Thank God we have LEADERS like Army Corp Chief Lt Gen Todd Semonite!

PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
You baited this as another Trump attack thread................and in this case the General and the presser was pretty good............You have a Rep of being TDS impaired................and YOU KNEW some would come in with sawed off shotguns blazing away..........That is the ART OF THE TROLL.

You know it.

This General's advice is SOUND.......I watched the whole thing before opening up on you........I refuse to judge the man without a fair trial.

Tis true, I can't stand this president's incompetence, dithering and disinformation. Feel free to ignore me if you don't like it.
My ignore basket is very full of trolls.......haven't put you there yet...........YET......

But at least you admit you trolled this thread with the Trump........

Why not just discuss the negative pressure issue with data and leave politics alone.............

When getting into it with known trolls on this board........I give as good as I get......when I choose to do so.

Fair point. It's just difficult to watch a Lt Gen with such knowledge, professionalism and positive attitude and not draw the contrast to the exact opposite we see from Donald Trump.

I'll try to Be Best ;)
Most military tend to not give a shit about politics............they get a job and they no BS get the job done.............That is my take on this guy..............and you USED HIM to do a TROLL know it.
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
You baited this as another Trump attack thread................and in this case the General and the presser was pretty good............You have a Rep of being TDS impaired................and YOU KNEW some would come in with sawed off shotguns blazing away..........That is the ART OF THE TROLL.

You know it.

This General's advice is SOUND.......I watched the whole thing before opening up on you........I refuse to judge the man without a fair trial.

Tis true, I can't stand this president's incompetence, dithering and disinformation. Feel free to ignore me if you don't like it.
My ignore basket is very full of trolls.......haven't put you there yet...........YET......

But at least you admit you trolled this thread with the Trump........

Why not just discuss the negative pressure issue with data and leave politics alone.............

When getting into it with known trolls on this board........I give as good as I get......when I choose to do so.

Fair point. It's just difficult to watch a Lt Gen with such knowledge, professionalism and positive attitude and not draw the contrast to the exact opposite we see from Donald Trump.

I'll try to Be Best ;)
Most military tend to not give a shit about politics............they get a job and they no BS get the job done.............That is my take on this guy..............and you USED HIM to do a TROLL know it.

I admitted it - Even apologized to you earlier. What more do you want?
PRECISELY - The Dithering Dotard isn't a doctor, scientist or engineer. He just plays one on TeeVee.
Were you crapping in your diapers in consternation because Obama was not a doctor, engineer or scientist
leading the nation during the swine flu years when nearly 12, 500 Americans died?

We don't elect presidents based on how well they save the nation during these intermittent times of disease.
Obama did a shitty job in retrospect.

But I get are a partisan moron who obsessively attacks the president.
You are a butt chaffed no one who has never adjusted to a president you don't like and are starting to realize Trump will remain in office for a second term.

Change your diapers and get over it. It will be a long four years for mentally unstable clowns like you.
love aint a partisan he is a independent,just ask him he will tell you...

Were you aware that two out three Independents don't like President Rump?
Happy however that you and your pal Eric are TOTALLY a non-partisan! :D
you are about as nonpartisan as your buddy dean was....remember people are independent because they have problems with both only seem to have problems with one party....

Nope, I have problems with both parties. But in particular, I have bigly problems with this PRESIDENT.

You should too ...
sure you do, but yet we never see you bad mouthing the left,why is that?....and if you read the posts around here instead of acting like you do, you would have read my posts were i have said trump is a dipshit with a big mouth......

The topic in 80% of the threads here is Donald Trump. It is not typical to comment about Democrats in a Trump thread. But I'll see what I can do to please you next time Schumer says something stupid about judges or AOC says something stupid period.
You baited this as another Trump attack thread................and in this case the General and the presser was pretty good............You have a Rep of being TDS impaired................and YOU KNEW some would come in with sawed off shotguns blazing away..........That is the ART OF THE TROLL.

You know it.

This General's advice is SOUND.......I watched the whole thing before opening up on you........I refuse to judge the man without a fair trial.

Tis true, I can't stand this president's incompetence, dithering and disinformation. Feel free to ignore me if you don't like it.
My ignore basket is very full of trolls.......haven't put you there yet...........YET......

But at least you admit you trolled this thread with the Trump........

Why not just discuss the negative pressure issue with data and leave politics alone.............

When getting into it with known trolls on this board........I give as good as I get......when I choose to do so.

Fair point. It's just difficult to watch a Lt Gen with such knowledge, professionalism and positive attitude and not draw the contrast to the exact opposite we see from Donald Trump.

I'll try to Be Best ;)
Most military tend to not give a shit about politics............they get a job and they no BS get the job done.............That is my take on this guy..............and you USED HIM to do a TROLL know it.

I admitted it - Even apologized to you earlier. What more do you want?
Just making sure it's documented a couple of times here.........
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

someone should tell him that >24,000 have died of the flu. up 1000 from yesterday, hly fk, and another > 38,000,000 have had it. 8,000 died while we're pandering to this limp wristed sister.

38,000,000 – 54,000,000
flu illnesses

person coughing icon

18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits

doctor patient icon

400,000 – 730,000
flu hospitalizations

hospital room icon

24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths
Last edited:
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

someone should tell him that >24,000 have died of the flu. up 1000 from yesterday, hly fk, and another > 38,000,000 have had it. 7,000 died while we're pandering to this limp wristed sister.

38,000,000 – 54,000,000
flu illnesses

person coughing icon

18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits

doctor patient icon

400,000 – 730,000
flu hospitalizations

hospital room icon

24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths

Maybe you should just stfu!!!!! you're an idiot.
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.

so what?.....many good people are incompetent...and that is what is being discussed....incompetance....
I think Liberty Mutual (with one or two exceptions) has idiots in their marketing department.
The WORST is the Liberty Biberty clown
Hey I'm in marketing/ advertising/ promotions. Notice these things.
And do you prefer Coco Puffs over Count Chocula?
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.

so what?.....many good people are incompetent...and that is what is being discussed....incompetance....

Last edited:
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.

so what?.....many good people are incompetent...and that is what is being discussed....incompetance....

Opinion pieces by RW loons in Powerline Blog and Washington Times? :D

  • Overall, we rate Power Line strongly right biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks, as well as rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change.
  • The Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias. We also rate them borderline questionable and factually mixed due to poor sourcing, holding editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and numerous failed fact checks
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.

so what?.....many good people are incompetent...and that is what is being discussed....incompetance....

Opinion pieces by RW loons in Powerline Blog and Washington Times? :D

  • Overall, we rate Power Line strongly right biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks, as well as rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change.
  • The Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias. We also rate them borderline questionable and factually mixed due to poor sourcing, holding editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and numerous failed fact checks

We rate all your sources heavily demofk.

See how that works?
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.

so what?.....many good people are incompetent...and that is what is being discussed....incompetance....

Opinion pieces by RW loons in Powerline Blog and Washington Times? :D

  • Overall, we rate Power Line strongly right biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks, as well as rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change.
  • The Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias. We also rate them borderline questionable and factually mixed due to poor sourcing, holding editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and numerous failed fact checks

The author of the Boston Globe opinion piece is a loser too. He defends price gouging as being a public service that limits hoarding. :)
Unable to find an Obama scandal all he can do is say Obama was a disaster. The kid has another column whining about losing his Constitutional right to spread Covid 19. How can he not be a Republican/Russian stooge.
Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.

so what?.....many good people are incompetent...and that is what is being discussed....incompetance....

Opinion pieces by RW loons in Powerline Blog and Washington Times? :D

  • Overall, we rate Power Line strongly right biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks, as well as rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change.
  • The Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias. We also rate them borderline questionable and factually mixed due to poor sourcing, holding editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and numerous failed fact checks

The author of the Boston Globe opinion piece is a loser too. He defends price gouging as being a public service that limits hoarding. :)
Unable to find an Obama scandal all he can do is say Obama was a disaster. The kid has another column whining about losing his Constitutional right to spread Covid 19. How can he not be a Republican/Russian stooge.

Jeffie certainly is a creepy lookin' lil fuck. ;)

Our know-nothing POTUS should just STFU and let "can do" experts like this do the talking.

Well surprise surprise! Who knew there were Obama-loving Trump-hating liberal Democrats in the U.S. Army too?

No bias there, is there?

"President Obama has signed and forwarded to the Senate the nomination of Major General Todd Semonite to be the 54th Chief of Engineers. The nomination will shortly appear on the Senate’s website. The hope is that MG Semonite will be confirmed before Lieutenant General Tom Bostick (the 53rd Chief of Engineers) plans to leave the position in May..."

New Chief of Engineers Nominated by President Obama | The Levee Was Dry

Who cares who nominated the Lt General? But as long as you bring it up, Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
Your Dear Leader at one time had a few competent people in his inner circle. They're all gone now. Sad :(

Obama surrounded himself with competent people.
thats a matter of opinion,not everyone around him was competent.....

That could be, but none of them are behind bars either.

so what?.....many good people are incompetent...and that is what is being discussed....incompetance....

Opinion pieces by RW loons in Powerline Blog and Washington Times? :D

  • Overall, we rate Power Line strongly right biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks, as well as rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change.
  • The Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias. We also rate them borderline questionable and factually mixed due to poor sourcing, holding editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and numerous failed fact checks

The author of the Boston Globe opinion piece is a loser too. He defends price gouging as being a public service that limits hoarding. :)
Unable to find an Obama scandal all he can do is say Obama was a disaster. The kid has another column whining about losing his Constitutional right to spread Covid 19. How can he not be a Republican/Russian stooge.

Jeffie certainly is a creepy lookin' lil fuck. ;)

Liberals always blame the messenger as in they are unable to deal with the message....which of course is a fallacious argument to begin with.

Don't blame the messenger because the message is unpleasant.
Ken Starr

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