Thank you Sec Kerry & Pres Obama

Kerry harshly condemns Israeli settler activity as an obstacle to peace

Someone has to condemn that rw gov't of Bibi's and stand up for international law

Hope Trump still has a spine AFTER Jan 20th.
Ha ha ha. For eight years they exhibited cowardice and incompetence, now, suddenly with three weeks left and Obama's legacy flshed down The toilet as a result of The election, they found courage? :lmao:
So will Trump show "cowardice and incompetence" you israel- firster?
And there it is again. Israel does not "own" that land, they occupy it
Of course they do. The Arabs are occupying Israel's land. Maybe it's time they leave.
. . . and if you can't get them to leave, rather than give them equal sovereign political rights, we've seen the preferred political solution, right?

They can just exterminate them, right?


Isn't that right Death Angel?
They are sub-human anyway, they don't deserve any better, right? Isn't that what the zionists would have everyone believe?

They lost the war, they don't deserve any rights, or any land, death is all they deserve. . . .
Kerry harshly condemns Israeli settler activity as an obstacle to peace

Someone has to condemn that rw gov't of Bibi's and stand up for international law

Hope Trump still has a spine AFTER Jan 20th.
Ha ha ha. For eight years they exhibited cowardice and incompetence, now, suddenly with three weeks left and Obama's legacy flshed down The toilet as a result of The election, they found courage? :lmao:
So will Trump show "cowardice and incompetence" you israel- firster?
With three weeks left and his "incumbent" totally rejected by the American people in an electoral landslide, President Hussein Shithead looks like a small, petty, classless, angry man upset over the results of the election and what it means for his shitty legacy.
And there it is again. Israel does not "own" that land, they occupy it
Of course they do. The Arabs are occupying Israel's land. Maybe it's time they leave.
. . . and if you can't get them to leave, rather than give them equal sovereign political rights, we've seen the preferred political solution, right?

They can just exterminate them, right?


Isn't that right Death Angel?
Mister Bean, you're forgetting that's what the Arabs wanted to do to the Jews in their religious, spiritual, ancestral, and cultural holy land. They failed, many times.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It's Israeli land moonbat. They conquered it.

Ya know, I understand that POV. However, if that is that case, then the Israeli's aren't acting a whole lot different than the Germans when they conquered Poland, or the S. Afrikaners, or the folks in the south during apartheid.

They either need to choose to integrate the Palestinians into one state and treat them equally, or they need to discuss a two state solution.

The pussy footing around and creating an apartheid segregationist regime is bogus.


"The demographic features of Israel are monitored by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. The State of Israel has a population of approximately 8,585,000 inhabitants as of September 2016.[2] 74.8% percent of them are Jews (about 6,419,000 individuals), 20.8% are Arab (about 1,786,000 individuals), while the remaining 4.4% (about 380,000 individuals) are defined as "others" (including family members of Jewish immigrants who are not registered at the Ministry of Interior as Jews, non-Arab Christians, non-Arab Muslims and residents who do not have an ethnic or religious classification)."
So the UN should jut let Israel build the illegal settlements? What else is the UN suppose to do. Those resolutions are the only thing that gets Israel's attention.
How is building settlements on your own land illegal. The land belongs to Israel. That's like saying western South Dakota land belongs to the indians.
Nope in 23 days Trump will come in and reverse everything the N.I.GER in chief has done to destroy this country and this will be one of them.

So you can go fuck yourself
What that DumbFuck has done in the UN can't be reversed because Russia and China can veto it. If any American Jew votes Democrat Party in the future, Israel should revoke any visa application and the Jewish religion should excommunicate them.
So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It's Israeli land moonbat. They conquered it.

Ya know, I understand that POV. However, if that is that case, then the Israeli's aren't acting a whole lot different than the Germans when they conquered Poland, or the S. Afrikaners, or the folks in the south during apartheid.

They either need to choose to integrate the Palestinians into one state and treat them equally, or they need to discuss a two state solution.

The pussy footing around and creating an apartheid segregationist regime is bogus.


"The demographic features of Israel are monitored by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. The State of Israel has a population of approximately 8,585,000 inhabitants as of September 2016.[2] 74.8% percent of them are Jews (about 6,419,000 individuals), 20.8% are Arab (about 1,786,000 individuals), while the remaining 4.4% (about 380,000 individuals) are defined as "others" (including family members of Jewish immigrants who are not registered at the Ministry of Interior as Jews, non-Arab Christians, non-Arab Muslims and residents who do not have an ethnic or religious classification)."
So in other words, there are at this moment approximately 1.8 million Arab "Palestinian" Muslims (about $25% of Israeli population) living as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights as the Jews and Christians. Something President Hussein Shithead's representative failed to mention.
Who is we? You and the voices in your Islam firster anti American head?
So brave of Obama to not veto, but also not support, a toothless UN resolution in the last month of his administration when he has no further campaigns to run. Brave.
Wrong........... It's about time Obama/Kerry has the ball to stick to Bibi's face that enough is enough. Stop building house.

Too bad they won't be there for long. Once Trump is sworn in, Israel will act as if they never existed on the international stage.

Then expect NO peace. No wonder they hate us.

Pure Imperialism and Hypocritism on steroids.

Whether they expect peace or not, Obama and Kerry assured there would never be even the slightest possibility when they abandoned them at the security council. You cry for two state solutions and a resolution to the conflict, but this behavior by the Obama administration will only ensure more conflict. You have counterproductive ideals and goals. Your passion breeds more conflict and creates more problems, it will also ensure that this conflict lasts well into the next decade.

I'm quite convinced you aren't even interested in a lasting peace, either.

Only lasting peace is...... return the land they are illegally occupying and stop building houses........

That's the bottom line that the whole world would like to see it happen.
And there it is again. Israel does not "own" that land, they occupy it. But "occupation" brings with it certain legal responsibilities and Israel refuses those. Like I said, they want the land, just not the people that are currently on the land.

See, for some reason, Israel seems to believe that it must now, and always be, a Jewish majority state. Before those lands can become part of Israel they need to be "sanitized", you know, like Hitler wanted to "sanitize" Germany. Once Israel eliminates all the undesirable inferior life forms within the occupied territories they can move forward with annexation. Expanding the settlements was part and parcel of that strategy.
^ that

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