Thank you Sec Kerry & Pres Obama

Trump wont , he and Bibi will get along good, two peas in a pod.
Concessions have not worked....See Billy Boy s deal that the terrorists rejected.....Perhaps a tack right will bring g them running to the table before it's too late
Trump wont , he and Bibi will get along good, two peas in a pod.
Concessions have not worked....See Billy Boy s deal that the terrorists rejected.....Perhaps a tack right will bring g them running to the table before it's too late
farther right than Bibi's gov't?
Wasn't referring to the govts but the overall diplomatic efforts........How much better off would they be if they had accepted and signed those accords 20 yrs down the road.
So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It's Israeli land moonbat. They conquered it.

Ya know, I understand that POV. However, if that is that case, then the Israeli's aren't acting a whole lot different than the Germans when they conquered Poland, or the S. Afrikaners, or the folks in the south during apartheid.

They either need to choose to integrate the Palestinians into one state and treat them equally, or they need to discuss a two state solution.

The pussy footing around and creating an apartheid segregationist regime is bogus.
We know why they would never do that though. The politics in Israel would change over night.
They either need to choose to integrate the Palestinians into one state and treat them equally, or they need to discuss a two state solution.
Your mythical "Palestinians" are treated far better in Israel than they are in any Arab country. That is the Land of Israel, not "Palestine."
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It is my understanding that Israel is building settlements on land they got by defeating the invaders in the 1967 war. That makes it their land.
The Palestinian terror organization and other Satan worshipping mooooslims have never had a legitimate claim to any part of Israel, period.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
It is holy land and some of us are the legitimate recipients. You're free to leave however.

We shouldn't be making border policies based on religious text. Not everyone believes in a Holy land.
Thanks to Satan you're right.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It is my understanding that Israel is building settlements on land they got by defeating the invaders in the 1967 war. That makes it their land.

And there it is again. Israel does not "own" that land, they occupy it. But "occupation" brings with it certain legal responsibilities and Israel refuses those. Like I said, they want the land, just not the people that are currently on the land.

See, for some reason, Israel seems to believe that it must now, and always be, a Jewish majority state. Before those lands can become part of Israel they need to be "sanitized", you know, like Hitler wanted to "sanitize" Germany. Once Israel eliminates all the undesirable inferior life forms within the occupied territories they can move forward with annexation. Expanding the settlements was part and parcel of that strategy.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It is my understanding that Israel is building settlements on land they got by defeating the invaders in the 1967 war. That makes it their land.

And there it is again. Israel does not "own" that land, they occupy it. But "occupation" brings with it certain legal responsibilities and Israel refuses those. Like I said, they want the land, just not the people that are currently on the land.

See, for some reason, Israel seems to believe that it must now, and always be, a Jewish majority state. Before those lands can become part of Israel they need to be "sanitized", you know, like Hitler wanted to "sanitize" Germany. Once Israel eliminates all the undesirable inferior life forms within the occupied territories they can move forward with annexation. Expanding the settlements was part and parcel of that strategy.

so when do you think that the mass murders will begin?. How do people come to "OWN" land?
Before those lands can become part of Israel they need to be "sanitized", you know, like Hitler wanted to "sanitize" Germany. Once Israel eliminates all the undesirable inferior life forms within the occupied territories they can move forward with annexation.
You've got that backwards. It is the mythical "Palestinians" who want a Judenrein State. They want the Jews out of their Capitol -- a Jew free Jerusalem. Leftists are always on the wrong side of every issue. When will you Lefties realize that.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It is my understanding that Israel is building settlements on land they got by defeating the invaders in the 1967 war. That makes it their land.

And there it is again. Israel does not "own" that land, they occupy it. But "occupation" brings with it certain legal responsibilities and Israel refuses those. Like I said, they want the land, just not the people that are currently on the land.

See, for some reason, Israel seems to believe that it must now, and always be, a Jewish majority state. Before those lands can become part of Israel they need to be "sanitized", you know, like Hitler wanted to "sanitize" Germany. Once Israel eliminates all the undesirable inferior life forms within the occupied territories they can move forward with annexation. Expanding the settlements was part and parcel of that strategy.

The last time I checked, it was the Arabs that wanted to drive the Jews into the sea.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It is theirs, they won the 6 day war.
Israel has continued to give up their land to the Arabs ,but the Arabs keep breaking the land for peace deals.

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