Thanks, Red States! Blue State Economic Boom

Geez, wouldn't you know the lefties would consider the killing of the unborn to be part of an economic boom.

Thanks to the fine Republicans in Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Kansas.....

Maybe these fine people should have thought about the repercussions. They're going to have more babies born out of wedlock and on welfare than they can shake a stick at!

Typical Zombie attitude:

"It's your fault that chick spread her legs and got pregnant. Now you're responsible to pay for her kid and not only that, to pay for her too since she can't work now and take care of her kid and if you don't hand over your hard earned money, we'll accuse you of being selfish."

Leftist PSYCHO-BABBLE doesn't phase anyone dummy so stuff it..

PS- Glad you're so proud of the money made from the blood of children.. some day you're going to get to stand and answer for it.. Count on it.
wow, something to be proud of...crowing of the economic boom with the killing of children from abortion....are all blue states made up of such sick and twisted people?

It seems logical that Red States which oppose abortion would provide free contraceptives to anyone who wants one without restriction, and provide age appropriate sex education to all students in their public schools. Yet that they do not and even want to defund Planned Parenthood suggests a hidden agenda.

It seems the leadership within the GOP and Red States understands that abortion is a great recruiting tool, aiding to advance their careers and the power of the GOP. I wonder why the pro life crowd never considers the fact the anti abortion movement gains speed only when the GOP needs votes; when the R's held the White House with GWB, and both chambers of The Congress nary a peep was heard on abortion restrictions.

That is because the right does not really want to do jack shit about abortion.

It only comes up during hard times to garner the RR. The really sad part is that the RR would vote for the R’s if they put on devil suits and sacrificed goats so I never understood the move. The only reasoning that I can come up with is primaries are so skewed and it hurts the party a TON.
wow, something to be proud of...crowing of the economic boom with the killing of children from abortion....are all blue states made up of such sick and twisted people?

It seems logical that Red States which oppose abortion would provide free contraceptives to anyone who wants one without restriction, and provide age appropriate sex education to all students in their public schools. Yet that they do not and even want to defund Planned Parenthood suggests a hidden agenda.

It seems the leadership within the GOP and Red States understands that abortion is a great recruiting tool, aiding to advance their careers and the power of the GOP. I wonder why the pro life crowd never considers the fact the anti abortion movement gains speed only when the GOP needs votes; when the R's held the White House with GWB, and both chambers of The Congress nary a peep was heard on abortion restrictions.

That is because the right does not really want to do jack shit about abortion.

It only comes up during hard times to garner the RR. The really sad part is that the RR would vote for the R’s if they put on devil suits and sacrificed goats so I never understood the move. The only reasoning that I can come up with is primaries are so skewed and it hurts the party a TON.

The left vs. right paradigm at it's finest. You're either a leftist sociliast liberal or a right-wing radical neocon nut.... Both parties are working for the same company.
Why don't we start selling assisted suicides on the internet to kill the emotionally and mentally handicapped in this world? I'm sure we would have a booming business there too! After all, 'IT'S THE ECONOMY STOOPID."

Why draw the line at assisted suicide. There must be lots of inconvenient people around.
Daisy Mae had better be careful otherwise she'll find herself taking the Greyhound to the big, bad city filled with it's furners, Jews, colored folk and worst of all, YANKEES.
Geez, wouldn't you know the lefties would consider the killing of the unborn to be part of an economic boom.

Thanks to the fine Republicans in Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Kansas.....

Maybe these fine people should have thought about the repercussions. They're going to have more babies born out of wedlock and on welfare than they can shake a stick at!

Typical Zombie attitude:

"It's your fault that chick spread her legs and got pregnant. Now you're responsible to pay for her kid and not only that, to pay for her too since she can't work now and take care of her kid and if you don't hand over your hard earned money, we'll accuse you of being selfish."

Leftist PSYCHO-BABBLE doesn't phase anyone dummy so stuff it..

PS- Glad you're so proud of the money made from the blood of children.. some day you're going to get to stand and answer for it.. Count on it.

Make sure you are not one of the hypocrites who will be complaining about the exponential number of out-of-wedlock births and huge families on welfare in the next few years.

No shakin' and cluckin' at the check out counter when you see a woman with a bunch of kids paying with food stamps. No bitching because she has to go on welfare so she can stay home and take care of all those kids.

You pay now (with federal funding for Planned Parenthood: contraception and or abortions) or you pay later, except if you pay later you're going to have a live human being, not a fetus, who will need 18 years of support. Stuff that and smoke it, too. That's reality and I'm sorry you don't like it.
Thanks to the fine Republicans in Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Kansas.....

Maybe these fine people should have thought about the repercussions. They're going to have more babies born out of wedlock and on welfare than they can shake a stick at!

Typical Zombie attitude:

"It's your fault that chick spread her legs and got pregnant. Now you're responsible to pay for her kid and not only that, to pay for her too since she can't work now and take care of her kid and if you don't hand over your hard earned money, we'll accuse you of being selfish."

Leftist PSYCHO-BABBLE doesn't phase anyone dummy so stuff it..

PS- Glad you're so proud of the money made from the blood of children.. some day you're going to get to stand and answer for it.. Count on it.

Make sure you are not one of the hypocrites who will be complaining about the exponential number of out-of-wedlock births and huge families on welfare in the next few years.

No shakin' and cluckin' at the check out counter when you see a woman with a bunch of kids paying with food stamps. No bitching because she has to go on welfare so she can stay home and take care of all those kids.

You pay now (with federal funding for Planned Parenthood: contraception and or abortions) or you pay later, except if you pay later you're going to have a live human being, not a fetus, who will need 18 years of support. Stuff that and smoke it, too. That's reality and I'm sorry you don't like it.


I appreciated the stupidity of your posts more when they were shorter.
With all of these Red States slipping abortion restrictions into their budgets and creating laws requiring transvaginal probes for women seeking to terminate their pregnancy, we in the Blue States say thanks for the opportunity to serve the sheer tsunami of women coming into the New Jersey/New York area in order to obtain abortions.

It will be a veritable boom in lodging, shuttle transportation, restaurants and retail much as we saw in 1970.

Again, thanks...or maybe I should say, "Thank ya'll!"

Bummer, another abortion thread. I thought this might be about all the jobs that trained monkeys can do (the bread and butter of the red states) getting shipped off to third world shit holes.
So you think that a parent should be capable of forcing an abortion on a woman who is 17 and wants the child?
A parent would not be able to force an abortion on anybody - it is the other way around - if you want an abortion you must have a consent from a parent.
You can not force somebody to have a procedure, but you can forbid them to have one - if you are a parent.

Then why even bring it up?

You never refuted anything that I stated in my original post other than you feel the need for parents to force children to have more children.

what to bring up?
your main assertion was that parents making their teenage daughter continuing with pregnancy is BAD, whereas in reality it is the best thing that can be done in this situation - strictly from physiological and medical point of view.
forcing a teenager to undergo abortion against her will is extremely vicious and though I do not consider it is that often happening it might happen and the legal situation in this case should be outlined as well. It is difficult for me to picture providers jumping on and going forward with an abortion when the teenager clearly does not want it and parents do.
Does not mean it can not happen, though.

So what was I supposed to refute?
A parent would not be able to force an abortion on anybody - it is the other way around - if you want an abortion you must have a consent from a parent.
You can not force somebody to have a procedure, but you can forbid them to have one - if you are a parent.

Then why even bring it up?

You never refuted anything that I stated in my original post other than you feel the need for parents to force children to have more children.

what to bring up?
your main assertion was that parents making their teenage daughter continuing with pregnancy is BAD, whereas in reality it is the best thing that can be done in this situation - strictly from physiological and medical point of view.
forcing a teenager to undergo abortion against her will is extremely vicious and though I do not consider it is that often happening it might happen and the legal situation in this case should be outlined as well. It is difficult for me to picture providers jumping on and going forward with an abortion when the teenager clearly does not want it and parents do.
Does not mean it can not happen, though.

So what was I supposed to refute?

The best thing they can do is LET HER DECIDE WHAT TO DO with own body. They should be there to support, advise and correct what they can but in the end, it should be her that decides.

Abortion is no small thing but neither is child birth.
With all of these Red States slipping abortion restrictions into their budgets and creating laws requiring transvaginal probes for women seeking to terminate their pregnancy, we in the Blue States say thanks for the opportunity to serve the sheer tsunami of women coming into the New Jersey/New York area in order to obtain abortions.

It will be a veritable boom in lodging, shuttle transportation, restaurants and retail much as we saw in 1970.

Again, thanks...or maybe I should say, "Thank ya'll!"

It's sad that you cheer a "sheer tsunami of women coming into NJ/NY for abortions. What a way to make a living, off the blood of innocent slaughter. Wow.
Then why even bring it up?

You never refuted anything that I stated in my original post other than you feel the need for parents to force children to have more children.

what to bring up?
your main assertion was that parents making their teenage daughter continuing with pregnancy is BAD, whereas in reality it is the best thing that can be done in this situation - strictly from physiological and medical point of view.
forcing a teenager to undergo abortion against her will is extremely vicious and though I do not consider it is that often happening it might happen and the legal situation in this case should be outlined as well. It is difficult for me to picture providers jumping on and going forward with an abortion when the teenager clearly does not want it and parents do.
Does not mean it can not happen, though.

So what was I supposed to refute?

The best thing they can do is LET HER DECIDE WHAT TO DO with own body. They should be there to support, advise and correct what they can but in the end, it should be her that decides.

Abortion is no small thing but neither is child birth.

No way. It is not her body, first of all, it is a separate human being inside her body.
A teenager has no idea how the abortion will impact her life and her chances of future possibility to become pregnant neither does she have any idea on psychiatry problems which will inevitably follow - they always do - and should be helped in getting the pregnancy to the term with a possibility of further adoption if the family can not help in raising the child.
Abortion can and should be considered ONLY in a case of grave danger to her health
A parent would not be able to force an abortion on anybody - it is the other way around - if you want an abortion you must have a consent from a parent.
You can not force somebody to have a procedure, but you can forbid them to have one - if you are a parent.

Then why even bring it up?

You never refuted anything that I stated in my original post other than you feel the need for parents to force children to have more children.

what to bring up?
your main assertion was that parents making their teenage daughter continuing with pregnancy is BAD, whereas in reality it is the best thing that can be done in this situation - strictly from physiological and medical point of view.
forcing a teenager to undergo abortion against her will is extremely vicious and though I do not consider it is that often happening it might happen and the legal situation in this case should be outlined as well. It is difficult for me to picture providers jumping on and going forward with an abortion when the teenager clearly does not want it and parents do.
Does not mean it can not happen, though.

So what was I supposed to refute?

Woa does that really happen? I think you lie.
Then why even bring it up?

You never refuted anything that I stated in my original post other than you feel the need for parents to force children to have more children.

what to bring up?
your main assertion was that parents making their teenage daughter continuing with pregnancy is BAD, whereas in reality it is the best thing that can be done in this situation - strictly from physiological and medical point of view.
forcing a teenager to undergo abortion against her will is extremely vicious and though I do not consider it is that often happening it might happen and the legal situation in this case should be outlined as well. It is difficult for me to picture providers jumping on and going forward with an abortion when the teenager clearly does not want it and parents do.
Does not mean it can not happen, though.

So what was I supposed to refute?

Woa does that really happen? I think you lie.

think again
wow, something to be proud of...crowing of the economic boom with the killing of children from abortion....are all blue states made up of such sick and twisted people?

It seems logical that Red States which oppose abortion would provide free contraceptives to anyone who wants one without restriction, and provide age appropriate sex education to all students in their public schools. Yet that they do not and even want to defund Planned Parenthood suggests a hidden agenda.

It seems the leadership within the GOP and Red States understands that abortion is a great recruiting tool, aiding to advance their careers and the power of the GOP. I wonder why the pro life crowd never considers the fact the anti abortion movement gains speed only when the GOP needs votes; when the R's held the White House with GWB, and both chambers of The Congress nary a peep was heard on abortion restrictions.

No, it does not seem logical that anybody will have to provide FREE services for behavior. Go get the pill yourself - it is cheap. Or make your boyfriend get the rubber - it is even cheaper.

Maybe to you it does not seem logical, to me it is foolish for anyone so opposed to abortion to not want to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Unless of course they have a hidden agenda.

BTW, I had a vasectomy after our second child was born and always discussed birth control with my prior relationships. The vasectomy was provided free by my health care provider, kaiser permanente.
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Oh, I can almost smell the hypocrisy now:

Republican Ladies of Dallas!
Need that shopping weekend in the Big Apple?


We take care of all the details for your "shopping spree" on Park Avenue,, we mean 5th Avenue!
And no one back in the Red Star State needs to know a thing!
What happens in New York STAYS in New York!

Like I said, let the grown ups handle this issue
Maybe to you it does not seem logical, to me it is foolish for anyone so opposed to abortion to not want to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Unless of course they have a hidden agenda.

BTW, I had a vasectomy after our second child was born and always discussed birth control with my prior relationships. The vasectomy was provided free by my health care provider, kaiser permanente.

Why should it be the taxpayer who should prevent somebody's pregnancy? It is the utmost responsibility of the two involved and if they would know that there is no abortion as a convenient option and they have to provide for their future child, they would find out what contraceptives are and where. Especially since they are cheaper than dirt.

If one has the medical insurance I do not see any objections in providing some birth control methods ( as you described). I also do not see any objections in availability of options upon a separate reproductive insurance to anybody who wants to buy it ( private one, obviously) - and that would include not only birth control but reproductive counseling, IVFs and so on up to the transgender issues. Those areas are sensitive and a subject to belief system so it is ultimately not a taxpayer's responsibility and should not be forced on them. But it should be available on a private basis for those willing to buy it.

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