Thank You Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi....and The Rest Of The Democrat Party


See what happens when a Republican governor in Texass has a pandemic protocol with jail time? The Dems get the blame for what a republican Governor did....

I would point out that the Governor in Texas did not put the small business owner in jail, spoke out demanding her release and issued an order preventing any other small business owners from being you're stupid.
The governor had the proclamation he made a public order and in his order there was jail time for those violating the proclamation...Yet, you want to try and tell people that the Gov is innocent of jailing a woman who violates the governors order because she claimed she need needed food for her kids after getting an 18k PPP loan two days before her arrest.
Yes, the governor spoke out against his own order, consistency is not a Republican's friend, eh?

Then you should be able to post the proclamation and order that includes jail time, right? Now's the time.

A judge in Dallas sentenced the woman and jailed her. Not the Governor.
The judge was following the governors protocol and ask the woman to apologise about breaking the order and she could go free yet she refused. You don't seem to understand how laws work do yous?

She was put in jail because she CORRECTED the judge when he accused her of being "selfish"... She told him providing a living for her kids and family and not going bankrupt was not a selfish act.. She was right..

Notice how many protesters are looting and rioting in these same states now and NO judge is accusing THEM of "being selfish" about Covid is there? Guess the Covid problem got cured.. Right there Moonie??????????????

That woman helped STOP the creeping nanny state... Oh YOU'LL LOVE the nanny state.,.. It's everything you've ever wanted....

See what happens when a Republican governor in Texass has a pandemic protocol with jail time? The Dems get the blame for what a republican Governor did....

I would point out that the Governor in Texas did not put the small business owner in jail, spoke out demanding her release and issued an order preventing any other small business owners from being you're stupid.
The governor had the proclamation he made a public order and in his order there was jail time for those violating the proclamation...Yet, you want to try and tell people that the Gov is innocent of jailing a woman who violates the governors order because she claimed she need needed food for her kids after getting an 18k PPP loan two days before her arrest.
Yes, the governor spoke out against his own order, consistency is not a Republican's friend, eh?

Then you should be able to post the proclamation and order that includes jail time, right? Now's the time.

A judge in Dallas sentenced the woman and jailed her. Not the Governor.
The judge was following the governors protocol and ask the woman to apologise about breaking the order and she could go free yet she refused. You don't seem to understand how laws work do yous?

She was put in jail because she CORRECTED the judge when he accused her of being "selfish"... She told him providing a living for her kids and family and not going bankrupt was not a selfish act.. She was right..

Notice how many protesters are looting and rioting in these same states now and NO judge is accusing THEM of "being selfish" about Covid is there? Guess the Covid problem got cured.. Right there Moonie??????????????

That woman helped STOP the creeping nanny state... Oh YOU'LL LOVE the nanny state.,.. It's everything you've ever wanted....
The creeping nanny state instituted by the president down to governors. The nanny state that gave her a pop loan of 18k just before she was caught violating the nanny state of the Dems and Repubs. Hmm. I ran a business for thirty five years and in hard times I got a second job to support my business.
Enjoy the new nanny state provided by Trump's signature.
The creeping nanny state instituted by the president down to governors. The nanny state that gave her a pop loan of 18k just before she was caught violating the nanny state of the Dems and Repubs. Hmm. I ran a business for thirty five years and in hard times I got a second job to support my business.
Enjoy the new nanny state provided by Trump's signature.

Crisis STIMULUS is something it took DEMOCRATS to pass.. With OR Without Trump -- you would have gotten it.. Whether it's worthless or not.. IN FACT -- Pelosi wanted to TRIPLE down to the tune of several trillion and toss windmills, voting reform, AND solar panels against the Covid virus.....

Don't think you understand a bit of the Nanny state demonstration version 1.1 that you just saw... But most reasonable people have learned a lot from the dicktators who LOVE to be bosses... Instead of public servants...

See what happens when a Republican governor in Texass has a pandemic protocol with jail time? The Dems get the blame for what a republican Governor did....

I would point out that the Governor in Texas did not put the small business owner in jail, spoke out demanding her release and issued an order preventing any other small business owners from being you're stupid.
The governor had the proclamation he made a public order and in his order there was jail time for those violating the proclamation...Yet, you want to try and tell people that the Gov is innocent of jailing a woman who violates the governors order because she claimed she need needed food for her kids after getting an 18k PPP loan two days before her arrest.
Yes, the governor spoke out against his own order, consistency is not a Republican's friend, eh?

Then you should be able to post the proclamation and order that includes jail time, right? Now's the time.

A judge in Dallas sentenced the woman and jailed her. Not the Governor.
The judge was following the governors protocol and ask the woman to apologise about breaking the order and she could go free yet she refused. You don't seem to understand how laws work do yous?

She was put in jail because she CORRECTED the judge when he accused her of being "selfish"... She told him providing a living for her kids and family and not going bankrupt was not a selfish act.. She was right..

Notice how many protesters are looting and rioting in these same states now and NO judge is accusing THEM of "being selfish" about Covid is there? Guess the Covid problem got cured.. Right there Moonie??????????????

That woman helped STOP the creeping nanny state... Oh YOU'LL LOVE the nanny state.,.. It's everything you've ever wanted....
The creeping nanny state instituted by the president down to governors. The nanny state that gave her a pop loan of 18k just before she was caught violating the nanny state of the Dems and Repubs. Hmm. I ran a business for thirty five years and in hard times I got a second job to support my business.
Enjoy the new nanny state provided by Trump's signature.

Oh. Fuck you you ignorant twat. This is progressive democrat policy in action. Trump has nothing to do with this bullshit. This is all on dickheads like you.
Dem's get control of your lawless animals.
The pigs should learn more restraint and stop killing helpless humans like animals at the slaughterhouse.

Agreed. How does destroying innocent people's property and livelihood help to stop that, dumbass.

Ask a rioter that I am sure they know.

Why? Thay are almost as stupid as you seem to be. You're great at tossing out pithy comments but you're real short on anything constructive.
You have the nerve to say this after Trump has pardoned all his buddies in prison and has been releasing convicts by the hundreds.

yeah he is one of USMBs biggest trolls who should be Banned,not defending the democrats in anyway,I agree with the op on that but he has no credibility,it’s always the democrats this and that,everything is the democrats fault blah blah blah blah.

Where was this asshole stupid fucking troll after 9/11 happened when we lost most of all of our civil libertys and freedoms taken from us thanks the to REPUBLICANS Bush,Cheney and the neocons in the bush administration after the patriot act was signed that made us a police state giving powers to them to illegally survilance us? :uhoh3:

of course that idiot Blamed it all on Obama of course after he expanded what bush got started,:uhoh3: he never addresses facts like that.always evades them
Dem's get control of your lawless animals.
The pigs should learn more restraint and stop killing helpless humans like animals at the slaughterhouse.

Agreed. How does destroying innocent people's property and livelihood help to stop that, dumbass.

Ask a rioter that I am sure they know.

Why? Thay are almost as stupid as you seem to be. You're great at tossing out pithy comments but you're real short on anything constructive.
Do you always converse with people by insulting them and negating any chance of a real conversation with apparent truths?
I have no idea what reasons they use to justify the release of anger and frustration.
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You have the nerve to say this after Trump has pardoned all his buddies in prison and has been releasing convicts by the hundreds.

Hey, how's Marc Rich? You know, the rich guy that violated the law, refused to pay his taxes, fled to another country, had his wife donate to Bill Clinton, (and who knows what other services she provided to Billy), and then for some strange crazy reason.... was pardoned!

But of course we know that's not "real" corruption... only Trump can engage in real corruption in Left-wing land.

it’s obvious from his post Clinton equals trump that unlike the op,he is not trolling blaming everything on one party.
The op is one of the biggest if not the biggest troll here at usmb who always blames everything on the democrats despite the irrefutable evidence the republicans are everybit as corrupt as them.
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Dem's get control of your lawless animals.
The pigs should learn more restraint and stop killing helpless humans like animals at the slaughterhouse.

Agreed. How does destroying innocent people's property and livelihood help to stop that, dumbass.

Ask a rioter that I am sure they know.

Why? Thay are almost as stupid as you seem to be. You're great at tossing out pithy comments but you're real short on anything constructive.
Do you always converse with people by insulting them and negating any chance of a real conversation with apparent truths?
I have no idea what reasons they use to justify the release of anger and frustration.
Yep ,the truth hurts.:biggrin::thankusmile::clap::clap::clap::clap:
You have the nerve to say this after Trump has pardoned all his buddies in prison and has been releasing convicts by the hundreds.

Hey, how's Marc Rich? You know, the rich guy that violated the law, refused to pay his taxes, fled to another country, had his wife donate to Bill Clinton, (and who knows what other services she provided to Billy), and then for some strange crazy reason.... was pardoned!

But of course we know that's not "real" corruption... only Trump can engage in real corruption in Left-wing land.
Bill Clinton versus Trump =no diff.

Well there is actually is a real difference. Most of Trumps big flaws, happened before he was in office.

Clinton violated clear laws while in office, and not only that, but this was clearly documented.... and the left-wing didn't care he lied constantly and violated laws constantly, and supported him even after he left office.

And then you had Hillary, who was worse, and the left-wing supported her.

Then you have the calling absolutely everyone racists, that resulted from Obama.

I'm convinced that it was the Clintons, and Obama, that resulted in Trump. If any of them had not existed, Trump would never have been elected.
Trump was elected by the Electoral College not by the masses..
A fact the trump,supporters don’t want to face no les :up:
Dem's get control of your lawless animals.
The pigs should learn more restraint and stop killing helpless humans like animals at the slaughterhouse.

Agreed. How does destroying innocent people's property and livelihood help to stop that, dumbass.

Ask a rioter that I am sure they know.

Why? Thay are almost as stupid as you seem to be. You're great at tossing out pithy comments but you're real short on anything constructive.
Do you always converse with people by insulting them and negating any chance of a real conversation with apparent truths?
I have no idea what reasons they use to justify the release of anger and frustration.

No, only those I hold in contempt. Once upon a time you made reasonable posts, then, when Trump got elected you lost at least 40 IQ points.

And, you aren't interested in engaging in rational, respectful discussion. You invariably pop in to one of those, make some snide trolling response, and then skip out before you can possibly listen to the other side.

My response to you in this thread is all you deserve. If you want to be treated with respect then you have to treat others with respect.
You’ll always have memes and non-sequiturs, huh? It’s the best you have to offer. Unfortunately you need to step aside and let the adults vote.
If you add gasoline to dry brush and then introduce a spark, you're going to get one hell of a big fire!!!
You’ll always have memes and non-sequiturs, huh? It’s the best you have to offer. Unfortunately you need to step aside and let the adults vote.
A non-sequitur is a useless offering to a discussion....but in fact everything I posted is what everyone seems to be thinking.
Clearly this is an organized attack on the American public by Democrat operatives.
So you can shove your adult talk up your backside, dipshit.

See what happens when a Republican governor in Texass has a pandemic protocol with jail time? The Dems get the blame for what a republican Governor did....

I would point out that the Governor in Texas did not put the small business owner in jail, spoke out demanding her release and issued an order preventing any other small business owners from being you're stupid.
The governor had the proclamation he made a public order and in his order there was jail time for those violating the proclamation...Yet, you want to try and tell people that the Gov is innocent of jailing a woman who violates the governors order because she claimed she need needed food for her kids after getting an 18k PPP loan two days before her arrest.
Yes, the governor spoke out against his own order, consistency is not a Republican's friend, eh?
Awe the epidemic didn't work out as you planned. So you gonna get 4 more years of Trump. Now liberal shitholes are being burnt down by paid for protesters. That should end the Democrat party. You loons are destroying your own party. I love it!
Dem's get control of your lawless animals.

Yes, please do that:

Gov. Tim Walz vowed Saturday to fully mobilize the National Guard to combat what he called a "tightly controlled" group of outside agitators who have turned city streets into scenes of looting and arson.

White agitators deliberately destroyed and torched black owned businesses, doing as much damage as possible. They're being arrested, and they will be hunted down and exposed.
Liberals paid by your man Soros to destroy black owned businesses. You should feel proud, you people really don't care who you hurt.

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