Thank you GOP for making Hillary look so very presidential!

After 11 hours....Gowdy was soaked in sweat

Hillary was still fresh
Well, what if you spent millions of taxpayer money looking for something that wasn't there? What is some people even wanted you to answer for it?
It's money well spent to show just how horrible these people have become. I could almost see the ghost of McCarthy egging them on in the background.
Yep. Nothing says presidential like getting away with not doing your job, getting people killed, then smirking about it. Let's elect hillary president and see how many more Americans she can get killed! What a victory!
Yep. Nothing says presidential like getting away with not doing your job, getting people killed, then smirking about it. Let's elect hillary president and see how many more Americans she can get killed! What a victory!
She didn't get anyone killed. You can blame the killers for that, and Stevens for making himself an easy target. Remember, no one died at the embassy, which he was 400 miles away from at the time.
Hillary Clinton weathers House Benghazi committee hearing -


Get this, when Trey (Malfoy) Gowdy was asked, after 11 hours of testimony, if he got anything new, he answered uh, no.

Millions in taxpayer money and nothing new.

When she was asked why she testified again, Mrs. Clinton said it was because if the Republicans found something new, let them present it. The American public has a right to know.

She also talked about the hundred attacks and the dozens who had died since 2001.

As wild and crazy as the Republicans appeared, Mrs. Clinton looked thoughtful, informed and presidential.

You're welcome. That's as close as she'll actually get to the office though.
Her chances are even better now. She was the only adult there, and she took it like a man, not good for the GOP panty-wetters...

What it proved was that the Democrats will do whatever is expedient to further their goals and agenda. They will lie to get their Bills passed, lie to cover their President, lie to cover their Secretary of State, use governmental agencies to go after anyone who opposes them, fail to prosecute those who adhere to their agenda, twist facts, control the news media, and undermine the good of the nation as a whole. It further proves that those like you have absolutely zero scruples and support those in politics who have no scruples either. It makes you one very small individual.
This on Sept 12, 2012

The New York Times
reported: "American and European officials said that while many details about the attack remained unclear, the assailants seemed organized, well trained and heavily armed, and they appeared to have at least some level of advance planning." The article also noted that a senior Obama administration official told reporters that “it was clearly a complex attack,” but provided no details.[4]

Then why was it that on Sept.16 2012 Susan Rice went on all the Sunday shows saying it was a video that caused it as if it was just one of those things.
Oh I don't know. Could it be the hundreds of riots happening all over the world at the same time and the dozens who died during violent protests?


Cover their butts like the garbage you are, You stand for nothing. You are nothing.
we know you libs on here don't seem to care these politician's lie. oh wait, they might if they were Republican. hell they be wailing for weeks. But even Obama lied to you all and won lie of year and you all just yawned. so go vote for the old lady you kicked to the curb Seven years ago. no one here cares, for real
Hillary Clinton weathers House Benghazi committee hearing -


Get this, when Trey (Malfoy) Gowdy was asked, after 11 hours of testimony, if he got anything new, he answered uh, no.

Millions in taxpayer money and nothing new.

When she was asked why she testified again, Mrs. Clinton said it was because if the Republicans found something new, let them present it. The American public has a right to know.

She also talked about the hundred attacks and the dozens who had died since 2001.

As wild and crazy as the Republicans appeared, Mrs. Clinton looked thoughtful, informed and presidential.

You're welcome. That's as close as she'll actually get to the office though.
Her chances are even better now. She was the only adult there, and she took it like a man, not good for the GOP panty-wetters...

What it proved was that the Democrats will do whatever is expedient to further their goals and agenda. They will lie to get their Bills passed, lie to cover their President, lie to cover their Secretary of State, use governmental agencies to go after anyone who opposes them, fail to prosecute those who adhere to their agenda, twist facts, control the news media, and undermine the good of the nation as a whole. It further proves that those like you have absolutely zero scruples and support those in politics who have no scruples either. It makes you one very small individual.
Your, but my side's shit don't stink argument is noted, and rejected as total nonsense of course. Politics is hardball, not a game for you it seems.

BTW, and this is something you need to learn, I prefer my bastards to yours. That's what smart people do, pick a side that's better, and that's as far as it goes. I sure as hell can't vote for the assholes on your side...
Laughing at dead soldiers and a dead ambassador is presidential?
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.
Yep. Nothing says presidential like getting away with not doing your job, getting people killed, then smirking about it. Let's elect hillary president and see how many more Americans she can get killed! What a victory!
She didn't get anyone killed. You can blame the killers for that, and Stevens for making himself an easy target. Remember, no one died at the embassy, which he was 400 miles away from at the time.
Stevens was doing his job under his boss hillary clinton. Blaming him for his own death makes as much sense as hillary laughing at his emails requesting security in hopes of not getting killed. No one died at the embassy? That makes the four dead Americans no big deal?

I don't know how else to say this. There is something wrong with you.
Laughing at dead soldiers and a dead ambassador is presidential?
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.

You are aware that help was only two hours away by C130 aircraft and Hillary, who held the responsibility, never made the call. The fighting went on for some nine hours and help was two hours away. She should never hold any position of authority in the government again. She got those guys killed by inaction and incompetence.
Laughing at dead soldiers and a dead ambassador is presidential?
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.
Really? The American people don't care about dead Americans? That's news to this American. If you think people getting killed is a partisan game then you are one sick freak.
Laughing at dead soldiers and a dead ambassador is presidential?
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.

You are aware that help was only two hours away by C130 aircraft and Hillary, who held the responsibility, never made the call. The fighting went on for some nine hours and help was two hours away. She should never hold any position of authority in the government again. She got those guys killed by inaction and incompetence.
What you believe is entirely wrong. There was no one who knew what was up until it was too late, and no one who could have saved him. It's in the reports, read them. Benghazi report from Republican-led House panel debunks allegations
Laughing at dead soldiers and a dead ambassador is presidential?
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.
Really? The American people don't care about dead Americans? That's news to this American. If you think people getting killed is a partisan game then you are one sick freak.
They care in the well, that was a fuck up way, which is appropriate. They are not, unlike you, using the deaths of four men for partisan games and political gain.
Laughing at dead soldiers and a dead ambassador is presidential?
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.
Really? The American people don't care about dead Americans? That's news to this American. If you think people getting killed is a partisan game then you are one sick freak.

What he really means is that HE doesn't care about dead Americans. Whatever it takes to protect Obama, Hillary, and Rice is what's important to that sub-human.

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