Thank Goodness Democrats Are Giving Illegals Instant Access To My Tax Dollars...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This is cause... real cause for impeachment not some Ukrainian call that Pelosi pinned on Trump... this is real cause for impeachment opening Americas borders during a global pandemic killing people and extending the life of covid in America an extra two years possibly....
What would we do without Democrats creating a disaster they need our tax dollars to help solve?

I mean, what would we ever do without Democrats pissing our hard-earned tax dollars away?!

Wait! but they keep saying Republicans want to kill Social Security..... yet it seems they are doing evrything possible to put the whole system at risk.
Theres plenty of elderly Americans here who could use that extra food stamp money etc.... what the fuck is wrong with these people? They will be happy to let 5 million in a year if they could.
And I doubt they all have their vaccinations... especially the tens , or hundred of thousands of gotaways who slip past everyone.
What would we do without Democrats creating a disaster they need our tax dollars to help solve?

I mean, what would we ever do without Democrats pissing our hard-earned tax dollars away?!

I would be surprised if it passes the Senate, and am certain, it will die in the House without ever getting a vote. So, don't sweat it. Left Coast politicians will be left coast politicians. The only intelligent left coast politician, I've heard lately was a California state Senator, riled at how screwed up California has become saying "when my time in the Senate is up, I'm leaving the state and moving to America."
But under the bill from Reps. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and Tony Cardenas, D-Calif., and Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, that five-year waiting period would no longer apply. Democrats said the "arbitrary" five-year waiting period makes it harder for immigrants to obtain "critical benefits and services."

What's the rush to give illegal aliens taxpayer dollars?
Why did you feel the need to lie here? It's what you do?

The bill has nothing to do with illegals.
Wait! but they keep saying Republicans want to kill Social Security..... yet it seems they are doing evrything possible to put the whole system at risk.
Theres plenty of elderly Americans here who could use that extra food stamp money etc.... what the fuck is wrong with these people? They will be happy to let 5 million in a year if they could.
And I doubt they all have their vaccinations... especially the tens , or hundred of thousands of gotaways who slip past everyone.
You are assuming democrats give a shit about seniors. Hell…they wiped them out in mass in COVID infected nursing homes and progressives flat out wish the boomers were dead.

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