THANK YOU Libertarians for electing Biden!! Free college soon

Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It isn't about winning, it is about making the republicans lose.....the libertarians are mad because normal people don't vote for them because normal people actually like to win and get things protecting the country from the democrats......but the libertarians.....they can't stand that people won't vote for them.

Or.....Trump simply didn't earn their vote. The idea Trump is 'owed' Libertarian votes is as entitled as the idea that Democrats are 'owed' the Green party votes.

Nadar didn't 'spoil' a Gore presidency in 2000. Gore didn't earn their vote. Same for Trump and Libertarian voters in 2020.

Sorry, that's just stupid....

Gee....Trump didn't rub my feet so I will let the democrat party destroy the country.......yeah, that is real stupid...

Or.....Trump didn't earn their vote. You are trying to cast Trump and republicans as 'victims' of Libertarians who want to 'make republicans lose'.

Neither Trump nor Republicans were victimized. They simply failed to persuade. No one owes you a vote.

No one is owed a vote
But the country is the victim.

The country is going to be fine.

Germany is fine now.......except for that whole WW2 thing and 12 million dead victims.......

Wow. So you just went straight to the Holocaust.

Take a breath. Joe Biden isn't Hitler. There are no concentration camps. You're gonna be okay.

joe biden and his brown shirts are the precursor.......notice the cities they have been burning, looting for the last 7 months, the Trump supporters they have beaten up and murdered...

Where do you think this goes from here? The democrats already used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department, not to forget the local Attorney Generals doing their go after you think they say.....gee, we beat Trump, we will now stop doing that?

The criminals were never punished and now they will never be punished, Barr might as well shred the Durham report because it is just they will go right back to business even before the inauguration....

Where do you think this ends?
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
Ummm from a libertarian(or constitutional for that matter) perspective, trump didnt exactly hit it out of the park.

Pre-covid - How so?
He was still a big spender, among other issues. He is still lightyears better than Biden or anything the Dems could produce, but I do not blame libertarians for voting their conscience. You don't own their votes. You just don't. Stop demanding it.

But, there is an option. Rank-Choice the R D and L candidates and watch who most people really support.

I'll demean libertarians.....if you can't win, you vote to stop the party that is going to do the most damage to the country....they didn't do that, they voted just to be the democrat party is likely to do major damage to the country, ending fracking, putting on anti-American judges to the courts, using the FBI, CIA, DOJ to go after their enemies and kamala is going to give the enemies of this country a free reign........our allies who made fun of Trump...well fuck them, they are about to see how much fun it is when the democrats are in charge and let Russia and China run free......
Voters do not owe any candidate a vote. It's not their responsibility to vote defensively.

Didn't say it was, it is just fucking stupid if you don't.......letting the worse of the two parties have more power rather than less.....that is just fucking stupid, no matter how you pretend it isn't.
You're blaming libertarians for voting stupid???

If we end up with Biden, why don't you blame all the BIDEN VOTERS for voting FOR Biden? Stop blaming the libertarian voters.

We know Biden supporters are some combination of evil and stupid.
We give Libertarians more credit than that, or did.
Libertarians can't get traction and actually be taken seriously as a party, and actually get to participate in the general election DEBATES if all they do is vote AGAINST one of the duopoly parties by voting for the other. Do you see their dilemma?

You could also say that it's Republican voters' fault for not voting libertarian to stop the Dems, could you not?

No......because the Republicans have the biggest machine and the best chance of stopping the democrats.......
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It isn't about winning, it is about making the republicans lose.....the libertarians are mad because normal people don't vote for them because normal people actually like to win and get things protecting the country from the democrats......but the libertarians.....they can't stand that people won't vote for them.

Or.....Trump simply didn't earn their vote. The idea Trump is 'owed' Libertarian votes is as entitled as the idea that Democrats are 'owed' the Green party votes.

Nadar didn't 'spoil' a Gore presidency in 2000. Gore didn't earn their vote. Same for Trump and Libertarian voters in 2020.

Sorry, that's just stupid....

Gee....Trump didn't rub my feet so I will let the democrat party destroy the country.......yeah, that is real stupid...

Or.....Trump didn't earn their vote. You are trying to cast Trump and republicans as 'victims' of Libertarians who want to 'make republicans lose'.

Neither Trump nor Republicans were victimized. They simply failed to persuade. No one owes you a vote.

No one is owed a vote
But the country is the victim.

The country is going to be fine.

Germany is fine now.......except for that whole WW2 thing and 12 million dead victims.......

Wow. So you just went straight to the Holocaust.

Take a breath. Joe Biden isn't Hitler. There are no concentration camps. You're gonna be okay.

joe biden and his brown shirts are the precursor.......notice the cities they have been burning, looting for the last 7 months, the Trump supporters they have beaten up and murdered...

Where do you think this goes from here? The democrats already used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department, not to forget the local Attorney Generals doing their go after you think they say.....gee, we beat Trump, we will now stop doing that?

The criminals were never punished and now they will never be punished, Barr might as well shred the Durham report because it is just they will go right back to business even before the inauguration....

Where do you think this ends?

No, they're not.

You're very emotional this morning. Have a good meal. Take a walk. Take a breath.

Its going to be okay.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
Ummm from a libertarian(or constitutional for that matter) perspective, trump didnt exactly hit it out of the park.

Pre-covid - How so?
He was still a big spender, among other issues. He is still lightyears better than Biden or anything the Dems could produce, but I do not blame libertarians for voting their conscience. You don't own their votes. You just don't. Stop demanding it.

But, there is an option. Rank-Choice the R D and L candidates and watch who most people really support.

I'll demean libertarians.....if you can't win, you vote to stop the party that is going to do the most damage to the country....they didn't do that, they voted just to be the democrat party is likely to do major damage to the country, ending fracking, putting on anti-American judges to the courts, using the FBI, CIA, DOJ to go after their enemies and kamala is going to give the enemies of this country a free reign........our allies who made fun of Trump...well fuck them, they are about to see how much fun it is when the democrats are in charge and let Russia and China run free......
Voters do not owe any candidate a vote. It's not their responsibility to vote defensively.

Didn't say it was, it is just fucking stupid if you don't.......letting the worse of the two parties have more power rather than less.....that is just fucking stupid, no matter how you pretend it isn't.
You're blaming libertarians for voting stupid???

If we end up with Biden, why don't you blame all the BIDEN VOTERS for voting FOR Biden? Stop blaming the libertarian voters.

We know Biden supporters are some combination of evil and stupid.
We give Libertarians more credit than that, or did.

We have to stop doing that....libertarians are showing how dumb they are with each election they let the democrats win.....the first job is to stop the damage, the second job is to beat republicans....they refuse to take care of step one....

Or....republicans keep failing to earn Libertarian votes. This entire argument is very....whiny and entitled.

No one owes you a vote. Biden won....because more people voted for him.

Again... no one said they owe the republicans anything.............I am telling you that through their crybaby tactics, the libertarians are allowing the monsters to have power......
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It isn't about winning, it is about making the republicans lose.....the libertarians are mad because normal people don't vote for them because normal people actually like to win and get things protecting the country from the democrats......but the libertarians.....they can't stand that people won't vote for them.

Or.....Trump simply didn't earn their vote. The idea Trump is 'owed' Libertarian votes is as entitled as the idea that Democrats are 'owed' the Green party votes.

Nadar didn't 'spoil' a Gore presidency in 2000. Gore didn't earn their vote. Same for Trump and Libertarian voters in 2020.

Sorry, that's just stupid....

Gee....Trump didn't rub my feet so I will let the democrat party destroy the country.......yeah, that is real stupid...

Or.....Trump didn't earn their vote. You are trying to cast Trump and republicans as 'victims' of Libertarians who want to 'make republicans lose'.

Neither Trump nor Republicans were victimized. They simply failed to persuade. No one owes you a vote.

No one is owed a vote
But the country is the victim.

The country is going to be fine.

Germany is fine now.......except for that whole WW2 thing and 12 million dead victims.......

Wow. So you just went straight to the Holocaust.

Take a breath. Joe Biden isn't Hitler. There are no concentration camps. You're gonna be okay.

joe biden and his brown shirts are the precursor.......notice the cities they have been burning, looting for the last 7 months, the Trump supporters they have beaten up and murdered...

Where do you think this goes from here? The democrats already used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department, not to forget the local Attorney Generals doing their go after you think they say.....gee, we beat Trump, we will now stop doing that?

The criminals were never punished and now they will never be punished, Barr might as well shred the Durham report because it is just they will go right back to business even before the inauguration....

Where do you think this ends?

No, they're not.

You're very emotional this morning. Have a good meal. Take a walk. Take a breath.

Its going to be okay.

When the Great Depression hits.....tell that to your unemployed friends, family and neighbors....when they lose their jobs because gas prices go to 6 dollars or more a gallon, tell them it is going to be okay........when their kids are told that America sucks, and that 2+2 = White Supremacy, tell their parents it is going to be okay......
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It isn't about winning, it is about making the republicans lose.....the libertarians are mad because normal people don't vote for them because normal people actually like to win and get things protecting the country from the democrats......but the libertarians.....they can't stand that people won't vote for them.

Or.....Trump simply didn't earn their vote. The idea Trump is 'owed' Libertarian votes is as entitled as the idea that Democrats are 'owed' the Green party votes.

Nadar didn't 'spoil' a Gore presidency in 2000. Gore didn't earn their vote. Same for Trump and Libertarian voters in 2020.

Sorry, that's just stupid....

Gee....Trump didn't rub my feet so I will let the democrat party destroy the country.......yeah, that is real stupid...

Or.....Trump didn't earn their vote. You are trying to cast Trump and republicans as 'victims' of Libertarians who want to 'make republicans lose'.

Neither Trump nor Republicans were victimized. They simply failed to persuade. No one owes you a vote.

No one is owed a vote
But the country is the victim.

The country is going to be fine.

Germany is fine now.......except for that whole WW2 thing and 12 million dead victims.......

Wow. So you just went straight to the Holocaust.

Take a breath. Joe Biden isn't Hitler. There are no concentration camps. You're gonna be okay.

When the Department of Justice goes after Little Sisters of the Poor because they won't pay for abortions, and when they go after cake makers, florists, and gun makers...tell them it is going to be the democrat party more power to destroy their enemies was just stupid and insane.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
Ummm from a libertarian(or constitutional for that matter) perspective, trump didnt exactly hit it out of the park.

Pre-covid - How so?
He was still a big spender, among other issues. He is still lightyears better than Biden or anything the Dems could produce, but I do not blame libertarians for voting their conscience. You don't own their votes. You just don't. Stop demanding it.

But, there is an option. Rank-Choice the R D and L candidates and watch who most people really support.

I'll demean libertarians.....if you can't win, you vote to stop the party that is going to do the most damage to the country....they didn't do that, they voted just to be the democrat party is likely to do major damage to the country, ending fracking, putting on anti-American judges to the courts, using the FBI, CIA, DOJ to go after their enemies and kamala is going to give the enemies of this country a free reign........our allies who made fun of Trump...well fuck them, they are about to see how much fun it is when the democrats are in charge and let Russia and China run free......
Voters do not owe any candidate a vote. It's not their responsibility to vote defensively.

Didn't say it was, it is just fucking stupid if you don't.......letting the worse of the two parties have more power rather than less.....that is just fucking stupid, no matter how you pretend it isn't.
You're blaming libertarians for voting stupid???

If we end up with Biden, why don't you blame all the BIDEN VOTERS for voting FOR Biden? Stop blaming the libertarian voters.

We know Biden supporters are some combination of evil and stupid.
We give Libertarians more credit than that, or did.
Libertarians can't get traction and actually be taken seriously as a party, and actually get to participate in the general election DEBATES if all they do is vote AGAINST one of the duopoly parties by voting for the other. Do you see their dilemma?

You could also say that it's Republican voters' fault for not voting libertarian to stop the Dems, could you not?

No......because the Republicans have the biggest machine and the best chance of stopping the democrats.......
Well, not big enough, apparently.

If everybody voted Libertarian, the Dems would be stopped. It's all YOUR fault.

See how that works?
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
Ummm from a libertarian(or constitutional for that matter) perspective, trump didnt exactly hit it out of the park.

Pre-covid - How so?
He was still a big spender, among other issues. He is still lightyears better than Biden or anything the Dems could produce, but I do not blame libertarians for voting their conscience. You don't own their votes. You just don't. Stop demanding it.

But, there is an option. Rank-Choice the R D and L candidates and watch who most people really support.

I'll demean libertarians.....if you can't win, you vote to stop the party that is going to do the most damage to the country....they didn't do that, they voted just to be the democrat party is likely to do major damage to the country, ending fracking, putting on anti-American judges to the courts, using the FBI, CIA, DOJ to go after their enemies and kamala is going to give the enemies of this country a free reign........our allies who made fun of Trump...well fuck them, they are about to see how much fun it is when the democrats are in charge and let Russia and China run free......
Voters do not owe any candidate a vote. It's not their responsibility to vote defensively.

Didn't say it was, it is just fucking stupid if you don't.......letting the worse of the two parties have more power rather than less.....that is just fucking stupid, no matter how you pretend it isn't.
You're blaming libertarians for voting stupid???

If we end up with Biden, why don't you blame all the BIDEN VOTERS for voting FOR Biden? Stop blaming the libertarian voters.

We know Biden supporters are some combination of evil and stupid.
We give Libertarians more credit than that, or did.

We have to stop doing that....libertarians are showing how dumb they are with each election they let the democrats win.....the first job is to stop the damage, the second job is to beat republicans....they refuse to take care of step one....

Or....republicans keep failing to earn Libertarian votes. This entire argument is very....whiny and entitled.

No one owes you a vote. Biden won....because more people voted for him.

Again... no one said they owe the republicans anything.............I am telling you that through their crybaby tactics, the libertarians are allowing the monsters to have power......

The entire thread is premised on the idea that Libertarians 'can be thanked' for Joe Biden's victory. In reality, the people that voted for Joe Biden can be thanked for the Joe Biden victory. As Joe earned the votes of more people than Trump did.

Your argument is whiny and entitled. You've even invented an elaborate imaginary motivation for Libertarians (casting Republicans as the victims, of course) where they wanted 'republicans to lose'.

I would suggest that if you want more people, including Libertarians, to vote Republican.........give them better candidates and policy positions to vote for. If you can't earn a vote, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Biden won....because he earned more votes than Trump did.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It isn't about winning, it is about making the republicans lose.....the libertarians are mad because normal people don't vote for them because normal people actually like to win and get things protecting the country from the democrats......but the libertarians.....they can't stand that people won't vote for them.

Or.....Trump simply didn't earn their vote. The idea Trump is 'owed' Libertarian votes is as entitled as the idea that Democrats are 'owed' the Green party votes.

Nadar didn't 'spoil' a Gore presidency in 2000. Gore didn't earn their vote. Same for Trump and Libertarian voters in 2020.

Sorry, that's just stupid....

Gee....Trump didn't rub my feet so I will let the democrat party destroy the country.......yeah, that is real stupid...

Or.....Trump didn't earn their vote. You are trying to cast Trump and republicans as 'victims' of Libertarians who want to 'make republicans lose'.

Neither Trump nor Republicans were victimized. They simply failed to persuade. No one owes you a vote.

No one is owed a vote
But the country is the victim.

The country is going to be fine.

Germany is fine now.......except for that whole WW2 thing and 12 million dead victims.......

Wow. So you just went straight to the Holocaust.

Take a breath. Joe Biden isn't Hitler. There are no concentration camps. You're gonna be okay.

When the Department of Justice goes after Little Sisters of the Poor because they won't pay for abortions, and when they go after cake makers, florists, and gun makers...tell them it is going to be the democrat party more power to destroy their enemies was just stupid and insane.

That never happened though. They weren't required to pay for anything.

Remember, you're having a fairly hysterical reaction this morning, already equating Biden with Hitler and the election with the Holocaust.

Take a breath. You're fairly emotional. Its clouding your judgment.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It isn't about winning, it is about making the republicans lose.....the libertarians are mad because normal people don't vote for them because normal people actually like to win and get things protecting the country from the democrats......but the libertarians.....they can't stand that people won't vote for them.

Or.....Trump simply didn't earn their vote. The idea Trump is 'owed' Libertarian votes is as entitled as the idea that Democrats are 'owed' the Green party votes.

Nadar didn't 'spoil' a Gore presidency in 2000. Gore didn't earn their vote. Same for Trump and Libertarian voters in 2020.

Sorry, that's just stupid....

Gee....Trump didn't rub my feet so I will let the democrat party destroy the country.......yeah, that is real stupid...

Or.....Trump didn't earn their vote. You are trying to cast Trump and republicans as 'victims' of Libertarians who want to 'make republicans lose'.

Neither Trump nor Republicans were victimized. They simply failed to persuade. No one owes you a vote.

No one is owed a vote
But the country is the victim.

The country is going to be fine.

Germany is fine now.......except for that whole WW2 thing and 12 million dead victims.......

Wow. So you just went straight to the Holocaust.

Take a breath. Joe Biden isn't Hitler. There are no concentration camps. You're gonna be okay.

When the Department of Justice goes after Little Sisters of the Poor because they won't pay for abortions, and when they go after cake makers, florists, and gun makers...tell them it is going to be the democrat party more power to destroy their enemies was just stupid and insane.

That never happened though. They weren't required to pay for anything.

Remember, you're having a fairly hysterical reaction this morning, already equating Biden with Hitler and the election with the Holocaust.

Take a breath. You're fairly emotional. Its clouding your judgment. just aren't looking ahead........

Again....where does it stop? They have burned and looted cities for 7 months. They have beaten, murdered Trump supporters. They are getting people fired from their jobs for supporting Trump or opposing their beliefs.....

Where does it stop when it is allowed to succeed?
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Actually, he can not only thank the libertarians but he can really thank the average Trump supporter.

  • The ones who cheer kids being ripped from their parents and put into detention centers...for years.
  • The ones who can't help but call women "bitches".
  • The ones who swear that hate groups and militias are very fine people--not quoting the President there.
  • The ones who cartoonishly believe that Trump is a moral man, a devote father, a deep thinker--insulting anyone who may have decided to join the Party.
  • The ones who think that America can survive on it's own without allies, without partners, and without immigrants.
  • The ones who feel that any bad news is made up for the expressed purpose of hurting Trump
  • The ones who feel that the astonishingly bad response to the Covid Pandemic was anything other than being a disaster....he actually said that he didn't know people died from the Flu.
  • The ones who ignore the boorish behavior, ignore the gladhanding of our enemies, and even the excusing of murder done by people like the leaders of Saudi Arabia when they murdered a journalist (he had an American fiancée).
  • The ones who, when asked, blame the House for his Spending that is up near $8T....all on the nation's credit card.
This morality argument for joe is such shit. This guy lies constantly. He is divisive as shit. Tells "the other side" they dont deserve to know his positions. Threatens to fight civilians. Touches childrens privates, sniffs them and smells their hair(WTF) Reports were made of him assaulting his SS details wife. Been accused of shoving his fingers in an aids vagina. His racist comments are far too many to list. ETC
Drop the horseshit.

Fuck off.

I never said these people turned off by blob supporters gravitated toward Biden.

Also shove your unfounded sick allegations up your ass.
My point was, not voting for trump because of morality, and then voting for the same rottenness, is illogical.
What sick allegations? The video proof? You must not think its that fucking sick. YOU VOTED FOR IT DUMBFUCK
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

As a libertarian who voted for Trump, I agree that this election was different since I did vote Republican.

But as a general principle, this is on Republicans, not us. We aren't the party that struggles to actually be better than the Democrats.

No real Republican or libertarian would vote for Biden, but voting for Jo I get even though I didn't do it.

Our votes don't belong to you, sorry
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Actually, he can not only thank the libertarians but he can really thank the average Trump supporter.

  • The ones who cheer kids being ripped from their parents and put into detention centers...for years.
  • The ones who can't help but call women "bitches".
  • The ones who swear that hate groups and militias are very fine people--not quoting the President there.
  • The ones who cartoonishly believe that Trump is a moral man, a devote father, a deep thinker--insulting anyone who may have decided to join the Party.
  • The ones who think that America can survive on it's own without allies, without partners, and without immigrants.
  • The ones who feel that any bad news is made up for the expressed purpose of hurting Trump
  • The ones who feel that the astonishingly bad response to the Covid Pandemic was anything other than being a disaster....he actually said that he didn't know people died from the Flu.
  • The ones who ignore the boorish behavior, ignore the gladhanding of our enemies, and even the excusing of murder done by people like the leaders of Saudi Arabia when they murdered a journalist (he had an American fiancée).
  • The ones who, when asked, blame the House for his Spending that is up near $8T....all on the nation's credit card.
This morality argument for joe is such shit. This guy lies constantly. He is divisive as shit. Tells "the other side" they dont deserve to know his positions. Threatens to fight civilians. Touches childrens privates, sniffs them and smells their hair(WTF) Reports were made of him assaulting his SS details wife. Been accused of shoving his fingers in an aids vagina. His racist comments are far too many to list. ETC
Drop the horseshit.

Fuck off.

I never said these people turned off by blob supporters gravitated toward Biden.

Also shove your unfounded sick allegations up your ass.

None of those are unfounded.
Of course not. Its all fact. There is proof. And she voted for it :lol:
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.

That's the rub, isn't it? Our system needs to be replaced, not participated in. The government just routinely ignores Constitutional limits on it's power. Why would we want to validate that?
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

A Libertarian who actually wanted to participate in the system would have voted against the Authoritarian Left and for President Trump
3rd party people have the inferior position of non involvement while deluding themselves into feeling superior.
Ummm from a libertarian(or constitutional for that matter) perspective, trump didnt exactly hit it out of the park.

Pre-covid - How so?
He was still a big spender, among other issues. He is still lightyears better than Biden or anything the Dems could produce, but I do not blame libertarians for voting their conscience. You don't own their votes. You just don't. Stop demanding it.

But, there is an option. Rank-Choice the R D and L candidates and watch who most people really support.

I'll demean libertarians.....if you can't win, you vote to stop the party that is going to do the most damage to the country....they didn't do that, they voted just to be the democrat party is likely to do major damage to the country, ending fracking, putting on anti-American judges to the courts, using the FBI, CIA, DOJ to go after their enemies and kamala is going to give the enemies of this country a free reign........our allies who made fun of Trump...well fuck them, they are about to see how much fun it is when the democrats are in charge and let Russia and China run free......
Voters do not owe any candidate a vote. It's not their responsibility to vote defensively.

Didn't say it was, it is just fucking stupid if you don't.......letting the worse of the two parties have more power rather than less.....that is just fucking stupid, no matter how you pretend it isn't.
You're blaming libertarians for voting stupid???

If we end up with Biden, why don't you blame all the BIDEN VOTERS for voting FOR Biden? Stop blaming the libertarian voters.

We know Biden supporters are some combination of evil and stupid.
We give Libertarians more credit than that, or did.
Libertarians can't get traction and actually be taken seriously as a party, and actually get to participate in the general election DEBATES if all they do is vote AGAINST one of the duopoly parties by voting for the other. Do you see their dilemma?

You could also say that it's Republican voters' fault for not voting libertarian to stop the Dems, could you not?

No......because the Republicans have the biggest machine and the best chance of stopping the democrats.......
Well, not big enough, apparently.

If everybody voted Libertarian, the Dems would be stopped. It's all YOUR fault.

See how that works?

Libertarians aren't running for the Presidency.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

As a libertarian who voted for Trump, I agree that this election was different since I did vote Republican.

But as a general principle, this is on Republicans, not us. We aren't the party that struggles to actually be better than the Democrats.

No real Republican or libertarian would vote for Biden, but voting for Jo I get even though I didn't do it.

Our votes don't belong to you, sorry

Honest question (not election related)
If Jorgensen won the Presidency, how would she govern?

Are there any house members that are Libertarian ( other than Amash who is actually just a never Trumper)?
No one in the Senate, yes?
No Governors.
Who would pass legislation that she would sign
Or, would her election simply be to shut down the Government, and not Govern?
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Did you not read the story?
I ignored it because it is bullshit.

That's ignorant.
Its stupid to think trump deserved a a vote from a person with a different ideology just because the OP thinks biden sucks.

When you say "different ideology," keep in mind it is the same issues. Generally, here's how I view it as a libertarian.

I'm fiscally conservative like Republicans, except I mean it
I'm for dramatically reducing our military use overseas like the Democrats, except I mean it
I'm socially liberal like the Democrats, except I mean it
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

As a libertarian who voted for Trump, I agree that this election was different since I did vote Republican.

But as a general principle, this is on Republicans, not us. We aren't the party that struggles to actually be better than the Democrats.

No real Republican or libertarian would vote for Biden, but voting for Jo I get even though I didn't do it.

Our votes don't belong to you, sorry

Honest question (not election related)
If Jorgensen won the Presidency, how would she govern?

Are there any house members that are Libertarian ( other than Amash who is actually just a never Trumper)?
No one in the Senate, yes?
No Governors.
Who would pass legislation that she would sign
Or, would her election simply be to shut down the Government, and not Govern?

"Or, would her election simply be to shut down the Government, and not Govern?"

^^^ oh, that's the dream ...

Except we can keep the military, just make it smaller and close our overseas bases
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Don't blame Libertarians for the Democrats and the Republicans putting up two evils to choose from. That's bullshit.

I voted for Jorgensen because I could not stomach voting for a pig like Trump.
Funny how much this thread is like a Democrat one. Instead of asking libertarians why we don't vote for Republicans and asking what it would take to get us to do that, we're informed of our stupidity for not voting for Republicans now.

At least a partial answer to the question, ironically

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