Thanks, Red States! Blue State Economic Boom

What is your point? This law does not allow a parent to force an abortion as far as I know. It requires the parent to sign off on the procedure but I think the girl still has to consent as well. Not sure though.

My point is that the law is AWESOME - it gives the parents the rights to decide in a situation where a teenager can not decide for herself and SHOULD NOT decide. As they do not decide for themselves in any other medical procedure ( or not even medical) - and getting an abortion is much more detrimental than getting a piercing ( which requires a consent from the parents)

So you think that a parent should be capable of forcing an abortion on a woman who is 17 and wants the child?
A parent would not be able to force an abortion on anybody - it is the other way around - if you want an abortion you must have a consent from a parent.
You can not force somebody to have a procedure, but you can forbid them to have one - if you are a parent.
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With all of these Red States slipping abortion restrictions into their budgets and creating laws requiring transvaginal probes for women seeking to terminate their pregnancy, we in the Blue States say thanks for the opportunity to serve the sheer tsunami of women coming into the New Jersey/New York area in order to obtain abortions.

It will be a veritable boom in lodging, shuttle transportation, restaurants and retail much as we saw in 1970.

Again, thanks...or maybe I should say, "Thank ya'll!"

according to social conz, money goes where gawd :eusa_angel: intends it to (see how they worship people like the wall st banksters)
Hey, it's the Republican way! Just think of all the jobs created and profits to be calculated based on someone else's misery!

If you find this repugnant, then please step up as a private citizen to offer your support of all the unwanted children that will be born out of these new restrictions, because their mommas and daddies won't be able to afford them. Step up or shut up.

Do you have some kind of switch in the back of that small brain of yours that we can just turn off? It's almost embarrassing to listen to your prattle.

Are you willing to take a hike in your taxes to support a flood of unwanted children?
Because people are not going to stop having sex, in case you think that is what is going to happen from these new laws.

I will never understand mutually exclusive thinking humans.

Nope, nobody can ever learn responsible thought!

Especially you.
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With all of these Red States slipping abortion restrictions into their budgets and creating laws requiring transvaginal probes for women seeking to terminate their pregnancy, we in the Blue States say thanks for the opportunity to serve the sheer tsunami of women coming into the New Jersey/New York area in order to obtain abortions.

It will be a veritable boom in lodging, shuttle transportation, restaurants and retail much as we saw in 1970.

Again, thanks...or maybe I should say, "Thank ya'll!"

I can never figure out why the Democrats kill off their future voting base... mind boggling.

In the land of the fetus,there would be no liberals.
wow, something to be proud of...crowing of the economic boom with the killing of children from abortion....are all blue states made up of such sick and twisted people?

It seems logical that Red States which oppose abortion would provide free contraceptives to anyone who wants one without restriction, and provide age appropriate sex education to all students in their public schools. Yet that they do not and even want to defund Planned Parenthood suggests a hidden agenda.

It seems the leadership within the GOP and Red States understands that abortion is a great recruiting tool, aiding to advance their careers and the power of the GOP. I wonder why the pro life crowd never considers the fact the anti abortion movement gains speed only when the GOP needs votes; when the R's held the White House with GWB, and both chambers of The Congress nary a peep was heard on abortion restrictions.
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Do you have some kind of switch in the back of that small brain of yours that we can just turn off? It's almost embarrassing to listen to your prattle.

Are you willing to take a hike in your taxes to support a flood of unwanted children?
Because people are not going to stop having sex, in case you think that is what is going to happen from these new laws.

I will never understand mutually exclusive thinking humans.

Nope, nobody can ever learn responsible thought!

Especially you.

Simplistic, binary, hyperbolic, narcissistic, black & white thought is polluting public discourse to the point where it's nearly impossible to have an intellectually honest conversation.

Every time I think it's as bad as it can get, it gets worse.

wow, something to be proud of...crowing of the economic boom with the killing of children from abortion....are all blue states made up of such sick and twisted people?

It seems logical that Red States which oppose abortion would provide free contraceptives to anyone who wants one without restriction, and provide age appropriate sex education to all students in their public schools. Yet that they do not and even want to defund Planned Parenthood suggests a hidden agenda.

It seems the leadership within the GOP and Red States understands that abortion is a great recruiting tool, aiding to advance their careers and the power of the GOP. I wonder why the pro life crowd never considers the fact the anti abortion movement gains speed only when the GOP needs votes; when the R's held the White House with GWB, and both chambers of The Congress nary a peep was heard on abortion restrictions.

No, it does not seem logical that anybody will have to provide FREE services for behavior. Go get the pill yourself - it is cheap. Or make your boyfriend get the rubber - it is even cheaper.
Oh, I can almost smell the hypocrisy now:

Republican Ladies of Dallas!
Need that shopping weekend in the Big Apple?


We take care of all the details for your "shopping spree" on Park Avenue,, we mean 5th Avenue!
And no one back in the Red Star State needs to know a thing!
What happens in New York STAYS in New York!

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Zombies heralding the business of baby slaughter.. How quaint. Aren't leftists such lovely people?
the Op is one shallow and dumb useful tool that is for sure

Step up and own it....there's going to be a baby boom in the Red States and trust me, it's NOT going to be children born to members of the Tea Party, the GOP or the Libertarians. Trust me on this one.

The News & Observer reports:

The [North Carolina] state Senate voted Tuesday night on a measure that would add restrictions on abortions, forcing clinics to meet expensive license requirements and making it difficult for doctors to perform the procedures.

Under the bill, abortion clinics would have to meet standards for licensure similar to those of ambulatory surgical centers. According to legislative staff, only one clinic in the state currently meets that standard.

North Carolina abortion bill: Restrictions snuck into legislation meant to protect residents from Sharia law. Oh.
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Why don't we start selling assisted suicides on the internet to kill the emotionally and mentally handicapped in this world? I'm sure we would have a booming business there too! After all, 'IT'S THE ECONOMY STOOPID."
With all of these Red States slipping abortion restrictions into their budgets and creating laws requiring transvaginal probes for women seeking to terminate their pregnancy, we in the Blue States say thanks for the opportunity to serve the sheer tsunami of women coming into the New Jersey/New York area in order to obtain abortions.

It will be a veritable boom in lodging, shuttle transportation, restaurants and retail much as we saw in 1970.

Again, thanks...or maybe I should say, "Thank ya'll!"

While I oppose the mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds, you are a certifiable moron.
With all of these Red States slipping abortion restrictions into their budgets and creating laws requiring transvaginal probes for women seeking to terminate their pregnancy, we in the Blue States say thanks for the opportunity to serve the sheer tsunami of women coming into the New Jersey/New York area in order to obtain abortions.

It will be a veritable boom in lodging, shuttle transportation, restaurants and retail much as we saw in 1970.

Again, thanks...or maybe I should say, "Thank ya'll!"

Don’t get too excited…

Following traditional conservative hypocrisy the social right isn’t going to be satisfied with a ‘states’ rights’ approach to the issue; the conservative goal is to destroy the right to privacy – either through the courts or Constitutional amendment – and the enactment of Federal law banning abortion Nationwide.

The authoritarian right would accept nothing less.
Geez, wouldn't you know the lefties would consider the killing of the unborn to be part of an economic boom.

Thanks to the fine Republicans in Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Kansas.....

Maybe these fine people should have thought about the repercussions. They're going to have more babies born out of wedlock and on welfare than they can shake a stick at!
My point is that the law is AWESOME - it gives the parents the rights to decide in a situation where a teenager can not decide for herself and SHOULD NOT decide. As they do not decide for themselves in any other medical procedure ( or not even medical) - and getting an abortion is much more detrimental than getting a piercing ( which requires a consent from the parents)

So you think that a parent should be capable of forcing an abortion on a woman who is 17 and wants the child?
A parent would not be able to force an abortion on anybody - it is the other way around - if you want an abortion you must have a consent from a parent.
You can not force somebody to have a procedure, but you can forbid them to have one - if you are a parent.

Then why even bring it up?

You never refuted anything that I stated in my original post other than you feel the need for parents to force children to have more children.

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