Thank you President Trump for 4 great years for America. MAGA!

It won't happen except in your head.
God Bless Joe Biden and congratulations and best wishes, looking forward to 4 years of centrist, competent, business like leadership as we regain our place of leadership among our allies and across, the world stage, and meet the domestic challenges at home of Cornonavirs, recovering the economy and restoring peace in the nation spurred to greater division and animosity by his predecessor. Way to go, Joe!
Wow, your head is implanted firmly up Biden's ass. Watch and learn, kid.
What do ya want ta teach me, sonny?
I don't think you have anything to teach.
You could've stopped at the third word of your post and been correct for once, kid.
Been correct on everything post since Nov of 2019 except predicting there would be no violence after the election was settled. I over estimated the true allegiance to the constitution and patriotism to the country of the radical anarchistic trumpers.
Been correct on everything post since Nov of 2019 except predicting there would be no violence after the election was settled.
Coherent English, please.
Maybe this will help." I over estimated the true allegiance to the constitution and patriotism to the country of the radical anarchistic trumpers. "
I doubt the nutball anarchists will have many more major successes. I expect you bastards got their attention.
Maybe this will help.
It didn't help. You still write like an illiterate moron.
" I over estimated the true allegiance to the constitution and patriotism to the country of the radical anarchistic trumpers. "
"Overestimated" is one word.
"Constitution" is capitalized when referring to our founding document.
The rest of your screed is clumsy and childish in both delivery and content.

Get some rest, kid. You're an embarrassment to your race.
Maybe this will help.
It didn't help. You still write like an illiterate moron.
" I over estimated the true allegiance to the constitution and patriotism to the country of the radical anarchistic trumpers. "
"Overestimated" is one word.
"Constitution" is capitalized when referring to our founding document.
The rest of your screed is clumsy and childish in both delivery and content.

Get some rest, kid. You're an embarrassment to your race.
Great! So you are a grammar Nazi, also. It fits you.
there were seven farts in a row from the trolls after your op.

this top photo is how the BLM and antifa behave at rallies,the bottom photo is how trump supporters behave at rallies. we all know which one of the two photos the trump haters admire on how to behave at a rally and admire for that kind of behavior. :auiqs.jpg:

Thank you President Trump for 4 great years for America.
Best 4 years of fed-gov since Reagan was in office. Now we get to see an economy-killing war mongering dumbass get manipulated for a while. Get ready for some socialist version of the draft, kids! Roller coasters can be fun.

dude you sure have fallen for the propaganda of the CIA controlled media that warmonger traiter asswiope reagan was a great president. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

have to go back to carter to find a president who was not a war mongering killing machine,till you get your facts straight,you are in no position to be calling him a dumbass.:auiqs.jpg:
have to go back to carter to find a president who was not a war mongering killing machine,till you get your facts straight,you are in no position to be calling him a dumbass.:auiqs.jpg:
Feel free to be a Carter guy, I'll stick with Reagan. ;)

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