Thanks Rick Scott...Florida voters wait 4 hours to vote

If Miami-Dade county has not been able to pull their collective head out of their collective ass for twelve years, why should any of us give a flying fuck about them standing in line?
It would be nice if some healthy citizens would go there, give wheelchairs to those whose health issues won't let them stand for long periods, set up water stations, and provide an apple or something nutritious and low cal for those who skipped breakfast to vote.

I'm a Republican, and I care.
If Miami-Dade county has not been able to pull their collective head out of their collective ass for twelve years, why should any of us give a flying fuck about them standing in line?
It would be nice if some healthy citizens would go there, give wheelchairs to those whose health issues won't let them stand for long periods, set up water stations, and provide an apple or something nutritious and low cal for those who skipped breakfast to vote.

I'm a Republican, and I care.

Those with health issues had an opportunity to take advantage of the absentee ballots.
On the last day of early voting in Florida, eager voters, many with chairs and other provisions, lined up for hour-long waits at voting locations throughout South Florida.

Voters still standing in line before 7 p.m. Saturday will get a chance to vote, but the line will be cut off after that time, according to Carolina Lopez, the spokeswoman for the Miami-Dade Elections Department.

She told NBC 6 South Florida that the average wait time in the county is four hours long.

Saturday is the Last Day to Vote Early In Florida | NBC 6 South Florida

All of these problems with early voting really throws a monkey wrench into the Democrat voter fraud master plan, doesn't it!

Early voting is nothing more than the foundation for widespread VOTER FRAUD.
On the last day of early voting in Florida, eager voters, many with chairs and other provisions, lined up for hour-long waits at voting locations throughout South Florida.

Voters still standing in line before 7 p.m. Saturday will get a chance to vote, but the line will be cut off after that time, according to Carolina Lopez, the spokeswoman for the Miami-Dade Elections Department.

She told NBC 6 South Florida that the average wait time in the county is four hours long.

Saturday is the Last Day to Vote Early In Florida | NBC 6 South Florida


It will be for Governor Voldemort when he comes up for re-election.

I hate that idiot of a Governor, he is a Romney Kiss Ass. Yep he will be voted out, can't wait.

It will be for Governor Voldemort when he comes up for re-election.

I hate that idiot of a Governor, he is a Romney Kiss Ass. Yep he will be voted out, can't wait.

It's not the kiss ass Govenor's fault that idiots waited til the last possible moment. The polls have been open for eight days and 3 and 1/2 million people have taken advantage of it. so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?
Why are Libs crying now?
Isn't Obama supposed to win in a landslide anyway?...
If Miami-Dade county has not been able to pull their collective head out of their collective ass for twelve years, why should any of us give a flying fuck about them standing in line?
It would be nice if some healthy citizens would go there, give wheelchairs to those whose health issues won't let them stand for long periods, set up water stations, and provide an apple or something nutritious and low cal for those who skipped breakfast to vote.

I'm a Republican, and I care.

You are treating the symptom and not the problem. They don't need apples and other bullshit while they wait in line. They need shorter lines - more polling places, more poll workers, more booths at polling places and more efficient voting procedures. The fact they don't have all that is the fault of the people and government of Miami-Dade - not anyone else's. It's their system and their responsibility to make sure it works. If they can't generate the energy to give a fuck about fixing it, why should anyone else?

Btw, I don't give a crap that you're a Republican. The insinuation that only Republicans wouldn't care because it's in their political interests not to care is vapid and doesn't address the issue.
You're bitching about wait times for voting when people in the NE are suffering while they wait for food and fuel?? Fuckingwhackjob.

you notice how Chris aint bitching about States with the same situation that have Democratic Governors?...
I need gas for my car.
Not looking forward to sitting on a gas line tomorrow
for a few hours....

Suck it up people.
How many extra days do you guys need anyway
10 days,20 days,30 days.
How many hours each day?,8 hrs,10,15?...
On the last day of early voting in Florida, eager voters, many with chairs and other provisions, lined up for hour-long waits at voting locations throughout South Florida.

Voters still standing in line before 7 p.m. Saturday will get a chance to vote, but the line will be cut off after that time, according to Carolina Lopez, the spokeswoman for the Miami-Dade Elections Department.

She told NBC 6 South Florida that the average wait time in the county is four hours long.

Saturday is the Last Day to Vote Early In Florida | NBC 6 South Florida

whine fucking whine whydon'tya?

It will work out to our advantage.

All those voters who had to wait will vote Democratic in the next election for governor.

most people aint that stupid Chris....excepting you of course.....
On the last day of early voting in Florida, eager voters, many with chairs and other provisions, lined up for hour-long waits at voting locations throughout South Florida.

Voters still standing in line before 7 p.m. Saturday will get a chance to vote, but the line will be cut off after that time, according to Carolina Lopez, the spokeswoman for the Miami-Dade Elections Department.

She told NBC 6 South Florida that the average wait time in the county is four hours long.

Saturday is the Last Day to Vote Early In Florida | NBC 6 South Florida

whine fucking whine whydon'tya?

It will work out to our advantage.

All those voters who had to wait will vote Democratic in the next election for governor.

So you think people will change their ideology over a long line... Boy, that is some seriously stupid shit.
I waited in line 4 hours yesterday.

Where I went it vote was practically controlled by democrats. They were handing out these little papers instructing people exactly who to vote for and what amendments to pass.

So I took the 4 hours I had to instruct people waiting around me about what exactly each amendment stood for and what the consequences were for each one. I had to pretend to be a democrat so they'd listen to me, but it was worth it as everyone understood the policies being pushed by the dems were so retarded.

4 hours well spent.
I waited in line 4 hours yesterday.

Where I went it vote was practically controlled by democrats. They were handing out these little papers instructing people exactly who to vote for and what amendments to pass.

So I took the 4 hours I had to instruct people waiting around me about what exactly each amendment stood for and what the consequences were for each one. I had to pretend to be a democrat so they'd listen to me, but it was worth it as everyone understood the policies being pushed by the dems were so retarded.

4 hours well spent.

On the last day of early voting in Florida, eager voters, many with chairs and other provisions, lined up for hour-long waits at voting locations throughout South Florida.

Voters still standing in line before 7 p.m. Saturday will get a chance to vote, but the line will be cut off after that time, according to Carolina Lopez, the spokeswoman for the Miami-Dade Elections Department.

She told NBC 6 South Florida that the average wait time in the county is four hours long.

Saturday is the Last Day to Vote Early In Florida | NBC 6 South Florida

whine fucking whine whydon'tya?

It will work out to our advantage.

All those voters who had to wait will vote Democratic in the next election for governor.

So it's Scott's fault they waited till the last minute when they had 10 full days of early voting? :confused:
CaféAuLait;6273375 said:
whine fucking whine whydon'tya?

It will work out to our advantage.

All those voters who had to wait will vote Democratic in the next election for governor.

So it's Scott's fault they waited till the last minute when they had 10 full days of early voting? :confused:

if Chris pisses himself he will blame the closest Republican in the area.....
Republicans want to restrict the most fundamental constitutional right.....the right to vote.

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