Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck
He's very careful to incite riots without using language which would meet the legal requirement of incitement.

Trump is inciting leftists to attack him? You're as stupid as you sound, aren't you?
He is just doing everything short of inciting retards to attack him and get millions in free PR. Pretty smart...I wonder if it is from his woman abusing campaign manager?
What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

Obama spent 800 billion on a "stimulus" to create jobs that created so few jobs that in desperation they invented a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved" hide how bad it was! Take off your partisan blinders,'re looking increasingly ignorant in this string!
They did not invent that term to hide anything as that term was presented in the plan before it was even approved.

Show me where that economic statistic was employed by any other administration prior to the Obama Administration, Faun!

They invented that statistic not to give a clearer picture of job creation...they invented it to hide how few jobs they actually managed to create with the 870 billion that they spent. I know you folks on the left don't like to admit that...but it's about as obvious as it gets!
Preventing teachers, cops and firemen from being laid off has the same economic impact as creating a new job

You know zero about economics, stop flaunting your ignorance
Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

Obama spent 800 billion on a "stimulus" to create jobs that created so few jobs that in desperation they invented a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved" hide how bad it was! Take off your partisan blinders,'re looking increasingly ignorant in this string!
They did not invent that term to hide anything as that term was presented in the plan before it was even approved.

Show me where that economic statistic was employed by any other administration prior to the Obama Administration, Faun!

They invented that statistic not to give a clearer picture of job creation...they invented it to hide how few jobs they actually managed to create with the 870 billion that they spent. I know you folks on the left don't like to admit that...but it's about as obvious as it gets!
Preventing teachers, cops and firemen from being laid off has the same economic impact as creating a new job
Government so called "jobs" are not real jobs, of course police and military are an Necessary expense... But everything else has to be paid for by somebody - all being a diminishing return… LOL

Exactly, fireman, the police, military are equivalent to insurance. You give up a little bit of what you have to protect the rest of what you have. But it is an expense, it doesn't make you richer.

Teachers are just a money drain, they suck. We have by international standards ridiculously high cost and poor results for it. Government teachers need to be replaced with an effective private system
I honestly believe that if Trump won the White House he would quit within months of his presidency because he has no idea what he is getting himself in to. He's a complete narcissistic moron. The real question should be who he picks as his VP...
The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
You really won't do research on anything before you make shit up, will you, big guy?

Even Democrats only claim it was 1/3. But actually, over half of that was "refundable tax credits" to people who paid little or no taxes. You know what that means, big guy? They got paid a check for taxes they hadn't paid. The term for that isn't "tax cut" it's welfare.

Government calling welfare checks, "tax cuts." That's how screwed up they are
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

Obama spent 800 billion on a "stimulus" to create jobs that created so few jobs that in desperation they invented a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved" hide how bad it was! Take off your partisan blinders,'re looking increasingly ignorant in this string!
They did not invent that term to hide anything as that term was presented in the plan before it was even approved.

Show me where that economic statistic was employed by any other administration prior to the Obama Administration, Faun!

They invented that statistic not to give a clearer picture of job creation...they invented it to hide how few jobs they actually managed to create with the 870 billion that they spent. I know you folks on the left don't like to admit that...but it's about as obvious as it gets!
Preventing teachers, cops and firemen from being laid off has the same economic impact as creating a new job

You know zero about economics, stop flaunting your ignorance

Simple arithmetic my friend

Teachers, cops and firemen get laid off for economic reasons, you have negative jobs
Preventing that loss is the same as letting them be fired and creating new jobs with the money
The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
You really won't do research on anything before you make shit up, will you, big guy?

Even Democrats only claim it was 1/3. But actually, over half of that was "refundable tax credits" to people who paid little or no taxes. You know what that means, big guy? They got paid a check for taxes they hadn't paid. The term for that isn't "tax cut" it's welfare.

Government calling welfare checks, "tax cuts." That's how screwed up they are
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
When Bush was in office we WERE fighting terrorists in that Barry is in office we're fighting terrorists in the US, in France, in Great Britain, in Syria, in Libya, in Africa and in's that "hunt" for terrorists going? Any word on when we'll see the apprehension of the terrorists who murdered four Americans in Benghazi?
Bush created the terrorists in Iraq. Saddam would not tolerate them, they were a threat to his authority
Once Bush removed Saddam, AlQaeda moved in

Note: We did get the guy responsible for the Benghazi attacks

RRRRrrrrrriiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhttttttt. W created terrorism in the middle east.
Stop kazzing, that's not what he said. He didn't say Bush created terrorism in the Middle East as you falsely ascribe to him. He said Bush created the terrorists in Iraq, which he did. Al-qaeda in Iraq, now known as ISIL, formed in Iraq to fight Bush.
ISIS formed in Syria...not Iraq and not while Bush was still President. ISIS formed while President "Leading From Behind" was in office...not Bush.

Facts? WTF? Are facts supposed to be an argument???
Umm... his post was fact free. Apparently, he was unaware that ISIL was Al-Qaeda in Iraq.
The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
You really won't do research on anything before you make shit up, will you, big guy?

Even Democrats only claim it was 1/3. But actually, over half of that was "refundable tax credits" to people who paid little or no taxes. You know what that means, big guy? They got paid a check for taxes they hadn't paid. The term for that isn't "tax cut" it's welfare.

Government calling welfare checks, "tax cuts." That's how screwed up they are
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
Not so many when the country is in a deep recession. Then it's good for the government to step in and bridge the gap until the recession ends. Otherwise we risk a depression.
The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
You really won't do research on anything before you make shit up, will you, big guy?

Even Democrats only claim it was 1/3. But actually, over half of that was "refundable tax credits" to people who paid little or no taxes. You know what that means, big guy? They got paid a check for taxes they hadn't paid. The term for that isn't "tax cut" it's welfare.

Government calling welfare checks, "tax cuts." That's how screwed up they are
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008, people with money were cashing out
The Government was the only one willing to invest in a crashing economy
I honestly believe that if Trump won the White House he would quit within months of his presidency because he has no idea what he is getting himself in to. He's a complete narcissistic moron. The real question should be who he picks as his VP...
and Barry is not a narcissistic moron?? Barry is a fucking nut if of the highest order... Dumbass
You really won't do research on anything before you make shit up, will you, big guy?

Even Democrats only claim it was 1/3. But actually, over half of that was "refundable tax credits" to people who paid little or no taxes. You know what that means, big guy? They got paid a check for taxes they hadn't paid. The term for that isn't "tax cut" it's welfare.

Government calling welfare checks, "tax cuts." That's how screwed up they are
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
Not so many when the country is in a deep recession. Then it's good for the government to step in and bridge the gap until the recession ends. Otherwise we risk a depression.
Governments Cause depressions they dont fix them.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
You really won't do research on anything before you make shit up, will you, big guy?

Even Democrats only claim it was 1/3. But actually, over half of that was "refundable tax credits" to people who paid little or no taxes. You know what that means, big guy? They got paid a check for taxes they hadn't paid. The term for that isn't "tax cut" it's welfare.

Government calling welfare checks, "tax cuts." That's how screwed up they are
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008, people with money were cashing out
The Government was the only one willing to invest in a crashing economy
Thats Odd since the recession happened at the end of the Bush admin when the democrats took office and started helping the people???? Funny how one always follows the other isn't it?
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008, people with money were cashing out
The Government was the only one willing to invest in a crashing economy
Thats Odd since the recession happened at the end of the Bush admin when the democrats took office and started helping the people???? Funny how one always follows the other isn't it?
Except there is no evidence of the Democrats passing any relevant bills during that short timespan

Recessions of that magnitude do not happen overnight
Still stimulus to the economy

Let's see.......poor folks got cut a check for a few hundred. Rich folks got bailed out for their greedy speculation that threw the economy in the dumpster

Who made out better?

Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
Not so many when the country is in a deep recession. Then it's good for the government to step in and bridge the gap until the recession ends. Otherwise we risk a depression.
Governments Cause depressions they dont fix them.
The Government saved the private sector from its own greed during the Great Bush Recession of 2008
Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008, people with money were cashing out
The Government was the only one willing to invest in a crashing economy
Thats Odd since the recession happened at the end of the Bush admin when the democrats took office and started helping the people???? Funny how one always follows the other isn't it?
Except there is no evidence of the Democrats passing any relevant bills during that short timespan

Recessions of that magnitude do not happen overnight
No spending bills passed congress in the 2 years before Obama huh?
Welfare is not "stimulus to the economy." You people are pathetic

The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
Not so many when the country is in a deep recession. Then it's good for the government to step in and bridge the gap until the recession ends. Otherwise we risk a depression.
Governments Cause depressions they dont fix them.
The Government saved the private sector from its own greed during the Great Bush Recession of 2008
How do you ignorantly think it did that?
The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008, people with money were cashing out
The Government was the only one willing to invest in a crashing economy
Thats Odd since the recession happened at the end of the Bush admin when the democrats took office and started helping the people???? Funny how one always follows the other isn't it?
Except there is no evidence of the Democrats passing any relevant bills during that short timespan

Recessions of that magnitude do not happen overnight
No spending bills passed congress in the 2 years before Obama huh?
Show me any spending by Dems that was not vetoed by Bush

Didn't happen
The money went from the government and yes some went to poor people. That money went directly into the economy

Now, guess what happens when we give money to the wealthy?
They pocket it
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
Not so many when the country is in a deep recession. Then it's good for the government to step in and bridge the gap until the recession ends. Otherwise we risk a depression.
Governments Cause depressions they dont fix them.
The Government saved the private sector from its own greed during the Great Bush Recession of 2008
How do you ignorantly think it did that?

The "Job Creators" bailed during the Great Bush Recession

They went crying to the Government to rescue them from their bad business decisions
Wow... you mean no jobs are ever created by people with money???? How do the poor create jobs man???
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008, people with money were cashing out
The Government was the only one willing to invest in a crashing economy
Thats Odd since the recession happened at the end of the Bush admin when the democrats took office and started helping the people???? Funny how one always follows the other isn't it?
Except there is no evidence of the Democrats passing any relevant bills during that short timespan

Recessions of that magnitude do not happen overnight
No spending bills passed congress in the 2 years before Obama huh?
Show me any spending by Dems that was not vetoed by Bush

Didn't happen
When did he veto a bill?

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