Thank God we have LEADERS like Army Corp Chief Lt Gen Todd Semonite!

I saw a virologist yesterday say that they anticipate this will slow down as summer approaches. But not because it's warmer. Ultraviolet light from the sun is death for some of these bugs so your video makes perfect sense.

Problem is, that it's always winter somewhere on the planet. We'll likely see this bitch come back around in the Fall.
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

I didn't waste time watching it all but I saw enough to know its bullshit for several good reasons.
1. It was on MSNBC.
2. Even worse it was on the radical madcow show.
3. It was a bunch of loud mouthed shitforbrains from the corps of engineers. The same bunch that sponsored the new Orleans Katrina disaster.
4. I've built four clean rooms for a semiconductor maker myself and have inspected and audited several more for vendor suppliers so I know there are several holes in their bullshit air handling scenarios.
Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
This is frequently what leftists say...I have problems with both parties. Blah blah!
But you only attack one party. We see through you like a plate glass window.
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

In the Navy.......Keep it Simple Sailor............doesn't matter..........

When you have little time.......the Simple solutions are always the best............Common it fast..........and get it done........

They need this done quickly..........and why they look for Simple Solutions..........NASA can come in later and complicate the shit later......LOL
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.

I saw a virologist yesterday say that they anticipate this will slow down as summer approaches. But not because it's warmer. Ultraviolet light from the sun is death for some of these bugs so your video makes perfect sense.

Problem is, that it's always winter somewhere on the planet. We'll likely see this bitch come back around in the Fall.

It will come back.........and move to the Southern Hemisphere this summer. Humidity and HEAT will cause it.....Humidity causes droplets to hit the ground and NOT FLOAT IN THE AIR.......the Heat will kill it.
Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan!
I am a conservative and supporter of this country ahead of globalist vampires.
I hope that makes it clear enough for you.
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
You baited this as another Trump attack thread................and in this case the General and the presser was pretty good............You have a Rep of being TDS impaired................and YOU KNEW some would come in with sawed off shotguns blazing away..........That is the ART OF THE TROLL.

You know it.

This General's advice is SOUND.......I watched the whole thing before opening up on you........I refuse to judge the man without a fair trial.
Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan!
I am a conservative and supporter of this country ahead of globalist vampires.
I hope that makes it clear enough for you.

Question for ya Eric
Do you REALLY like stupid Limu Emu and Doug commercials? ;)

Crazy video......guy from Northern Italy...........but the end result..........not bad.......reusable cartridge and UV lights......not sure how that UV light being on you will do though.
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
give me a break doc....there are plenty of other threads here bad mouthing both parties,but we never see you there,at least in the ones bad mouthing the left.....and yea anyone can say something stupid and someone like you can say how that person sucked for saying that and then claim.....see im a real independent...start showing some dislike for the democrats and the shit they do and i might believe you,until then you aint what you claim you are....

I saw a virologist yesterday say that they anticipate this will slow down as summer approaches. But not because it's warmer. Ultraviolet light from the sun is death for some of these bugs so your video makes perfect sense.

Problem is, that it's always winter somewhere on the planet. We'll likely see this bitch come back around in the Fall.

It will come back.........and move to the Southern Hemisphere this summer. Humidity and HEAT will cause it.....Humidity causes droplets to hit the ground and NOT FLOAT IN THE AIR.......the Heat will kill it.

then i guess i am lucky to be living in a fucking furnace....
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
You baited this as another Trump attack thread................and in this case the General and the presser was pretty good............You have a Rep of being TDS impaired................and YOU KNEW some would come in with sawed off shotguns blazing away..........That is the ART OF THE TROLL.

You know it.

This General's advice is SOUND.......I watched the whole thing before opening up on you........I refuse to judge the man without a fair trial.

Tis true, I can't stand this president's incompetence, dithering and disinformation. Feel free to ignore me if you don't like it.
It's Trump's job to gather all the best advice from pertinent experts and then make appropriate decisions.

trump does this?
dotard trump goes on 'hunches'
dotard trump is a fool.
Eric Arthur Blair said it best. A president, even your favorite ones like Obama and Clinton, can only go with a guess as to the "conflicting" information given to any president. A guess is nothing more than a "hunch" based upon what is given to an individual advising someone. Clearly, by your standard insults (dotard), that you are one of those suffering from the "we unfairly lost the election" individuals suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and possibly a pro-Marxist-Leninist follower. Grow up. He's our president for now. We won't have a permanent one-party authoritarian leadership run by the pro-Marxist-Leninist left until you've voted one in and once you've voted one of those in, you don't get any other leadership, no matter what he/she does.
Last edited:
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
You baited this as another Trump attack thread................and in this case the General and the presser was pretty good............You have a Rep of being TDS impaired................and YOU KNEW some would come in with sawed off shotguns blazing away..........That is the ART OF THE TROLL.

You know it.

This General's advice is SOUND.......I watched the whole thing before opening up on you........I refuse to judge the man without a fair trial.

Tis true, I can't stand this president's incompetence, dithering and disinformation. Feel free to ignore me if you don't like it.
My ignore basket is very full of trolls.......haven't put you there yet...........YET......

But at least you admit you trolled this thread with the Trump........

Why not just discuss the negative pressure issue with data and leave politics alone.............

When getting into it with known trolls on this board........I give as good as I get......when I choose to do so.
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
You baited this as another Trump attack thread................and in this case the General and the presser was pretty good............You have a Rep of being TDS impaired................and YOU KNEW some would come in with sawed off shotguns blazing away..........That is the ART OF THE TROLL.

You know it.

This General's advice is SOUND.......I watched the whole thing before opening up on you........I refuse to judge the man without a fair trial.

Tis true, I can't stand this president's incompetence, dithering and disinformation. Feel free to ignore me if you don't like it.
My ignore basket is very full of trolls.......haven't put you there yet...........YET......

But at least you admit you trolled this thread with the Trump........

Why not just discuss the negative pressure issue with data and leave politics alone.............

When getting into it with known trolls on this board........I give as good as I get......when I choose to do so.

Fair point. It's just difficult to watch a Lt Gen with such knowledge, professionalism and positive attitude and not draw the contrast to the exact opposite we see from Donald Trump.

I'll try to Be Best ;)

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