Thanks to Obama Policies, DOW is up 8,000 points from Bush debacle

this is an ECONOMIC issue....please use the appropriate forum(s) least try? Please? :rolleyes:

The economy today is the biggest political issue we and Congress have do deal with.

But, you have the "move" key ..... Obama has the White House key

BTW, be sure to read Krugman's article.


Ah, how could I confuse the Deficit with the real political issues:

Paula Deen Vindicated
Univ of Louisville "Core Values" #5: NO GUNS; Agree/Disagree? bucs90
Armed Citizens are Better & Safer than Armed Police!
democrat mayor sexually harasses great grandmother

We liberals are sometimes slow to understand right wing political issues

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We're still adding about a trillion dollars a year to our 17 trillion dollar debt...and that's reason to celebrate?

Good God man, that's like bragging that you only maxed out 10 credit cards this year vs the 12 you maxed out last year.

How about living within your means? :eek:

Or, we can just lay this off on those yet to be born. To hell with those little fuckers, we're ENTITLED to live large...
The debt and deficit have been going down. The debt has done nothing but skyrocket upwards.

Tell me you didn't mean to type those words. Please reassure us that you don't really believe our debt is decreasing. I'm holding out some hope for humanity here...
Falling like a stone?

FY 2014*: $744 billion
FY 2013*: $973 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

A 50% reduction from what Bush and Republicans handed Obama, is certainly "dropping like a rock"

But those who created the $1.4 billion debacle are convinced they could reduce it much faster.

Of course .....


Bush didn't hand Obama a $1.4 Trillion deficit. Obama was complicit in every way. He voted for the FY 2008 budget, publicly supported the first TARP bailout, voted in favor of appropriations legislation that continued 2008 spending until March 2009, got the Stimulus spending he requested, and signed the legislation appropriating funds for the remainder of 2009.

Text of H.R. 2638 (110th): Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -
Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 (2009; 111th Congress H.R. 1105) -
Dropping like a rock huh?

Does Krugman think he's talking to children? or he just knows the Democrat

Krugman reminds of Chrissy Matthews...both have went stupid since Obama's election...not a pretty thing

He's not talking to you folks.

Because you've got your reality filters on.

The debt and deficit have been going down.'s not because of Obama..that's reality

Actually..they would have gone down because of Obama, just not as fast.

Obama re-instituted Paygo. That's something Republicans jettisoned as soon as George W. Bush sat his butt down in the chair.
It's basically because of the Sequester. And it isn't a good thing.


why? your tour of the WH won't happen?

the deficit is clocking 759 Bn right now......from the original 1 trillion estimate...:rolleyes:


Because education programs and programs that provide kids with meals are getting defunded. It's also defunding research and science programs. I just talked to my friend from the WHOI and he told me that the sequester is causing vital cuts to their many projects that are checking into the effects of pollution on the sea.

That and it puts the kibosh on government hiring and is forcing furloughs, in addition to killing economic activity due to deferment of government projects.

It's bad all around.

So they can't prioritize very well. How much money was cut from those programs that went to his vacations? Are you saying it's more important for Obama to go to Martha's Vineyard?
It's basically because of the Sequester. And it isn't a good thing.


why? your tour of the WH won't happen?

the deficit is clocking 759 Bn right now......from the original 1 trillion estimate...:rolleyes:


Because education programs and programs that provide kids with meals are getting defunded. It's also defunding research and science programs. I just talked to my friend from the WHOI and he told me that the sequester is causing vital cuts to their many projects that are checking into the effects of pollution on the sea.

That and it puts the kibosh on government hiring and is forcing furloughs, in addition to killing economic activity due to deferment of government projects.

It's bad all around.

oh so you're a fan of the government industrial are you one friggin intellectually dishonest hack. I mean for the ages.....:eusa_hand:

I, that is ME- work for the feds in R&D,, we are taking a 2.4% cut, the dept. heads get to decide who gets cut or not and that cut is to the 2013/14 baseline INCREASE's that was due in the new fiscal year starting in October. ........

now as to "friend"; your friend either doesn't understand what the definition of 'vital' is or means, has no no idea and doesn't care, is dishonest, you have failed to adequateness convey what he said or you're just full of crap......I choose, failed to convey- I don't know your friend ( if he she exists) so I cannot say what their mindsets are.

You however? I know you're a hack ..., so, QED...

oh hey and furloughs? cry me a river.:(

I got laid off from my corporate job in 2009....the fed workforce is not immune bozo, and oh, as a Fed.? as I have said before, I will get handed a days off via furlough, guess what? THATS *UCKING LIFE , get one and stop whining. :eusa_hand:
Dropping like a rock huh?

Does Krugman think he's talking to children? or he just knows the Democrat

Krugman reminds of Chrissy Matthews...both have went stupid since Obama's election...not a pretty thing

He's not talking to you folks.

Because you've got your reality filters on.

The debt and deficit have been going down.

You're so ignorant if you think the debt has been going down.
Falling like a stone?

FY 2014*: $744 billion
FY 2013*: $973 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

A 50% reduction from what Bush and Republicans handed Obama, is certainly "dropping like a rock"

But those who created the $1.4 billion debacle are convinced they could reduce it much faster.

Of course .....


Bush didn't hand Obama a $1.4 Trillion deficit. Obama was complicit in every way. He voted for the FY 2008 budget, publicly supported the first TARP bailout, voted in favor of appropriations legislation that continued 2008 spending until March 2009, got the Stimulus spending he requested, and signed the legislation appropriating funds for the remainder of 2009.

Text of H.R. 2638 (110th): Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -
Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 (2009; 111th Congress H.R. 1105) -


Of course he did.

The Bush administration left tons of unpaid bills from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

They were on a Special Emergency Supplemental track when he was in office.

Obama eliminated that, and added back into the overall budget.

In other words, he's been paying down that debt.

And TARP? That was Bush and the boys as well. Obama may have voted to implemented it, but it was entirely as a result of Bush policies that led to the financial cataclysm.
Dropping like a rock huh?

Does Krugman think he's talking to children? or he just knows the Democrat

Krugman reminds of Chrissy Matthews...both have went stupid since Obama's election...not a pretty thing

He's not talking to you folks.

Because you've got your reality filters on.

The debt and deficit have been going down.

You're so ignorant if you think the debt has been going down.

There was a payment made toward lowering the debt in April.

But heck..let me ask you something.

Reagan and George W. Bush hold the record in terms of real spending when you adjust for inflation.

Why is it conservatives don't bitch about it when the folks they like are in power?
Is the deficit reduction due to Obama taking Krugman serious and beginning the construction of the death star and preparation for the fake alien invasion?

Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion
Republicans took away Obama's spending crack pipe, but Obama get the credit.


Progressive can only lie
Is the deficit reduction due to Obama taking Krugman serious and beginning the construction of the death star and preparation for the fake alien invasion?

Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion

Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.
Is the deficit reduction due to Obama taking Krugman serious and beginning the construction of the death star and preparation for the fake alien invasion?

Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion

Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.

Republicans took away Obama's spending crack pipe, but Obama get the credit.


Progressive can only lie


Everyone's been passing around the Sequester like a hot potato.

But it was Boehner that said he got 98% of what he wanted.
He's not talking to you folks.

Because you've got your reality filters on.

The debt and deficit have been going down.

You're so ignorant if you think the debt has been going down.

There was a payment made toward lowering the debt in April.

But heck..let me ask you something.

Reagan and George W. Bush hold the record in terms of real spending when you adjust for inflation.

Why is it conservatives don't bitch about it when the folks they like are in power?

If you owe $350,000 on a house and your interest each month is over $1000, does making a payment of $300 lower your debt?

And I bitched to high heaven about spending last decade, way more than I do now. I was a marginally significant GOP contributor from 1999-2005 and stopped in 2005 when I had a shouting match with Ken Mehlman about spending. The economy was booming and the military goals of the WOT had been met. It was time to get back to fiscal sanity, I argued. Instead, we got NCLB and Medicare Part D.

Mehlman brushed it off until I pledged to not give one more dime to the RNC until actual spending was cut. I literally walked out of the room and took my check with me, followed by about 30 others. That represented $175,000 that day and over $500,000 for the rest of his term from that small group. The trend gained momentum, Mehlman couldn't recover and was told to either resign or get fired the next year.
Is the deficit reduction due to Obama taking Krugman serious and beginning the construction of the death star and preparation for the fake alien invasion?

Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion

Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.



The blue line is what it was said would happen. The red line is the sad reality.

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