Thank you Barack!

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Interesting item regarding "Senegal’s infamous Door of No Return".

"However, despite the claims that millions of slaves passed through the door, its most likely use is now thought to have been for disposing of rubbish. Likewise, the waters it overlooks are too rocky and shallow for a slave ship to have used it as a loading bay."

"There are literally no historians who believe the Slave House is what they're claiming it to be, or that believe Goree was statistically significant in terms of the slave trade," said Ralph Austen, a professor at the University of Chicago who has researched the subject."

"Other slave forts along the West African coastline, such as at Cape Coast in Ghana, have much more substantial claims to being major slaving centres. However, historians who have questioned Gorée's claims have often been accused of attempting to "deny" the extent of the slave trade. Given the amount of tourist income that the island generates for a country still living in poverty, there has been little incentive in Senegal itself to put the record straight."

Did Barack Obama pick the wrong venue for anti-slavery speech? - Telegraph
Oh for crying out loud.

That doorway has long been accepted and represented as a doorway through which many kidnapped, beaten, starved and tortured people were taken on their way to becoming slaves.

Just let President Obama visit it and they come out of the woodwork.

No, I don't mean Decus, who posted the article.

In spite of that article, the symbolism is just as heartbreaking, just as powerful.

Thank you Mr President.
the specific locations may vary BUT The New York Post is no Progressive bastion of a source so...
I got a thread for you Frank57. Coming up shortly ;) One of your favorite Progs
for your testament on your visit to Senegal Mr. President , Never again will the black man be in chains.

Obama visits Senegal?s Door of No Return, historic exit point for America-bound slaves -
In a powerful, symbolic moment, President Obama stepped into the frame of Senegal’s infamous Door of No Return, through which shackled slaves passed as they left Africa for North America centuries ago.

Dot, before you break out the knee pads, do some research

In 1981, Mauritania became the last country in the world to abolish slavery. Activists are arrested for fighting the practice. The government denies it exists.

Slavery's last stronghold

And it's still going on in Africa
Oh for crying out loud.

That doorway has long been accepted and represented as a doorway through which many kidnapped, beaten, starved and tortured people were taken on their way to becoming slaves.

Just let President Obama visit it and they come out of the woodwork.

No, I don't mean Decus, who posted the article.

In spite of that article, the symbolism is just as heartbreaking, just as powerful.

Thank you Mr President.

presented with facts that it's a load of shit, and doesn't care.

The fucking irony and constant hypocrassy is almost Two much
Physical Enslaving people is so "last year". All the hip young kids are getting Degrees in Finance and becoming Bankers. It's much easier to get people (and countries) to voluntarily become debt slaves with easy credit.

People actually PAY for their own enslavement nowadays, it's brilliant!
Physical Enslaving people is so "last year". All the hip young kids are getting Degrees in Finance and becoming Bankers. It's much easier to get people (and countries) to voluntarily become debt slaves with easy credit.

People actually PAY for their own enslavement nowadays, it's brilliant!

and those financial institutions, along w/ their lobbyists, own the us govt :up:
Physical Enslaving people is so "last year". All the hip young kids are getting Degrees in Finance and becoming Bankers. It's much easier to get people (and countries) to voluntarily become debt slaves with easy credit.

People actually PAY for their own enslavement nowadays, it's brilliant!

and those financial institutions, along w/ their lobbyists, own the us govt :up:

and yet, here you are, fluffing a man you know is owned.

For dotty....

She's so dizzy over Barack, she's so dizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy

Dotty is getting sweeeepy
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thank you Barack for all your hope and change.thought you said you were going to end Bushs war you called senseless? instead you expand it,Great job.:clap2:
leave Barack alone. He's having a hard enough time cleaning-up the previous admin's colossal mess.
I'm having flashbacks to the constant attacks of the Clinton years. I feel like if we get a Republican president in 2016, these days will be looked upon as the "good old days". Just like when Bush was president and so many people fondly remembered how much better it was under Clinton.
Oh for crying out loud.

That doorway has long been accepted and represented as a doorway through which many kidnapped, beaten, starved and tortured people were taken on their way to becoming slaves.

Just let President Obama visit it and they come out of the woodwork.

No, I don't mean Decus, who posted the article.

In spite of that article, the symbolism is just as heartbreaking, just as powerful.

Thank you Mr President.

presented with facts that it's a load of shit, and doesn't care.

The fucking irony and constant hypocrassy is almost Two much

yes, the irony imho being that those folks that showed up looking for chattel bought/traded them from......._________________:eusa_whistle:

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