Thank you Trump!

/------/ When you can't refute the message, attack the messenger - Saul Alinsky.

So, you're saying Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac polling operation, was lying when he was being interviewed by talk show host Hugh Hewitt, neither of which work for PJ Media? Are you saying PJ Media just made up the interview out of thin air? I honestly don't understand the point you are trying to make.

From the link I posted:
Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac polling operation was particularly squeamish about sampling under tough questioning from Hewitt about a poll which Quinnipiac had released showing Democrats with a 9 percentage point advantage in the state of Florida.

In the conversation, Brown defended Quinnipiac’s sampling techniques but admitted that he did not believe that Democrats would outnumber Republicans to that degree in Florida come November. Pressed by Hewitt, the pollster said he believed that was a “probably unlikely” scenario. Instead, Brown kept saying that he thought his poll was an accurate snapshot of reality at the time.

LOL!!!! the article ... put out by PJ media ... is most likely is skewed. i live in CT , & have been contacted by Q P a few times & the surveys weren't biased. if you bothered to see MY links - their ACCURACY in election outcomes is top notch. & as a side note ... the dude that got that college to start conducting polls came from marist.... an even more top notch polling avenue.


saul alinsky? really? wow - had to reach for that one, 'eh?
Sure. Right, sure. And you wonder why the right is so venomously resentful towards assholes like you.


As if for four years you didn't bitch, moan, complain, blame, sabotage, terrorize, lie, and plot when Hillary lost.

FYI ... hillary lost & conceded within 24 hours of the election closing & donny was declared the winner. we got over it, snowflake.

Thanks to Trump, the political disaster, Democrats are back in the driver's seat for the November elections.

He is the gift that just keeps on giving. Bigly!!!
You would think he is working for Biden, Pelosi and Schumer to make sure Republicans lose!

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