"Thank you" Alabama for helping to turn sane women AGAINST the GOP

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How much money is being set aside in the bill to help unwed mothers and unwanted babies? Why can’t we get any Republicans on the USMB to answer that question?

Your mom choose life. Why are you so against it?

Well they made the choice to open their legs and get pregnant. The baby shouldn't be killed because of it. Even in the event of rape, a 3rd party is now involved. They have a right to life, no matter the circumstances of their conception.

Thank God for Alabama. Let them lead the way! Protect the innocent babies that liberals want to suck out through tubes and get ripped apart in the womb. And if that doesn't work, they support post-birth abortion. That's some sick fuckers.
Typical CRC....it's all on the woman....never the responsibility of a male who can't keep his pants zipped....and then FORCE the woman to give birth....and then pull away any support for that woman and child after birth...and then denigrate the woman for being a "baby factory" and "welfare queen".
Sane women don’t murder their children
Why don't we force men to get vasectomies until they can prove they are married and are planning of having and supporting children, then reverse the v-section?

I think that any man who causes an unplanned pregnancy should be put in prison for a decade or so. Any assets they have should be given to the woman and any money they ever earn should be given to the woman and child.

Any man who walks away from their own flesh and blood or rapes a woman or girl gets castrated for life since they don't know how to use their penis properly they shouldn't have the use of it.
Sounds like an excellent idea.
How much money is being set aside in the bill to help unwed mothers and unwanted babies? Why can’t we get any Republicans on the USMB to answer that question?

Your mom choose life. Why are you so against it?

Well they made the choice to open their legs and get pregnant. The baby shouldn't be killed because of it. Even in the event of rape, a 3rd party is now involved. They have a right to life, no matter the circumstances of their conception.

Thank God for Alabama. Let them lead the way! Protect the innocent babies that liberals want to suck out through tubes and get ripped apart in the womb. And if that doesn't work, they support post-birth abortion. That's some sick fuckers.
Typical CRC....it's all on the woman....never the responsibility of a male who can't keep his pants zipped....and then FORCE the woman to give birth....and then pull away any support for that woman and child after birth...and then denigrate the woman for being a "baby factory" and "welfare queen".
Democrat immigration needs to be addressed

I wonder if any of those “Pro life“ guys tried to get their mistresses to have an abortion.

We’ve seen that happen with Republicans before.

Where are the African Americans? Doesn’t Alabama have a lot of black people living there?
Let me guess white men trying to protect black babies are racist? Lol

Marc and rdean types want to eradicate blacks through abortion. This is why they're mad.
Hmmm....I was not aware that blacks were being forced to have abortions. Can you tell us more about that, please?

Abortion’s Devastating Impact Upon Black Americans - Public Discourse
Sane women don’t murder their children
Why don't we force men to get vasectomies until they can prove they are married and are planning of having and supporting children, then reverse the v-section?

I think that any man who causes an unplanned pregnancy should be put in prison for a decade or so. Any assets they have should be given to the woman and any money they ever earn should be given to the woman and child.

Any man who walks away from their own flesh and blood or rapes a woman or girl gets castrated for life since they don't know how to use their penis properly they shouldn't have the use of it.
Sounds like an excellent idea.
How would he ba able to pay for the child if he is in jail??

I wonder if any of those “Pro life“ guys tried to get their mistresses to have an abortion.

We’ve seen that happen with Republicans before.

Where are the African Americans? Doesn’t Alabama have a lot of black people living there?
Let me guess white men trying to protect black babies are racist? Lol

Marc and rdean types want to eradicate blacks through abortion. This is why they're mad.
So how much money should they spend to help these unwed mothers and take care of these unwanted babies? Why won’t you answer that question?

Why is it the govt's problem to take care of people? The man and the woman made this decision. Its their responsibility. Why is this so difficult?
If it’s their responsibility, then leave them alone fukt@rd.
What is wrong with you?
This is how CRCs think.....they put ALL the responsibility of getting pregnant on women (even those FORCED by rape or incest) and then take away the decision making that should be the woman's and hers alone.
Why is it the govt's problem to tell women what they can do with their bodies?

It is the duty of Government to hold people responsible for their choices and actions and the consequences thereof.

These women chose to have sex. One of the potential consequences of that choice/act is pregnancy. Nobody is forcing then to keep or raise the child, just give birth to it.
Let me guess white men trying to protect black babies are racist? Lol

Marc and rdean types want to eradicate blacks through abortion. This is why they're mad.
So how much money should they spend to help these unwed mothers and take care of these unwanted babies? Why won’t you answer that question?

Why is it the govt's problem to take care of people? The man and the woman made this decision. Its their responsibility. Why is this so difficult?
If it’s their responsibility, then leave them alone fukt@rd.
What is wrong with you?
This is how CRCs think.....they put ALL the responsibility of getting pregnant on women (even those FORCED by rape or incest) and then take away the decision making that should be the woman's and hers alone.
What about the life?

I wonder if any of those “Pro life“ guys tried to get their mistresses to have an abortion.

We’ve seen that happen with Republicans before.

Where are the African Americans? Doesn’t Alabama have a lot of black people living there?
Let me guess white men trying to protect black babies are racist? Lol

Marc and rdean types want to eradicate blacks through abortion. This is why they're mad.
So how much money should they spend to help these unwed mothers and take care of these unwanted babies? Why won’t you answer that question?

Why is it the govt's problem to take care of people? The man and the woman made this decision. Its their responsibility. Why is this so difficult?
Why is it the govt's problem to tell women what they can do with their bodies?

Do they?
Alabama will become even stupider as now brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters and mothers and sons can no longer obtain abortions.

Looks like theyre choosing life and becoming smarter. Your hate for life is noted.
So how much money are they going to use to take care of unwed mothers and unwanted babies? I mean you don’t really mean forcing poor women to have babies when they’re probably getting an abortion because they don’t have any money to take care of them. Nobody could be that cruel and mean and hard hearted could they?

Well geesh, if you're killing them, thats pretty cruel.
Cruel is forcing a poor woman to have a baby she can’t take care of. Cruel to her, cruel to the baby, and cruel to her family if she has other kids.

I don’t understand why you believe you can force your views on these people and then turn your back on them. It’s like someone is being a really creepy nasty dirty mean spirited animal. If you’re going to force someone to live by your rules, you have to provide some kind of support.

Kind of like forcing people to be disarmed then not providing them with an alternative means of defending themself?
Exactly. Just like that.
Marc and rdean types want to eradicate blacks through abortion. This is why they're mad.
So how much money should they spend to help these unwed mothers and take care of these unwanted babies? Why won’t you answer that question?

Why is it the govt's problem to take care of people? The man and the woman made this decision. Its their responsibility. Why is this so difficult?
If it’s their responsibility, then leave them alone fukt@rd.
What is wrong with you?
This is how CRCs think.....they put ALL the responsibility of getting pregnant on women (even those FORCED by rape or incest) and then take away the decision making that should be the woman's and hers alone.
What about the life?

Its just a blob. Nothing to see there.
You have a lot of faith in these southern women.

All these old white bastards are married to women.

If their women were that uncomfortable w/this they'd make it known and influence, at least half of them not to take that path.

This is not what happened.

These women are still standing by their husbands/men.

These women agree w/what they are doing.

I'd have to see it to believe otherwise.
You might be the biggest racist I ever met

Certainly one of the biggest idiots. Someone who can't figure out that most people are repulsed by sociopaths who believe infanticide is merely "birth control".
What infanticide?
Alabama will become even stupider as now brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters and mothers and sons can no longer obtain abortions.

Looks like theyre choosing life and becoming smarter. Your hate for life is noted.
So how much money are they going to use to take care of unwed mothers and unwanted babies? I mean you don’t really mean forcing poor women to have babies when they’re probably getting an abortion because they don’t have any money to take care of them. Nobody could be that cruel and mean and hard hearted could they?

Well geesh, if you're killing them, thats pretty cruel.
Cruel is forcing a poor woman to have a baby she can’t take care of. Cruel to her, cruel to the baby, and cruel to her family if she has other kids.

I don’t understand why you believe you can force your views on these people and then turn your back on them. It’s like someone is being a really creepy nasty dirty mean spirited animal. If you’re going to force someone to live by your rules, you have to provide some kind of support.

There are options short of killing the baby.

You ever heard of adopting?
Killing babies? What babies are being killed? That's illegal everywhere.

I wonder if any of those “Pro life“ guys tried to get their mistresses to have an abortion.

We’ve seen that happen with Republicans before.

Where are the African Americans? Doesn’t Alabama have a lot of black people living there?
Let me guess white men trying to protect black babies are racist? Lol

Marc and rdean types want to eradicate blacks through abortion. This is why they're mad.
So how much money should they spend to help these unwed mothers and take care of these unwanted babies? Why won’t you answer that question?
Why should they? they should should have a family.. god creates struggles so others will learn.. it’s how we created Western civilization but Democrats refuse to teach American exceptionalism in school
How can you have exceptionalism when you have rising infant mortality and falling life expectancy in Appalachia which covers a dozen red states?

And forcing poor women to have unwanted babies without providing any kind of care or money or support is just monstrous beyond belief.
Alabama is one of the worst states when it comes to health care and education......they are not pro-life, they are pro-forced birth.....then the kid's on its own. Screw em!
Once again, the GOP shows that white, older, right wing males want to rule over women's rights......Regardless of what the eventual SCOTUS decision will be, the GOP has once again shown their misogynist view.

Racist, sexist, misandrist post.

I wonder if any of those “Pro life“ guys tried to get their mistresses to have an abortion.

We’ve seen that happen with Republicans before.

Where are the African Americans? Doesn’t Alabama have a lot of black people living there?
Racist, sexist, misandrist post.
Let me guess white men trying to protect black babies are racist? Lol

Marc and rdean types want to eradicate blacks through abortion. This is why they're mad.
So how much money should they spend to help these unwed mothers and take care of these unwanted babies? Why won’t you answer that question?
Why should they? they should should have a family.. god creates struggles so others will learn.. it’s how we created Western civilization but Democrats refuse to teach American exceptionalism in school
How can you have exceptionalism when you have rising infant mortality and falling life expectancy in Appalachia which covers a dozen red states?

And forcing poor women to have unwanted babies without providing any kind of care or money or support is just monstrous beyond belief.
Alabama is one of the worst states when it comes to health care and education......they are not pro-life, they are pro-forced birth.....then the kid's on its own. Screw em!
Fake news
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