Thank YOU USMessageBoard!

Oh boy, a thread where everyone thinks that they are perfect and their ideology is perfect and right, all the frikken time!
Here is a fact for you, no one on earth is 100% right or perfect all of the time. Also all this hate and polarization is totally counter productive.
The Bible often points out the goodness of humility and the evil of vanity and hate. Try it sometime.

You talking to me? Because I WANTED dialogue which is what YOU and I are doing now!
So why are you criticizing me for wanting to not be polarized? Geez this is the exact same response my ex-brother-in-law,college room mate and I thought an open minded
logical friend that he showed me in the past. I don't like this polarization any more then you do. I'm the very last person to point at someone's sliver in their eye when I have a log in mine! I'm sharing with you and others that without looking at the facts like I shared with him, i.e. a Fellow Democrat party member and councilman in Indiana where he lives supports Trump... and my ex-brother-in-law who also is a Democrat county Chairman responds by acting emotional. This is my point. At least you and I have dialogue here... but he terminates ANY dialogue potential and that is a characteristic found in many Democrats today.
He sounds like an old Snowflake. Is there anything worse than an old Snowflake? I mean, i can understand youngsters going the Snowflake route for a time in their lives. They're young, it happens. But older folks acting like Snowflakes, really is pathetic. They still haven't grown up. Kinda sad. But don't let the dude get you down. He's an aging Snowflake brat. You're better off with him out of your life. Time to move on.

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