

Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Dear Everyone, :)

I just wanted to say thank you to those who stop by and read my post. Even those who are smart asses hahaha you know who you are.

But esp. thank to those who stop by almost all of my post.

And just some of you know I do mean well even when it doesn't seem like it hahahah.

I do have a soft side believe it or not lmao. I know I know make those wise cracks.

But thanks everyone for your opinions agree or not, thanks for at least stopping for each time you do you gain more information even if you aren't believing it etc. Later on things sometimes click to that memory bank of " oh they did say that was this or that" .............. so often those dots connect without even knowing they have.

Take care and always be safe wherever you go or whatever you do.

... Emotional data-miners, bleh. Whatevs woman.

EDIT - sarcasm doesn't portray right. Thanks for posting it all heh
Last edited:
... Emotional data-miners, bleh. Whatevs woman.

EDIT - sarcasm doesn't portray right. Thanks for posting it all heh

Hey I can have that now and then ahahhaa

yeah, yeah... That's exactly why I won't marry a chick :p

Hey i'm a different kinda breed, it takes that type if one can deal with SF hahaa. That's what the guys use to say on their hunt for a wife she's gotta be a different kinda breed eehheeh.

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