Thank you GOP for making Hillary look so very presidential!

It proved she is a lying incompetent bitch. But feel free to keep saying that. It's extremely helpful. :clap:
Telling the truth is not a bad thing.
Libs and the truth have never met.
We're loving all you guys have done for the Democrat Brand the last few days. Thank you very much. :clap:
Doubtful or you nitwits wouldn't be spamming the board with this shit.
If you consider being exposed as a pathelogical liar, like her husband and Obama, then yes the GOP helped prove she's equally 'qualified'.

Any doubt that the entire 'video' narrative was a lie from the start and that Hillary started it, lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and despicably lied to the grieving families was erased when the GOP presented Hillary with her own e-mails exposing her lies.

The majority of the nation who believe she is the least trustworthy candidate in this race are right. She was exposed as a complete failure as Secretary of State - unable to run an agency let alone the country, and lied her ass off to protect her own political career.

She stood next to the family members while the caskets of their loved ones - fallen HEROES - were taken off a plane, and in that moment she preyed upon their grief, telling them lies, too cowardly to tell them their family members were dead because SHE FAILED to do her job - protect them!

In THAT moment HILLARY proved she could NOT be any LESS Presidential if she tried!
Presidential? Like tricky Dick Nixon? Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein.
Laughing at dead soldiers and a dead ambassador is presidential?
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.

You are aware that help was only two hours away by C130 aircraft and Hillary, who held the responsibility, never made the call. The fighting went on for some nine hours and help was two hours away. She should never hold any position of authority in the government again. She got those guys killed by inaction and incompetence.
What you believe is entirely wrong. There was no one who knew what was up until it was too late, and no one who could have saved him. It's in the reports, read them. Benghazi report from Republican-led House panel debunks allegations
EVERY investigation has revealed that help could not have saved them

Yet they still repeat the lie. Maybe if we have a ninth investigation, they will believe that one
In order to be presidential does that require you to be a lying callous bitch who only cares about what hapoen in Benghazi because it may affect her presidential campaign?
Hillary Clinton weathers House Benghazi committee hearing -
As wild and crazy as the Republicans appeared, Mrs. Clinton looked thoughtful, informed and presidential.

Hillary looked like a politician who knew she could stay above the fray because Dems on the panel would act as her defense attorneys while tossing her softball questions she could hit out of the park ... questions she or her staff may well have written.

Ten years from now one of those on the committee will write a book describing his part in the dog and pony show that amounted to nothing less than collusion with a congressional witness.

That said, I believe the seed has been planted as nearly 2/3 of American voters find her to be untrustworthy.
No one, especially Hillary, has laughed at either. You tried to nail jell-o to a wall. Don't be surprised that it didn't stay where put...

Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.

You are aware that help was only two hours away by C130 aircraft and Hillary, who held the responsibility, never made the call. The fighting went on for some nine hours and help was two hours away. She should never hold any position of authority in the government again. She got those guys killed by inaction and incompetence.
What you believe is entirely wrong. There was no one who knew what was up until it was too late, and no one who could have saved him. It's in the reports, read them. Benghazi report from Republican-led House panel debunks allegations
EVERY investigation has revealed that help could not have saved them

Yet they still repeat the lie. Maybe if we have a ninth investigation, they will believe that one
Bullshit. The soldiers that were there say differently.
Lies were certainly told and the American people know it.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.

You are aware that help was only two hours away by C130 aircraft and Hillary, who held the responsibility, never made the call. The fighting went on for some nine hours and help was two hours away. She should never hold any position of authority in the government again. She got those guys killed by inaction and incompetence.
What you believe is entirely wrong. There was no one who knew what was up until it was too late, and no one who could have saved him. It's in the reports, read them. Benghazi report from Republican-led House panel debunks allegations
EVERY investigation has revealed that help could not have saved them

Yet they still repeat the lie. Maybe if we have a ninth investigation, they will believe that one
Bullshit. The soldiers that were there say differently.

Another ridiculous lie from the right – that they could have been 'saved,' when in fact no such 'rescue' was possible; indeed, it's settled, accepted, and beyond dispute that no 'rescue' was possible.

But the reprehensible right tries to keep this and other lies alive.
Hillary Clinton weathers House Benghazi committee hearing -


Get this, when Trey (Malfoy) Gowdy was asked, after 11 hours of testimony, if he got anything new, he answered uh, no.

Millions in taxpayer money and nothing new.

When she was asked why she testified again, Mrs. Clinton said it was because if the Republicans found something new, let them present it. The American public has a right to know.

She also talked about the hundred attacks and the dozens who had died since 2001.

As wild and crazy as the Republicans appeared, Mrs. Clinton looked thoughtful, informed and presidential.

Well if showcasing her and her State Departments incompetence is presidential than Clinton was a winner.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.

You are aware that help was only two hours away by C130 aircraft and Hillary, who held the responsibility, never made the call. The fighting went on for some nine hours and help was two hours away. She should never hold any position of authority in the government again. She got those guys killed by inaction and incompetence.
What you believe is entirely wrong. There was no one who knew what was up until it was too late, and no one who could have saved him. It's in the reports, read them. Benghazi report from Republican-led House panel debunks allegations
EVERY investigation has revealed that help could not have saved them

Yet they still repeat the lie. Maybe if we have a ninth investigation, they will believe that one
Bullshit. The soldiers that were there say differently.

Another ridiculous lie from the right – that they could have been 'saved,' when in fact no such 'rescue' was possible; indeed, it's settled, accepted, and beyond dispute that no 'rescue' was possible.

But the reprehensible right tries to keep this and other lies alive.
They were just interviewed by Bret Baier this past week and all said...if help had of arrived a half an hour earlier.... All four that were killed would still be alive today.

I will take the word of the soldiers that were actually there and survived over some liberal hack... Thanks.
Actually the American people think the GOP of full of crap on this, just slinging poo like monkeys. Hillary didn't make the call, and you blame her. Stevens did make the call, and you treat him like a sock puppet. And the guys who actually killed, well you don't even seem to remember their part in this little fiasco. If you want to point out an example of total partisan crap, that would be a good one.

You are aware that help was only two hours away by C130 aircraft and Hillary, who held the responsibility, never made the call. The fighting went on for some nine hours and help was two hours away. She should never hold any position of authority in the government again. She got those guys killed by inaction and incompetence.
What you believe is entirely wrong. There was no one who knew what was up until it was too late, and no one who could have saved him. It's in the reports, read them. Benghazi report from Republican-led House panel debunks allegations
EVERY investigation has revealed that help could not have saved them

Yet they still repeat the lie. Maybe if we have a ninth investigation, they will believe that one
Bullshit. The soldiers that were there say differently.

Another ridiculous lie from the right – that they could have been 'saved,' when in fact no such 'rescue' was possible; indeed, it's settled, accepted, and beyond dispute that no 'rescue' was possible.

But the reprehensible right tries to keep this and other lies alive.


Gregory Hicks: Lives Could Have Been Saved in Benghazi | Video | RealClearPolitics | Video | RealClearPolitics

General: Military should've tried Benghazi rescue

WORLD | Could military action have saved lives in Benghazi? | J.C. Derrick | May 1, 2014

Whistle-blower: Special forces could have saved Americans in Benghazi

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