Thanks to Obama Policies, DOW is up 8,000 points from Bush debacle

A 50% reduction from what Bush and Republicans handed Obama, is certainly "dropping like a rock"

But those who created the $1.4 billion debacle are convinced they could reduce it much faster.

Of course .....


Bush didn't hand Obama a $1.4 Trillion deficit. Obama was complicit in every way. He voted for the FY 2008 budget, publicly supported the first TARP bailout, voted in favor of appropriations legislation that continued 2008 spending until March 2009, got the Stimulus spending he requested, and signed the legislation appropriating funds for the remainder of 2009.

Text of H.R. 2638 (110th): Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -
Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 (2009; 111th Congress H.R. 1105) -


Of course he did.

The Bush administration left tons of unpaid bills from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

They were on a Special Emergency Supplemental track when he was in office.

Obama eliminated that, and added back into the overall budget.

In other words, he's been paying down that debt.

And TARP? That was Bush and the boys as well. Obama may have voted to implemented it, but it was entirely as a result of Bush policies that led to the financial cataclysm.

you are flat out effing nuts....seriously....:cuckoo:
Dropping like a rock huh?

Does Krugman think he's talking to children? or he just knows the Democrat

Krugman reminds of Chrissy Matthews...both have went stupid since Obama's election...not a pretty thing

He's not talking to you folks.

Because you've got your reality filters on.

The debt and deficit have been going down.

Only you would be dumb enough to think the debt is going down. LOL Seriously, make rocks look intelligent!
Is the deficit reduction due to Obama taking Krugman serious and beginning the construction of the death star and preparation for the fake alien invasion?

Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion

Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.

[ame=]Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready - YouTube[/ame]

Obama on his Failed Stimulus

Wrong Way Krugman was hinting at $2 Trillion in more Failed Stimulus here

"To close a gap of more than $2 trillion — possibly a lot more, if the budget office projections turn out to be too optimistic — Mr. Obama offers a $775 billion plan. And that’s not enough."
Obama re-instituted Paygo.

And how's that going?

Deficit is going down.

Catch up. You couldn't be this ignorant. PAYGO requires the financing of expenditures with funds that are currently available rather than borrowed. It requires that new spending or tax changes not add to the federal deficit.

Are you suggesting that all new spending that has taken place since January of 2010 has been paid for with currently available funds and not borrowed?

Then you can tell us how we've been reducing the debt...:cuckoo:
A 50% reduction from what Bush and Republicans handed Obama, is certainly "dropping like a rock"

But those who created the $1.4 billion debacle are convinced they could reduce it much faster.

Of course .....


Bush didn't hand Obama a $1.4 Trillion deficit. Obama was complicit in every way. He voted for the FY 2008 budget, publicly supported the first TARP bailout, voted in favor of appropriations legislation that continued 2008 spending until March 2009, got the Stimulus spending he requested, and signed the legislation appropriating funds for the remainder of 2009.

Text of H.R. 2638 (110th): Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -
Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 (2009; 111th Congress H.R. 1105) -


Of course he did.

The Bush administration left tons of unpaid bills from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

They were on a Special Emergency Supplemental track when he was in office.

Obama eliminated that, and added back into the overall budget.

In other words, he's been paying down that debt.

And TARP? That was Bush and the boys as well. Obama may have voted to implemented it, but it was entirely as a result of Bush policies that led to the financial cataclysm.

You are beyond clueless.

Unpaid bills?

Obama paid them back?

Both wars and all the other spending were paid by borrowing. Bush and Obama both did the same thing. Now you are just making shit up.

Go get your head examined, help desk. You've got some serious cognitive issues.
The nice thing about guys like shallow is, they never learn. He'll be back in another thread saying this same bullshit. I like it because it is great entertainment.
Is the deficit reduction due to Obama taking Krugman serious and beginning the construction of the death star and preparation for the fake alien invasion?

Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion

Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.

If the stimulus had done what it was supposed to do...create jobs...then the Obama Administration wouldn't have had to create the "jobs saved" statistic. THAT right there tells you that it didn't do what it was supposed to do.
Sequestration is actually working.

Obama re-instituted Paygo.

And how's that going?

Deficit is going down.

Catch up.

stop being a sheep- think for yourself, just once a month? try???

the monies assigned to be spent and the forecast of revenue, equal deficit spending if the out is bigger than the in...get that? :rolleyes:

the assigned monies scheduled to go out the door, IF they don't, OR we take in more than was forecast, the deficit only 'goes down' in that we didn't spend the 1 trillion forecast.....right now, the deficit, IF the assigned $$ is spent and we are hit par on collections, is $759 from 1 asterism's post again, very slowly.....verrrrry slowly.....
Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion

Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.

If the stimulus had done what it was supposed to do...create jobs...then the Obama Administration wouldn't have had to create the "jobs saved" statistic. THAT right there tells you that it didn't do what it was supposed to do.

Let's face it, the stimulus didn't even come close to getting aggregate demand where it needed to be. On the other hand, if I'm a zombie bank, and I'm not involved in the production of capital goods in any capacity, I can get money at 0% from the discount window.
Bush didn't hand Obama a $1.4 Trillion deficit. Obama was complicit in every way. He voted for the FY 2008 budget, publicly supported the first TARP bailout, voted in favor of appropriations legislation that continued 2008 spending until March 2009, got the Stimulus spending he requested, and signed the legislation appropriating funds for the remainder of 2009.

Text of H.R. 2638 (110th): Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -
Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 (2009; 111th Congress H.R. 1105) -


Of course he did.

The Bush administration left tons of unpaid bills from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

They were on a Special Emergency Supplemental track when he was in office.

Obama eliminated that, and added back into the overall budget.

In other words, he's been paying down that debt.

And TARP? That was Bush and the boys as well. Obama may have voted to implemented it, but it was entirely as a result of Bush policies that led to the financial cataclysm.

you are flat out effing nuts....seriously....:cuckoo:

Clinton left Bush a $250 billion SURPLUS
Bush left Obama a $1.4 trillion DEFICIT

Thanks a lot ....

meanwhile, back in reality....

August 16, 2013, 10:09 AM

Economists Trim 2013 GDP Growth Forecasts

Economists cut their expectations for 2013 U.S. economic growth but lifted hiring forecasts for the rest of the year, according to a survey of forecasts released Friday.

The third-quarter survey of 41 forecasters done by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia shows the consensus view on gross domestic product expects growth of 1.5% for all of this year, down significantly from 2.0% expected when the survey was last done in May.

more at-

Economists Trim 2013 GDP Growth Forecasts - Real Time Economics - WSJ

and lets remember these are the same blokes who this time last year, forecast 2.7% for q4 of 2012, it came in at- .1...thats POINT 1% as in one tenth......
q1 2013?- 1.8% downgraded by a full third to 1.3%.....q2 2013?- 1.7%....
I think it wonderful that the sequester is starting to hurt people. Obama's idea. I hope 100 thousand federal workers end up on the street begging. I hope a carrier group gets mothballed. Good job Mr. illegal president.

What makes you think he's illegal?
Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.

If the stimulus had done what it was supposed to do...create jobs...then the Obama Administration wouldn't have had to create the "jobs saved" statistic. THAT right there tells you that it didn't do what it was supposed to do.

Let's face it, the stimulus didn't even come close to getting aggregate demand where it needed to be. On the other hand, if I'm a zombie bank, and I'm not involved in the production of capital goods in any capacity, I can get money at 0% from the discount window.

and park it at the fed for .25 bps;)

arbitrage heaven baby....:eusa_drool:

thx Ben Bernbank:cuckoo:

Of course he did.

The Bush administration left tons of unpaid bills from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

They were on a Special Emergency Supplemental track when he was in office.

Obama eliminated that, and added back into the overall budget.

In other words, he's been paying down that debt.

And TARP? That was Bush and the boys as well. Obama may have voted to implemented it, but it was entirely as a result of Bush policies that led to the financial cataclysm.

you are flat out effing nuts....seriously....:cuckoo:

Clinton left Bush a $250 billion SURPLUS
Bush left Obama a $1.4 trillion DEFICIT

Thanks a lot ....


And yet Obama would absolutely relish and hint of an economy as good as Bush's. He's just that incompetent.

Of course he did.

The Bush administration left tons of unpaid bills from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

They were on a Special Emergency Supplemental track when he was in office.

Obama eliminated that, and added back into the overall budget.

In other words, he's been paying down that debt.

And TARP? That was Bush and the boys as well. Obama may have voted to implemented it, but it was entirely as a result of Bush policies that led to the financial cataclysm.

you are flat out effing nuts....seriously....:cuckoo:

Clinton left Bush a $250 billion SURPLUS
Bush left Obama a $1.4 trillion DEFICIT

Thanks a lot ....


Clinton enjoyed the fruits of the Dot Com Boom... coupled with a Republican Congress that wouldn't allow him to spend...hence the "surplus".

Bush was saddled with a fight against Al Queda...a recession that followed the Dot Com Bust...and a Democratic Congress that spent lots...hence the "deficit".

Now would you like to talk about what Barry has done since taking office?

Of course he did.

The Bush administration left tons of unpaid bills from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

They were on a Special Emergency Supplemental track when he was in office.

Obama eliminated that, and added back into the overall budget.

In other words, he's been paying down that debt.

And TARP? That was Bush and the boys as well. Obama may have voted to implemented it, but it was entirely as a result of Bush policies that led to the financial cataclysm.

you are flat out effing nuts....seriously....:cuckoo:

Clinton left Bush a $250 billion SURPLUS
Bush left Obama a $1.4 trillion DEFICIT

Thanks a lot ....


That surplus under Clinton had negative consequences for the private sector. It resulted in the the first recession of the 21st century. The surplus caused the domestic private sector to accrue more indebtedness to finance consumption which created instability in the private sector.
Last edited:
Is the deficit reduction due to Obama taking Krugman serious and beginning the construction of the death star and preparation for the fake alien invasion?

Krugman also thought the Failed Stimulus should have been...who knows, 5, 10, 12 trillion

Well no.

You are wrong on both counts.

The Stimulus did, exactly what it was sized to do..and met it's numbers in terms of job creation and/or saving jobs.

And Krugman suggested that 1.2 Trillion would have been appropriate.

Least get the facts straight.

yes lets .. you are certainly racking up the hackage miles today.......

see first-

and below, his mealy mouth attempt to re-frame his message so as to not appear...WRONG...a lot of that going around :eusa_whistle:……hackage is rife eh sallow?
Falling like a stone?

FY 2014*: $744 billion
FY 2013*: $973 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

A 50% reduction from what Bush and Republicans handed Obama, is certainly "dropping like a rock"

But those who created the $1.4 trillion debacle are convinced they could reduce it much faster.

Of course .....


Reminds me of all the German generals who advised us how we could run over the Soviet Union after WWII.
Though the economy is growing steadily, Americans are being hampered by weak pay, higher taxes and tepid hiring. Sluggish overseas economies are also slowing sales for U.S. retailers. It's a picture the Federal Reserve will weigh in deciding whether to scale back its bond purchases as soon as next month.

Seems you are finally getting to understand the wreckage Bush and the Republicans left our country in.

Only "steady" recovery is possible from this wreckage - there is no quick fix for the damage Bush and Republicans did to the economy.

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