Thank you Sec Kerry & Pres Obama

There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That's funny.

Regardless of whether it's Israel's land or not, your buddies, Kerry and Obama, have ended any possibility of cooperation from Israel by pulling that little stunt at the UN.

Your liberal mind cannot wrap around the magnitude of this abstention. They will continue with the construction of the settlements and they will not be cooperative in any further peace talks or with any other UN resolutions regarding Israel and Palestine.

It's a little hard to have peace talks when you alienate one of the parties you're negotiating with at the table.

Israel is acting like a spoiled child. We've done a lot for them. If it wasn't for us they wouldn't have the military and power they have. They should be grateful the US abstained from the vote and not voted against them outright.

The only reason Israel has been able to get away with their crimes is because of us. It's like when you have a child that keeps getting locked up and you keep bailing them out. Then they get mad when stop bailing them out.

Israel is a great country. For a country that is under 100 years old they've achevied a lot ( partially with our help). But the government has to stop infringing on Palestinian's land.
the more I read of your words, the more I realize you really are an idiot.

I bet you text and drive too. And then tell people that you don't, but we both know you do, I bet you drive with your lights on bright because you don't know how to use the dimmer switch. Tell me, do you have a sign in your car that says 'baby on board' and then tail gate everyone else, and get angry when you get tail gated?

You are the prime example, of the old saying. 'you cant fix stupid.'
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
Because of recorded, written history. But you probably never studied history, you make it up as you go right?
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
The only people who could claim that the USA was theirs are the native American Indians. And one day, with folks like you in charge, I expect they will get it back, not that you own land anyway. you to busy living in the projects and collecting your welfare check and foodies.

Good news though, when they get it back, you wont have your welfare check or foodies anymore, cause we wont have to pay land tax to finance your fat ass.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
The only people who could claim that the USA was theirs are the native American Indians. And one day, with folks like you in charge, I expect they will get it back, not that you own land anyway. you to busy living in the projects and collecting your welfare check and foodies.

Good news though, when they get it back, you wont have your welfare check or foodies anymore, cause we wont have to pay land tax to finance your fat ass.

Now why would you assume I live in the projects?
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
It is holy land and some of us are the legitimate recipients. You're free to leave however.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
It is holy land and some of us are the legitimate recipients. You're free to leave however.

We shouldn't be making border policies based on religious text. Not everyone believes in a Holy land.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That land belonged to Israel well over 2000 years ago, it's hard to steal what is already yours.

But, I'm sure libs will find a way to do just that.

2000 years ? Because a religious text said so? Not a good enough reason to take land from people.

So if the Quran claimed that the US is promised holy land would you give it up?

Such nonsense.
It is holy land and some of us are the legitimate recipients. You're free to leave however.

We shouldn't be making border policies based on religious text. Not everyone believes in a Holy land.
Do you believe that the revolutionary war happened, or is that a work of fiction published in a book? How about the Civil War?

You didn't witness either of them, you just read about them, so you have no first hand knowledge.

It's called recorded history. like it or not, Jews started recording history, far earlier than most, though not all, other races or nationalities.
Liberals won't be happy until the Jews have no homeland at all.

Now you're just being dramatic. They have a homeland, its called Israel. No one is making illegal settlements on Israeli land. But Israel is taking up Palestinian land.

If Israel doesn't stop with their illegal settlements then Palestinians are going to be the one without a country.

You have this backward.

When you consider Palestine never existed before 1917 and the land it sits on was Judea and Sumaria were Jewish back in the time of Christ your thoughts are bullshit.

It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide. Jews come from Judea, not Palestinians. There is no language known as Palestinian, or any Palestinian culture distinct from that of all the Arabs in the area. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. "Palestinians" are Arabs indistinguishable from Arabs throughout the Middle East. The great majority of Arabs in greater Palestine and Israel share the same culture, language and religion.

The land was Jewish since the time of Christ. Guess who should be living on that land??
Liberals won't be happy until the Jews have no homeland at all.

Now you're just being dramatic. They have a homeland, its called Israel. No one is making illegal settlements on Israeli land. But Israel is taking up Palestinian land.

If Israel doesn't stop with their illegal settlements then Palestinians are going to be the one without a country.

You have this backward.

Peace will come when Israeli neighbors recognize Israel as a legitimate country.
Kerry harshly condemns Israeli settler activity as an obstacle to peace

Someone has to condemn that rw gov't of Bibi's and stand up for international law

Hope Trump still has a spine AFTER Jan 20th.

Nope in 23 days Trump will come in and reverse everything the N.I.GER in chief has done to destroy this country and this will be one of them.

So you can go fuck yourself!

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You're either a Repub voter or a 14 yr old :thup: Either way you have the intellect of a child GHook93

BTW- does your username mean that your an AZN?
Kerry harshly condemns Israeli settler activity as an obstacle to peace

Someone has to condemn that rw gov't of Bibi's and stand up for international law

Hope Trump still has a spine AFTER Jan 20th.
Trump has already said that he will not. He will be their bitch along with Putin's. It is going to be terrible to have such a pussy as President.
for some reason, Repub- voters like being israel's patsy :dunno: Weak- assed wussies :crybaby:

As for me, I'm 1000% America First :salute:
The settlements are not illegal. They are on land won in war. They are no more illegal than the state of Arizona is.

How many sanctions has the UN given to the murderous pallys? Not many when you consider the dregs that are on the human rights council.

There can be no two state solution. The pallys don't want Israel to exist at all.

Fine, it is Israel's land. Then they should incorporate those lands in to Israel and stop OCCUPYING them. The Arizona statement was ignorant. Arizona is part of the United States. Her residents get to be citizens and vote.

And that is just it. Sure, Israel wants the land. She just does not want the people. Honestly, a large segment of the population in Israel, especially within the hard right, don't even believe the Palestinians, or you and me for that matter, can even be considered "people". Something about the womb we climbed out of, as if that makes a happy damn.

Kerry is right, the continued building of illegal settlements in occupied territories prevents a two state solution. Bibi knows that. And Israel has a choice, there can be a two state solution that includes a Jewish majority democratic state, or they can be a one state solution that DOES NOT include a Jewish majority and will probably not be democratic.

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