Thank you Sec Kerry & Pres Obama

There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

This will make it easy for Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel

I beg your pardon?
That might work if both countries had independent economies. Israel has a strong economy. But Palestine is extremely poor. You can't hit a country with economic sanctions if they are already poor with limited resources.

Think about it this way. If Palestine doesn't want to be any poorer, it will cooperate. If Israel doesn't want to continue being further vilified by international community, it will cooperate also.

They don't call the US the most powerful nation on Earth for nothing. The US has the power to force peace in the ME if it has to, economically.

You're right, US could force peace in the Middle East. But we need a president with a back bone to do it.

Palestine is at the bottom. Poor is actually an understatement for what they are. Israel already limits their shipment of food and supplies.

Gaza blockade is an example of how they don't have access to basic supplies.

Many of them have it in their mind they're going to die of either hunger or be killed. Pretty hard to put sanctions on a people that don't give a fuck.

Israel won't cooperative. Especially with our incoming president. Perhaps if there was a
More balanced incoming president Israel would cave. But they know Trump is going to be sworn in in 3 weeks. He's going to give them whatever they want.
Israel won't be cooperative. Especially with our incoming president.

No, of course not. Not after what Obama pulled. When you abandon an ally in the midst of peace talks that ally is engaged in with one of their enemies, with said talks being orchestrated by you, they will be less compelled to cooperate with you.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.
How in the fuck do you come to this conclusion? You people are just crazy....nuff said
That might work if both countries had independent economies. Israel has a strong economy. But Palestine is extremely poor. You can't hit a country with economic sanctions if they are already poor with limited resources.

Think about it this way. If Palestine doesn't want to be any poorer, it will cooperate. If Israel doesn't want to continue being further vilified by international community, it will cooperate also.

They don't call the US the most powerful nation on Earth for nothing. The US has the power to force peace in the ME if it has to, economically.

You're right, US could force peace in the Middle East. But we need a president with a back bone to do it.

Palestine is at the bottom. Poor is actually an understatement for what they are. Israel already limits their shipment of food and supplies.

Gaza blockade is an example of how they don't have access to basic supplies.

Many of them have it in their mind they're going to die of either hunger or be killed. Pretty hard to put sanctions on a people that don't give a fuck.

Israel won't cooperative. Especially with our incoming president. Perhaps if there was a
More balanced incoming president Israel would cave. But they know Trump is going to be sworn in in 3 weeks. He's going to give them whatever they want.
And as a concequence, mark my word, the muslim community is gonna go bat shit crazy on everybody....Tweet is dangerous and is playing not only with fire, but with the lives of everyone. All grievences from the Arab community starts and ends with Israel.....the cowards who talk shit knowing NOW THE US WILL BACK THEM.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

These settlements supposed to stop, halt or pause................... But Bibi (asshole) presidency these illegal settlements accelerated.
Why not just give up the land that you don't own so we can have peace and done with all these bullshit.
Israel is a great country. For a country that is under 100 years old they've achevied a lot ( partially with our help). But the government has to stop infringing on Palestinian's land.

But this isn't how you get them to cooperate.
How would you do it?

By not doing what Obama and Kerry did. :p

Wrong........... It's about time Obama/Kerry has the ball to stick to Bibi's face that enough is enough. Stop building house.
So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

It's Israeli land moonbat. They conquered it.

Kerry harshly condemns Israeli settler activity as an obstacle to peace

Someone has to condemn that rw gov't of Bibi's and stand up for international law

Hope Trump still has a spine AFTER Jan 20th.
Well I think it works good job Obama/Kerry.

Israel backs away from Jerusalem settlement vote -

Israel backs away from Jerusalem settlement vote
By Oren Liebermann, Amir Tal and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
Updated 12:38 PM ET, Wed December 28, 2016

Jerusalem (CNN)Israel stepped back from approving hundreds of new homes in East Jerusalem on Wednesday, ahead of a speech by US Secretary of State John Kerry on the Obama administration's vision for Middle East peace.

The city council in Jerusalem canceled a vote to approve the construction of 492 units -- such as homes, synagogues and other public buildings -- in areas of East Jerusalem annexed by Israel.

Council member Hanan Rubin, a member of the city's zoning committee, said the decision followed a request from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Palestinians: Israel can't have land and peace

Palestinians: Israel can't have land and peace 02:33
It came days after the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution condemning Israel's settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem and as Kerry prepared to give his speech on Wednesday.
The settlements are not illegal. They are on land won in war. They are no more illegal than the state of Arizona is.

How many sanctions has the UN given to the murderous pallys? Not many when you consider the dregs that are on the human rights council.

There can be no two state solution. The pallys don't want Israel to exist at all.
The settlements are not illegal. They are on land won in war. They are no more illegal than the state of Arizona is.

How many sanctions has the UN given to the murderous pallys? Not many when you consider the dregs that are on the human rights council.

There can be no two state solution. The pallys don't want Israel to exist at all.
UN Sanctions - Israel -- 77
Palestine -- 1
If Israel was so cooperate, there would have been a two state solution decades ago.

True, if the UN hadn't been repeatedly condemning them for decades, there might have been a two state solution decades ago.

So the UN should jut let Israel build the illegal settlements? What else is the UN suppose to do. Those resolutions are the only thing that gets Israel's attention.
^ that

They can't ignore the fact what 14- 0 says to the world

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Wrong........... It's about time Obama/Kerry has the ball to stick to Bibi's face that enough is enough. Stop building house.

Too bad they won't be there for long. Once Trump is sworn in, Israel will act as if they never existed on the international stage.

Then expect NO peace. No wonder they hate us.

Pure Imperialism and Hypocritism on steroids.
There will be no peace between Israel and Palestine now. Mark my words. They have legitimized the "grievances" of the Palestinians, and have alienated Israel with this abstention. There will be no two state solution either.

Thank you Secretary Kerry and President Obama. You have set back US-Israel relations back decades.

So Israel should be allowed to build on land that isn't theirs? We should just co sign on Israel's illegal actions?

Its a little hard to have a two state solution when you infringe upon other people's land.

That's funny.

Regardless of whether it's Israel's land or not, your buddies, Kerry and Obama, have ended any possibility of cooperation from Israel by pulling that little stunt at the UN.

Your liberal mind cannot wrap around the magnitude of this abstention. They will continue with the construction of the settlements and they will not be cooperative in any further peace talks or with any other UN resolutions regarding Israel and Palestine.

It's a little hard to have peace talks when you alienate one of the parties you're negotiating with at the table.

Israel is acting like a spoiled child. We've done a lot for them. If it wasn't for us they wouldn't have the military and power they have. They should be grateful the US abstained from the vote and not voted against them outright.

The only reason Israel has been able to get away with their crimes is because of us. It's like when you have a child that keeps getting locked up and you keep bailing them out. Then they get mad when stop bailing them out.

Israel is a great country. For a country that is under 100 years old they've achevied a lot ( partially with our help). But the government has to stop infringing on Palestinian's land.
Another ignorant idiot.
Wrong........... It's about time Obama/Kerry has the ball to stick to Bibi's face that enough is enough. Stop building house.

Too bad they won't be there for long. Once Trump is sworn in, Israel will act as if they never existed on the international stage.

Then expect NO peace. No wonder they hate us.

Pure Imperialism and Hypocritism on steroids.

Whether they expect peace or not, Obama and Kerry assured there would never be even the slightest possibility when they abandoned them at the security council. You cry for two state solutions and a resolution to the conflict, but this behavior by the Obama administration will only ensure more conflict. You have counterproductive ideals and goals. Your passion breeds more conflict and creates more problems, it will also ensure that this conflict lasts well into the next decade.

I'm quite convinced you aren't even interested in a lasting peace, either.
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