THANK YOU Libertarians for electing Biden!! Free college soon

first off, you have no evidence of this.
First’re one of the dumbest people on USMB. It’s just embarrassing. This is Wisconsin. Do the math, son.

Secondly, why do you people always assume that libertarian voters would have chosen the Republican?
Because they would and you fucking know it, nitiwit. :eusa_doh:

Republican is exponentially closer to their values than the Dumbocrats. So stop being a trolling, argumentative asshole on USMB.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
They did. As always, the Libertarian Party fucked the American people and cut off their own nose to spite their face.

Here are the Wisconsin results. Trump wins if not for the drug-addicted dickhead libertarians. Then they will flaunt it like a good thing while crying like little bitches about how Biden and the Dumbocrats are stripping them of their liberties :eusa_doh:

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I voted for Jorgensen because I could not stomach voting for a pig like Trump.
Aaaand you achieved....what....exactly....with that vote? :lmao:

How’d that 1% vote work out for ya? Whoregensen going to be serving in public office any time soon, sparky? :laugh:
National Review, founded by Bill Buckley, had the courage to come out as Never Trumpers before the 2016 election.
I too was a “Never Trump” in 2016. Didn’t even vote for him.

Do you know what mature, intellectual adults do? They admit when they were wrong and they correct their mistakes.

President Trump was fucking incredible and every “Never Trump” I know admits it. He defeated ISIS, put China in their place, stopped funding the entire planet with American tax payer’s money (stopped funding the WHO, pulled out of the Paris Accords), brought BILLIONS back to the U.S. with his tax breaks, created record-low unemployment and record high markets, and a shit-ton more.

Only an immature asshole (ahem, you) would cry “but he tweets meanie stuff” :rolleyes:
I am carrying on that tradition for him.
How’s that work’n out for ya, sparky? :laugh:
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
Libertarian votes don't belong to republicans or anyone else, fool.
Libertarian votes don't belong to republicans or anyone else, fool.
What does that even mean? :laugh:

Dude, without that shit-stain party, every last one of those dill-holes vote Republican. And Donald Trump is re-elected in a landslide.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
Hate to break it to you. Looks like trump is going to carry AZ. Plus PA and NC, trump wins. Unless of course philly sees one of the magical and statistically impossible overnight Biden spikes like in MI and WI. Don’t put MI and WI in the books yet, the numbers are literal statistical impossibilities. Not to mention in Michigan, electronic votes for trump magically got turned into Biden votes. Not even kidding, that was confirmed.

Also libertarians went historically low this year. They did not move the needle. Libertarians, who went around 4% in 2016, went heavy trump this year.
Libertarian votes don't belong to republicans or anyone else, fool.
What does that even mean? :laugh:

Dude, without that shit-stain party, every last one of those dill-holes vote Republican. And Donald Trump is re-elected in a landslide.
It means that nobody is a mind reader....When I was still voting libertarian, I would have abstained if that option wasn't available.

Claiming that voting for alternate parties "takes votes away" from remocrats and depublicans is flawed reasonong.
For all my 35 years idiot third party dumfks keep hoping they make a difference and everyone will join them

It's not ever going to happen.

Just stop
For all my 35 years idiot third party dumfks keep hoping they make a difference and everyone will join them

It's not ever going to happen. Just stop’s mind-numbing. And then they like to reveal in it because they feel like they have “power” despite surrendering everything they wanted. :eusa_doh:

A rational person says “I’ll take 90% of what I wanted, after all, self-governance requires some level of compromise”.

The idiot libertarian says “if I can’t have 100% of what I want, I’m taking 0%”.
Maricopa dropping latest votes. Biden will take AZ by razor margin. Margin is less than total Libertarian votes. Thank you to you yellow rattlesnake flag mad men!!!!
Honestly Ive never cared for you guys just politically speaking but my goodness did you all ever give us the gift of a lifetime
Honestly Ive never cared for you guys just politically speaking but my goodness did you all ever give us the gift of a lifetime

How so?

Biden beats Trump by 30,000 votes in a critical state....Libertarians send 50,000 to some no name no hope candidate. They won it for the “big govt” (aka basic fucking common sense) Democrats
Honestly Ive never cared for you guys just politically speaking but my goodness did you all ever give us the gift of a lifetime

How so?

Biden beats Trump by 30,000 votes in a critical state....Libertarians send 50,000 to some no name no hope candidate. They won it for the “big govt” (aka basic fucking common sense) Democrats

Because they voted for her ( the Libertarian Candidate ) does not mean they would have voted for Trump if they only had Biden or Trump as their choices...

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