THANK YOU Libertarians for electing Biden!! Free college soon

Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Don't blame Libertarians for the Democrats and the Republicans putting up two evils to choose from. That's bullshit.

I voted for Jorgensen because I could not stomach voting for a pig like Trump.

You're not a libertarian though, not at all
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

As a libertarian who voted for Trump, I agree that this election was different since I did vote Republican.

But as a general principle, this is on Republicans, not us. We aren't the party that struggles to actually be better than the Democrats.

No real Republican or libertarian would vote for Biden, but voting for Jo I get even though I didn't do it.

Our votes don't belong to you, sorry

Honest question (not election related)
If Jorgensen won the Presidency, how would she govern?

Are there any house members that are Libertarian ( other than Amash who is actually just a never Trumper)?
No one in the Senate, yes?
No Governors.
Who would pass legislation that she would sign
Or, would her election simply be to shut down the Government, and not Govern?

"Or, would her election simply be to shut down the Government, and not Govern?"

^^^ oh, that's the dream ...

Except we can keep the military, just make it smaller and close our overseas bases

Doesn't seem like shutting down the Government is ever going to be a winning strategy.
5% is definitely going to be your ceiling.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Don't blame Libertarians for the Democrats and the Republicans putting up two evils to choose from. That's bullshit.

I voted for Jorgensen because I could not stomach voting for a pig like Trump.

You're not a libertarian though, not at all
I doubt you even know what libertarianism is all about. In fact, you aren't even a conservative. You don't have the courage to be one.

I voted for Jorgensen, though I am not a member of her party.

I am a fiscal conservative with a libertarian (small l) streak.
Look at my signature, folks. The quote from JGalt. A guy who names himself after a central Ayn Rand character says he is fine with Trump overspending and doesn't give a crap about government debt.

You'd be surprised how many people think they are libertarians who have no fucking clue.
Hope nobody voted thinking Biden was actually going to provide free college and/or debt forgiveness.

Not happening. Had they gone business school they'd have realized that.....
I will explain why I voted for Jorgensen and why I beat on Trump.

Imagine someone was a guest in your neighbor's house, and that guest was shitting all over the furniture. You'd think to yourself that person was a dick.

Imagine if a guest in YOUR house was shitting on the furniture.

You'd beat the shit out of him, right?

You sure as FUCK would not vote for him,

Trump, and a horde of liars, psychos, hypocrites, and bigots have come into my house and have been shitting on the furniture for over a decade.

I do my part to kick the fuckers in the nuts. I despise those who do not have the courage to do the same; who just sit there and let Trump shit on the furniture. Fuck them.

And that is why I voted for Jorgensen and not pig fucker Trump.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

And 50% taxes to follow!
I will explain why I voted for Jorgensen and why I beat on Trump.

Imagine someone was a guest in your neighbor's house, and that guest was shitting all over the furniture. You'd think to yourself that person was a dick.

Imagine if a guest in YOUR house was shitting on the furniture.

You'd beat the shit out of him, right?

You sure as FUCK would not vote for him,

Trump, and a horde of liars, psychos, hypocrites, and bigots have come into my house and have been shitting on the furniture for over a decade.

I do my part to kick the fuckers in the nuts. I despise those who do not have the courage to do the same; who just sit there and let Trump shit on the furniture. Fuck them.

And that is why I voted for Jorgensen and not pig fucker Trump.

Really? Picts, or it didn't happen.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

As a libertarian who voted for Trump, I agree that this election was different since I did vote Republican.

But as a general principle, this is on Republicans, not us. We aren't the party that struggles to actually be better than the Democrats.

No real Republican or libertarian would vote for Biden, but voting for Jo I get even though I didn't do it.

Our votes don't belong to you, sorry

Honest question (not election related)
If Jorgensen won the Presidency, how would she govern?

Are there any house members that are Libertarian ( other than Amash who is actually just a never Trumper)?
No one in the Senate, yes?
No Governors.
Who would pass legislation that she would sign
Or, would her election simply be to shut down the Government, and not Govern?

"Or, would her election simply be to shut down the Government, and not Govern?"

^^^ oh, that's the dream ...

Except we can keep the military, just make it smaller and close our overseas bases

Doesn't seem like shutting down the Government is ever going to be a winning strategy.
5% is definitely going to be your ceiling.

The military is the only major actual Constitutional role of the Federal government
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Don't blame Libertarians for the Democrats and the Republicans putting up two evils to choose from. That's bullshit.

I voted for Jorgensen because I could not stomach voting for a pig like Trump.

You're not a libertarian though, not at all
I doubt you even know what libertarianism is all about. In fact, you aren't even a conservative. You don't have the courage to be one.

I voted for Jorgensen, though I am not a member of her party.

I am a fiscal conservative with a libertarian (small l) streak.

Been a libertarian since the mid 90s, Sport. Obviously you're not one now. The only thing you're right about is that both parties suck.

And wanting to raise taxes to the sky to cover endless spending isn't an actual "fiscal conservative." It's a made up Democrat definition
I will explain why I voted for Jorgensen and why I beat on Trump.

Imagine someone was a guest in your neighbor's house, and that guest was shitting all over the furniture. You'd think to yourself that person was a dick.

Imagine if a guest in YOUR house was shitting on the furniture.

You'd beat the shit out of him, right?

You sure as FUCK would not vote for him,

Trump, and a horde of liars, psychos, hypocrites, and bigots have come into my house and have been shitting on the furniture for over a decade.

I do my part to kick the fuckers in the nuts. I despise those who do not have the courage to do the same; who just sit there and let Trump shit on the furniture. Fuck them.

And that is why I voted for Jorgensen and not pig fucker Trump.

Really? Picts, or it didn't happen.
See this topic:

Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Don't blame Libertarians for the Democrats and the Republicans putting up two evils to choose from. That's bullshit.

I voted for Jorgensen because I could not stomach voting for a pig like Trump.

You're not a libertarian though, not at all
I doubt you even know what libertarianism is all about. In fact, you aren't even a conservative. You don't have the courage to be one.

I voted for Jorgensen, though I am not a member of her party.

I am a fiscal conservative with a libertarian (small l) streak.

Been a libertarian since the mid 90s, Sport. Obviously you're not one now. The only thing you're right about is that both parties suck.

And wanting to raise taxes to the sky to cover endless spending isn't an actual "fiscal conservative." It's a made up Democrat definition
You will find it impossible to find a post by me calling for higher taxes, sport. You don't get to make shit up about me, sport.

Since you have been on this forum longer than me, sport, then you know damned will I have posted HUNDREDS of times about eliminating all tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE. That's as libertarian as it

The 90s, huh? Good for you.

I've been an admirer of Bill Buckley since the 70s. He was my very first political hero. I'm an old school Bill Buckley Republican.

He'd be ashamed of what has happened to the GOP and he would have the courage to beat the shit out of Trump.

You see, you dumb fucks think that is someone is beating on Trump, they must be a Democrat. Bad mistake.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

It's completely understandable why the Progressives would support what is tantamount to four more years of Public Education.

National Review, founded by Bill Buckley, had the courage to come out as Never Trumpers before the 2016 election. They were carrying on the tradition of the man himself.

Buckley had the courage to call out the Birchers, and he would have the courage to call out the Trumpsters.

I am carrying on that tradition for him.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Don't blame Libertarians for the Democrats and the Republicans putting up two evils to choose from. That's bullshit.

I voted for Jorgensen because I could not stomach voting for a pig like Trump.

You're not a libertarian though, not at all
I doubt you even know what libertarianism is all about. In fact, you aren't even a conservative. You don't have the courage to be one.

I voted for Jorgensen, though I am not a member of her party.

I am a fiscal conservative with a libertarian (small l) streak.

Been a libertarian since the mid 90s, Sport. Obviously you're not one now. The only thing you're right about is that both parties suck.

And wanting to raise taxes to the sky to cover endless spending isn't an actual "fiscal conservative." It's a made up Democrat definition
You will find it impossible to find a post by me calling for higher taxes, sport. You don't get to make shit up about me, sport.

Since you have been on this forum longer than me, sport, then you know damned will I have posted HUNDREDS of times about eliminating all tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE. That's as libertarian as it

The 90s, huh? Good for you.

I've been an admirer of Bill Buckley since the 70s. He was my very first political hero. I'm an old school Bill Buckley Republican.

He'd be ashamed of what has happened to the GOP and he would have the courage to beat the shit out of Trump.

You see, you dumb fucks think that is someone is beating on Trump, they must be a Democrat. Bad mistake.

You've been sucking up to Democrats on the board for as long as I remember
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
You should consider the saying that you get what you pay for. And what those assholes are selling is pretty much worthless shit now. The fact that you bought it only verifies that you're a fool. As they say fools and their money are easily parted.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Actually, he can not only thank the libertarians but he can really thank the average Trump supporter.

  • The ones who cheer kids being ripped from their parents and put into detention centers...for years.
  • The ones who can't help but call women "bitches".
  • The ones who swear that hate groups and militias are very fine people--not quoting the President there.
  • The ones who cartoonishly believe that Trump is a moral man, a devote father, a deep thinker--insulting anyone who may have decided to join the Party.
  • The ones who think that America can survive on it's own without allies, without partners, and without immigrants.
  • The ones who feel that any bad news is made up for the expressed purpose of hurting Trump
  • The ones who feel that the astonishingly bad response to the Covid Pandemic was anything other than being a disaster....he actually said that he didn't know people died from the Flu.
  • The ones who ignore the boorish behavior, ignore the gladhanding of our enemies, and even the excusing of murder done by people like the leaders of Saudi Arabia when they murdered a journalist (he had an American fiancée).
  • The ones who, when asked, blame the House for his Spending that is up near $8T....all on the nation's credit card.
This morality argument for joe is such shit. This guy lies constantly. He is divisive as shit. Tells "the other side" they dont deserve to know his positions. Threatens to fight civilians. Touches childrens privates, sniffs them and smells their hair(WTF) Reports were made of him assaulting his SS details wife. Been accused of shoving his fingers in an aids vagina. His racist comments are far too many to list. ETC
Drop the horseshit.
Cant refute, huh hack? :lol:
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

If you're not trolling the board, you're the biggest fucking moron here.

How do you propose to pay for this "free" college?
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

If you're not trolling the board, you're the biggest fucking moron here.

How do you propose to pay for this "free" college?

It is useless to discuss such matters with people who don't even understand how destructive it is to ambiguously establish the origin of debt on a taxpayer for the personal services of another ... It gives people the idea they are worth something, when they have contributed nothing.

It's the extension of the participation trophy along with four additional years of public education ... Win-win for the Progressives.


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