all have in common an association with the GOP.

Comparing apples and oranges:

1. Condi Rice ignored pre-9/11 warnings.

2. Powell is a good man who was duped by Bush.

3. West is nuts (forced out of Army / rejected by Florida voters).

4. Don't know the last guy.

and Lakota is a Dick who never answers questions......but then he never questions anything i should not be surprised....

lakota accepts everything (d) rejects everything (r)

simple as that
Bagdad Jim McDermott has been spouting this crap now for two days... Seems that they are trying hard to push this lie.

Blaming the victims is always a stupid idea.

got a chance to see his interview megyn kelly

he came across as a real jackass

and perhaps a sexist pig

He sure did! He seemed like an elitist dinosaur justifying his own corruption by blaming conservative groups for having the audacity to ask for the same rights that liberal groups get. The guy reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn except more cartoonish and less smart.
Blaming the victims is always a stupid idea.

got a chance to see his interview megyn kelly

he came across as a real jackass

and perhaps a sexist pig

He sure did! He seemed like an elitist dinosaur justifying his own corruption by blaming conservative groups for having the audacity to ask for the same rights that liberal groups get. The guy reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn except more cartoonish and less smart.

he didnt do himself any favors today
Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11 instead of Condi Rice.
How would having someone who reads any talking points they are given without question have made a difference in regards to 9-11?

By being curious as to what's happening in the world?

Her one day stint on Sunday morning talk shows reading incorrect intelligence provided by the CIA isn't the entirety of her career.
Good old political cronyism Rice was loyal to Obama with Benghazi by carrying out those talking points and making a dam fool of herself in order to help Obama avoid the blame this is her reward.

Yup. She lied her ass off for Barry's administration.

I'm sure the deaths of four very good mean absolutely nothing to her or Barry.

He sure had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser while his ambassador and three other men were dying in Benghazi.

Funny how no one on the left want to address that very point. He jetted off. He had his priorities all right and the deaths of four men didn't figure into it at all.

Not surprised Rice is now a National Security Adviser. She's totally incompetant like the rest of his administration. Good job there jackass. She will fit right in.
Good old political cronyism Rice was loyal to Obama with Benghazi by carrying out those talking points and making a dam fool of herself in order to help Obama avoid the blame this is her reward.

Yup. She lied her ass off for Barry's administration.

I'm sure the deaths of four very good mean absolutely nothing to her or Barry.

He sure had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser while his ambassador and three other men were dying in Benghazi.

Funny how no one on the left want to address that very point. He jetted off. He had his priorities all right and the deaths of four men didn't figure into it at all.

Not surprised Rice is now a National Security Adviser. She's totally incompetant like the rest of his administration. Good job there jackass. She will fit right in.

Except she didn't lie.

And I don't get why you folks are very concerned over these deaths..yet completely unconcerned with the 3000 deaths that occurred at the World Trade Center or Pentagon unless it's to further your political agenda..

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Or the deaths of 4000 troops and 100K Iraqis based on a lie.

Why is that?

Do you really hate America that much?
Congratulations to Susan Rice! Thank you, President Obama, for showing wingnuts who is really in charge of the country! Susan Rice was a great choice for National Security Adviser!

Too bad she wasn't National Security Adviser prior to 9/11 instead of Condi Rice.

Yes thanks obie shit for showing who;s in charge of dividing the country. way to fucking go.
So in conclusion to this long thread jokota throws down the race card when black liberals are criticized but when black conservatives are criticized by liberals then it's "apples to oranges" which simply meant "black conservative just ain't black enough." Now we see who the racist izz.
She's a poster child for our current national security.

It's practically non-existent and based on an ideological fantasy.

She's also the poster child for this administration's view of the American people. Her only regret in lying is that she was found out. She and they have total contempt for Americans.
Good old political cronyism Rice was loyal to Obama with Benghazi by carrying out those talking points and making a dam fool of herself in order to help Obama avoid the blame this is her reward.

Yup. She lied her ass off for Barry's administration.

I'm sure the deaths of four very good mean absolutely nothing to her or Barry.

He sure had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser while his ambassador and three other men were dying in Benghazi.

Funny how no one on the left want to address that very point. He jetted off. He had his priorities all right and the deaths of four men didn't figure into it at all.

Not surprised Rice is now a National Security Adviser. She's totally incompetant like the rest of his administration. Good job there jackass. She will fit right in.

Except she didn't lie.

And I don't get why you folks are very concerned over these deaths..yet completely unconcerned with the 3000 deaths that occurred at the World Trade Center or Pentagon unless it's to further your political agenda..

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Or the deaths of 4000 troops and 100K Iraqis based on a lie.

Why is that?

Do you really hate America that much?

Of course she lied.

She went out on every talk show and said the attack was in retaliation for a fucking U-Tube video. She knew all along, via the CIA, that it was an attack by AQ.

This is about Barry, his administration and Behghazi. Not 9-11, the Iraq war or any other POTUS.
Get real. Everytime someone criticizes your hero you start in with your deflection bs. You drag Bush and the kitchen sink in to deflect. Good Gawd. Barry and his administration fucked up big time and you just don't want to admit it.

Barry could care less about four dead men. He jetted off to his fundraiser. Hardly the actions of a POTUS fully involved in an attack on his Embassy and the death of HIS amabassador and three other very good men. He's a fucking jackass.
Of course she lied.

She went out on every talk show and said the attack was in retaliation for a fucking U-Tube video. She knew all along, via the CIA, that it was an attack by AQ.

This is about Barry, his administration and Behghazi. Not 9-11, the Iraq war or any other POTUS.
Get real. Everytime someone criticizes your hero you start in with your deflection bs. You drag Bush and the kitchen sink in to deflect. Good Gawd. Barry and his administration fucked up big time and you just don't want to admit it.

Barry could care less about four dead men. He jetted off to his fundraiser. Hardly the actions of a POTUS fully involved in an attack on his Embassy and the death of HIS amabassador and three other very good men. He's a fucking jackass.

Great post.

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