Thank you to those who fought for the right to choose!

The only logical starting point for when human life (or any life for that matter) begins is at the moment of conception -when one lucky sperm out of thousands gets to fertilize the egg.

Is a sperm not alive?

That is when life begins. A no brainer.
And? What does that have to do with whether or not government has the right to usurp a woman's sovereignty over he own uterus?

Maybe governments should also regulate a woman's diet while she is pregnant? Why not, its an innocent human life inside and if a woman doesn't provide herself proper nutrition it can be detrimental to the health of the fetus. If a child that is already bornt is not being provided proper nourishment by its parents, it can be taken from the parents and cared for as a ward of thes state, can it not? You can't serisouly tell me sensible government wouldn't want to protect helpless fetuses from malnutrition. Its the only logical thing to do!
Government never forced someone to get pregnant.

Of course not. They only forced people to continue being pregnant.

Just like you are forced to take care of children in other stages of life?

How dare they!!!!!!


Uhh, no, actually. You can always give your children up for adoption.

I'm also grateful we had the right to choose our own pre-natal care plan instead of government dictating that to us in the name of protecting the fetus.
The only logical starting point for when human life (or any life for that matter) begins is at the moment of conception -when one lucky sperm out of thousands gets to fertilize the egg.

Is a sperm not alive?

That is when life begins. A no brainer.
And? What does that have to do with whether or not government has the right to usurp a woman's sovereignty over he own uterus?

Maybe governments should also regulate a woman's diet while she is pregnant? Why not, its an innocent human life inside and if a woman doesn't provide herself proper nutrition it can be detrimental to the health of the fetus. If a child that is already bornt is not being provided proper nourishment by its parents, it can be taken from the parents and cared for as a ward of thes state, can it not? You can't serisouly tell me sensible government wouldn't want to protect helpless fetuses from malnutrition. Its the only logical thing to do!

Well, then perhaps said woman should exercise a little sovereignty like keeping her legs closed, take the pill or insist that horndog wear a condom.

Sperm doesn't fall from the sky and magically impregnate women... it's a pretty deliberate and identifiable process.
The only logical starting point for when human life (or any life for that matter) begins is at the moment of conception -when one lucky sperm out of thousands gets to fertilize the egg.

Is a sperm not alive?

That is when life begins. A no brainer.
And? What does that have to do with whether or not government has the right to usurp a woman's sovereignty over he own uterus?

Maybe governments should also regulate a woman's diet while she is pregnant? Why not, its an innocent human life inside and if a woman doesn't provide herself proper nutrition it can be detrimental to the health of the fetus. If a child that is already bornt is not being provided proper nourishment by its parents, it can be taken from the parents and cared for as a ward of thes state, can it not? You can't serisouly tell me sensible government wouldn't want to protect helpless fetuses from malnutrition. Its the only logical thing to do!

Well, then perhaps said woman should exercise a little sovereignty like keeping her legs closed, take the pill or insist that horndog wear a condom.

Yeah what's the deal with all these women? They just spread their legs and become pregnant! How does that happen?

Any woman who spreads her legs should no longer have the right to her own body.

Sperm doesn't fall from the sky and magically impregnate women... it's a pretty deliberate and identifiable process.
Uhh, yes they do! When a woman spreads her legs she gets pregnant. Its all her fault. Dumb bitch. Did she seriously think she would have rights after spreading her legs?
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Thanking government for the right to procreate.

Why do I not find it to be too big of a stretch to imagine OohPoo to be writing a thank you note to The Obama for allowing this?

Edit: Or is the joke on me for not picking up sarcasm?
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I just want to thank you to those who fought for the right to choose! My wife and I are expecting our first child June 17th (its a BOY!). We're thankful that we have the right to choose life! Were it not for Roe v Wade and all those who have fought the anti-abortionists, we would not have that right.

Well. Thank you!

Of course had I known what was going to happen to what I was fighting for, I certainly would not have done it. You imagine that if Roe had not become law that anti abortioninsts would have done, what exactly? Forced you to have an abortion???? Is that want anti abortionists were fighting for???

News to me. I never thought that forced abortions was what the right to lifers were after.

They would have forced us to bring the pregnancy to term, thus we wouldn't have the right to choose life, as that choice would be made by government for us.
Thanking government for the right to procreate.

I wasn't thanking government.

Nor was I thanking anyone for the right to pro-create.

I'm just happy we can choose to have the child instead of being force by government.

Who knows what else government would force in the name of protecting the fetus? Is there any reason it should stop at simply not allowing abortion?
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Of course not. They only forced people to continue being pregnant.

Just like you are forced to take care of children in other stages of life?

How dare they!!!!!!


Uhh, no, actually. You can always give your children up for adoption.

I'm also grateful we had the right to choose our own pre-natal care plan instead of government dictating that to us in the name of protecting the fetus.

And you can give up your yet unborn for adoption too.. my neigh went thru the process with a local pregnant teen and as soon as the baby was born healthy and checked out, it was theirs to love and raise...

I swear, you crack house humor and attempt at reverse psychology is mildly amusing, but about as supportive of your winger ideals as a roll of gauze is at stopping a speeding semi truck
Women are presumed to be both helpless and ignorant. They are ignorant of the way babies are made, just can't figure that one out. And, helpless to deal with their own pregnancies.

Abortion, no matter how noble an ideal it was when it started out, has become a corrupted ideal. As great a thing we thought Roe at one time, it could never be passed today. While most would find agreement with a right to abortion in the first trimester, who would agree to abortion in the second trimester based only upon the health of the mother and not allowed at all in the first trimester unless the mother's life was in medical danger? No one who supports aborion today. At the time Roe was decided, would it have become law if we knew that it would be used to murder babies once they were born or for sex selection? No. It would have been unthinkable. When someone lke presidebtial advisor John Holdren claims a right to murder children up to two years of age would that have been tolerated? Of course not. He would have been stripped of whatever he had and be a homeless derelict today peddaling gay sex in a back alley someplace.
Just like you are forced to take care of children in other stages of life?

How dare they!!!!!!


Uhh, no, actually. You can always give your children up for adoption.

I'm also grateful we had the right to choose our own pre-natal care plan instead of government dictating that to us in the name of protecting the fetus.

And you can give up your yet unborn for adoption too.. my neigh went thru the process with a local pregnant teen and as soon as the baby was born healthy and checked out, it was theirs to love and raise...

Been there done that had a girlfriend who was int he same situation (wasn't my kid) don't see your point. Except that maybe its another example of someone using their God given right to CHOOSE to bring a pregnancy to term instead of being FORCED BY THE STATE.
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Women are presumed to be both helpless and ignorant. They are ignorant of the way babies are made, just can't figure that one out. And, helpless to deal with their own pregnancies.

Abortion, no matter how noble an ideal it was when it started out, has become a corrupted ideal. As great a thing we thought Roe at one time, it could never be passed today. While most would find agreement with a right to abortion in the first trimester, who would agree to abortion in the second trimester based only upon the health of the mother and not allowed at all in the first trimester unless the mother's life was in medical danger? No one who supports aborion today. At the time Roe was decided, would it have become law if we knew that it would be used to murder babies once they were born or for sex selection? No. It would have been unthinkable. When someone lke presidebtial advisor John Holdren claims a right to murder children up to two years of age would that have been tolerated? Of course not. He would have been stripped of whatever he had and be a homeless derelict today peddaling gay sex in a back alley someplace.

So government should own the bodies of pregnant women because some lunatic thinks its OK to murder children.

Got it.
Been there done that had a girlfriend who was int he same situation (wasn't my kid) don't see your point. Except that maybe its another example of someone using their God given right to CHOOSE to bring a pregnancy to term instead of being FORCED BY THE STATE.
Where has that ever happened?
Congratulations to you and your wife. I sincerely hope your child is healthy and lives a long happy life.

Now all we have to do is make sure your wife keeps the right to control her own reproduction cuz the Party of the Peeping Toms want take a lot of rights away from us. The right for a woman to control her own body is just one of those rights.
I just want to thank you to those who fought for the right to choose! My wife and I are expecting our first child June 17th (its a BOY!). We're thankful that we have the right to choose life! Were it not for Roe v Wade and all those who have fought the anti-abortionists, we would not have that right.

What's the opposite of life? Death. RvW gave you the right to choose death for the unborn. Your above statement is idiotic. Congrats on the babby . . why didn't you wait until he popped out to find out if your were having a boy or girl? So few surprises in life, that one is worth waiting for.

The only logical starting point for when human life (or any life for that matter) begins is at the moment of conception -when one lucky sperm out of thousands gets to fertilize the egg.

Is a sperm not alive?
That is when life begins. A no brainer.

And? What does that have to do with whether or not government has the right to usurp a woman's sovereignty over he own uterus?

Maybe governments should also regulate a woman's diet while she is pregnant? Why not, its an innocent human life inside and if a woman doesn't provide herself proper nutrition it can be detrimental to the health of the fetus. If a child that is already bornt is not being provided proper nourishment by its parents, it can be taken from the parents and cared for as a ward of thes state, can it not? You can't serisouly tell me sensible government wouldn't want to protect helpless fetuses from malnutrition. Its the only logical thing to do!

And? Sperm isn't a human being, neither is egg. They have to have that special dance in order to create a new life and when fertilization takes place? That's the very beginning of a brand new, unique human being. True story.

Usurp a woman's sovereignty over her own uterus? wtf? The government's job is to protect those who live here, including the unborn. Once again, gov't fails.

What part of a woman is no longer there after an abortion?
I find it a tad strange that anyone would politicize the impending birth of their child. Frankly, I find it incredibly distasteful... but we each march to our own drum.
I just want to thank you to those who fought for the right to choose! My wife and I are expecting our first child June 17th (its a BOY!). We're thankful that we have the right to choose life! Were it not for Roe v Wade and all those who have fought the anti-abortionists, we would not have that right.

However.....please tell me what Roe V. Wade has to do with the right to conceive and have a child?

As a matter of fact, please tell me when you did NOThave the right to choose to conceive and have a child.

Now that being said, I wonder how many people regret not having felt your joy becuase they had the right to choose to abort the child and did so becuase...well...they had the right to do so....but didnt realize until afterwards that they really wanted it.

Ever hear the stories about those that put an infant up for adoption want the child back?

You dont have that choice when you abort.

Think about it.

(And that is from someone who supports ones right to choose)
Oopah. Congratulations on the great news.
May your child grow up to be a gun toting fundamentalist Christian venture capitalist Republican.
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