Thanks, Red States! Blue State Economic Boom

Anyone who believes in Late Term Abortion is a complete and utter Idiot.

If a woman can't decide by week 20 to keep a baby then I suggest she may be a Brainless Lib.

Why are you leaping to that extreme when these new laws will make it difficult if not impossible for many when a woman is just 4-5 weeks?

Let me answer for you: Because you are lazy and don't understand the laws that are going into effect:

Restrictions on Abortion

In Texas, the following restrictions on abortion were in effect as of May 1, 2013:

A woman must receive state-directed counseling that includes information designed to discourage her from having an abortion and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided.

The parent of a minor must consent and be notified before an abortion is provided.

Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest.*
(Funny how the far right is creating its own future Democratic voting nightmare)

A woman must undergo an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion; the provider must show and describe the image to the woman. If the woman lives within 100 miles of an abortion provider she must obtain the ultrasound at least 24 hours before the abortion.

State Facts About Abortion: Texas

how much does an abortion cost now a days anyways? in the 80's it was just like $500 bucks.

So you think the price is somewhat like it was 30 years ago? Or are you sincerely inquiring?
man I'd be embarrassed to post something like thread and then go on and still try and defend it

sick and twisted

no kidding, 20 weeks is almost a FIVE MONTH old baby... yet they still scream over some laws in other states

liberals are brain dead robots or at least this Op is

The far right has you so focused on the 20-week stipulation that you're not paying attention to the fine details. I suggest you look into the actual state laws going into effect and stop acting like a trained seal at GOP-Sea World. See the Guttmacher information I just posted for Texas.

BS. I suggest you learn a little about Personal Responsibility and self accountability.

So I see you prefer to attack the messenger rather than the new laws. Nice.
I can never figure out why the Democrats kill off their future voting base... mind boggling.

given the abortion statistics, you are right

ok dude, I hate doctors and abortions, back in 1995 the doc told me and thy late wife to abort our daughter he said she would be a down sydrome baby or a midget. we told them to fuck off.she is a happy cute as hell 16 year old now will turn 17 december 28th..
The far right has you so focused on the 20-week stipulation that you're not paying attention to the fine details. I suggest you look into the actual state laws going into effect and stop acting like a trained seal at GOP-Sea World. See the Guttmacher information I just posted for Texas.

BS. I suggest you learn a little about Personal Responsibility and self accountability.

So I see you prefer to attack the messenger rather than the new laws. Nice.

the new laws are very good.
Oh by the way, how DARE THEY DEMAND that a 15 YEAR OLD get consent from her parents. The very nerve of them................Allowing parents to get involved in it, when they are a minor.
The rest I can somewhat agree with. There is no reason that reasonable restrictions should not be applied to this particular procedure. It not only makes sense but it is asinine to demand that abortion somehow be exempt from any requirements. This statement though is way off base.

Yes, how dare they. That is not only a terrible idea, but it is also likely to get the law thrown out by SCOTUS. There is not one single reason that you can completely subjugate the right of even a minor over their own body. As a parent does not have the right to beat the shit out of their children, cut, break or otherwise causing them harm, they also do not have the right to force a pregnancy. It is not much different.

I agree that it should be mandatory that the parents are informed. I really don’t care if that might discourage some teens from seeking the care that they want. That is really irrelevant as not informing the parents puts an even more harmful block in not allowing them to confront the real problems that their teen is undergoing. That does not even touch on the fact that you NEED some emotional support base when doing something like this. That does not mean, however, that there consent should be required. Should the parents not consent, tough shit.
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I can never figure out why the Democrats kill off their future voting base... mind boggling.

given the abortion statistics, you are right

ok dude, I hate doctors and abortions, back in 1995 the doc told me and thy late wife to abort our daughter he said she would be a down sydrome baby or a midget. we told them to fuck off.she is a happy cute as hell 16 year old now will turn 17 december 28th..

I can't possibly imagine WHAT could have caused you being so upset at my response.
I hate abortions and would ban them altogether like in Portugal or Poland,
I just confirmed that by it's statistics confirm your assumption that abortion is done mostly by women voting Democrat
The far right has you so focused on the 20-week stipulation that you're not paying attention to the fine details. I suggest you look into the actual state laws going into effect and stop acting like a trained seal at GOP-Sea World. See the Guttmacher information I just posted for Texas.

BS. I suggest you learn a little about Personal Responsibility and self accountability.

So I see you prefer to attack the messenger rather than the new laws. Nice.

Nah dont think they meant that your a good poster.
This is the way it is supposed to work. Political division leads to social division. Eventually to total division.

The Big Sort: When Personal Preferences Build Political Partisanship | Civil

As geography becomes the most significant predictor of political orientation and liberals and conservatives become concentrated in separate communities, cross-party interaction is whittled down to a minimum, minimizing opportunities for civil discussion that might help to foster political tolerance. The Big Sort is, according to Bishop's findings, responsible for political imbalances that grow more and more pronounced each year. The end result of this mass movement are "balkanized communities whose inhabitants find other Americans to be culturally incomprehensible; a growing intolerance for political differences that has made national consensus impossible; and politics so polarized that Congress is stymied and elections are no longer just contests over politics, but bitter choices between ways of life."
With all of these Red States slipping abortion restrictions into their budgets and creating laws requiring transvaginal probes for women seeking to terminate their pregnancy, we in the Blue States say thanks for the opportunity to serve the sheer tsunami of women coming into the New Jersey/New York area in order to obtain abortions.

It will be a veritable boom in lodging, shuttle transportation, restaurants and retail much as we saw in 1970.

Again, thanks...or maybe I should say, "Thank ya'll!"

Happy to oblige.

New Jersey/New York needs all the help they can get.

How about we send you our mentally ill and habitual criminals too?

I'm certain they'll need shuttle transportation!
given the abortion statistics, you are right

ok dude, I hate doctors and abortions, back in 1995 the doc told me and thy late wife to abort our daughter he said she would be a down sydrome baby or a midget. we told them to fuck off.she is a happy cute as hell 16 year old now will turn 17 december 28th..

I can't possibly imagine WHAT could have caused you being so upset at my response.
I hate abortions and would ban them altogether like in Portugal or Poland,
I just confirmed that by it's statistics confirm your assumption that abortion is done mostly by women voting Democrat

sorry just pissed off today.....not myself.
RiddIle me this.................

If someone is against abortion, either via religion or moral reasons, should they be forced to pay for someone getting an abortion?
Which is exactly what you get when Tax Dollars are used to support abortion. It is the imposition of someone elses beliefs on those who don't believe in it. Which is a problem with our Government on many issues.

Forcing Tax Dollars to give to Americans in the Abuse of the Common Good Clause. Which has been abused for far too long. Imposing your will on others, is completely against the Founding princinciples of Freedom.

If you believe in it, then support it through private donations as it is your right to do so. But don't impose via proxy by using my tax dollars to pay

I only believe in abortion under certain circumstances. Rape, Incest, or when it's life threatening to the mother. That's my belief and right as an American.

It irks me when Tax Dollars are used for other reasons than above. While I don't mind tax dollars in the limited areas, I believe in Personal Responsibility. and don't believe tax dollars should go to those acting irresponsible. The left will go ape chit ballistic on my post, but I don't really care. As they believe it is their right to dig into someone else's wallet to fund their beliefs.

This isn't Freedom. This is one will imposing their beliefs on another. That's the problem. And it's a problem on a lot of other issues as well. It is this mindset that has led us to Insane levels of domestic spending already.
Supposed new law in Texas: "The parent of a minor must consent and be notified before an abortion is provided."

Finally! No matter how I feel about abortion, the idea that a minor child can get any medical treatment without the parent's consent or knowledge is horrifying.
Here you go, the 21st century far right wingnut's answer to avoiding abortions.
It's soooooo Santorum:

How would you feel if the first indication that your 15 year old daughter was pregnant was when the clinic called to tell you she died of a botched abortion?
Oh by the way, how DARE THEY DEMAND that a 15 YEAR OLD get consent from her parents. The very nerve of them................Allowing parents to get involved in it, when they are a minor.
The rest I can somewhat agree with. There is no reason that reasonable restrictions should not be applied to this particular procedure. It not only makes sense but it is asinine to demand that abortion somehow be exempt from any requirements. This statement though is way off base.

Yes, how dare they. That is not only a terrible idea, but it is also likely to get the law thrown out by SCOTUS. There is not one single reason that you can completely subjugate the right of even a minor over their own body. As a parent does not have the right to beat the shit out of their children, cut, break or otherwise causing them harm, they also do not have the right to force a pregnancy. It is not much different.

I agree that it should be mandatory that the parents are informed. I really don’t care if that might discourage some teens from seeking the care that they want. That is really irrelevant as not informing the parents puts an even more harmful block in not allowing them to confront the real problems that their teen is undergoing. That does not even touch on the fact that you NEED some emotional support base when doing something like this. That does not mean, however, that there consent should be required. Should the parents not consent, tough shit.

Then we disagree. What if my example is a 13 year old? Do they have the age and experience to make the decision? To me it's a family's decision, and when they are under the age and living at home, their parents should have a right to help decide in the decision.

Not the state, not the country, but the family. We should not be ordering laws that interfere with Family, PRIVATE MATTERS.
How would you feel if the first indication that your 15 year old daughter was pregnant was when the clinic called to tell you she died of a botched abortion?

.......How much could I win in a Law Suit?


Just sayin', there could be a silver lining here......

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