That $80B in Military Equipment Joe Handed the Taliban Could Have Been Dropped Off in Ukraine

75 Aircraft, including armor killing Apaches
Counter-Rocket, artillery and mortar systems

Dumbass ignoramus​

Thanks for another load of lies!

MRAPS - Mines are defensive weapons and are being used by the Ukrainians to stop the Russians. The only reason Ukrainians would need MRAPS is if they drove over their own minefields.

NO apaches or advanced aircraft were left behind:

What the Ukrainians need anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, which the U.S> & NATO are supplying.

The Taliban had no Tanks and no combat aircraft, so we didn't give any of those weapons to the Afghan military.

O.K. - You can think up a few more lies now - I enjoy debunking your BULLSHIT!!!!
Yeah, it's a headache to load vehicles on airplanes, and it's expensive and shortens the life span of planes. And we left the hardware for the afghanies to use .... PER TRUMP. IT'S FAKE NEWS BASED ON ALTERNATIVE FACTS

Radditz is another swamp shill. Another person who I trusted and found to be activated for Prog view several years ago. On the night of Trump's victory in 2016 she had the crocodile tears making statements that some military son's mother was crying that we were going to war. Well Trump was a man of peace. And we do waste a lot of resources in our nation like the military equipment.
The equipment the Neo-GOP is lying about was the equipment from the Afghan Army. They think we should have destroyed the equipment we gave them to defend themselves with. With friends like Trumpyberra's Neo-GOP, who needs enemies.
The equipment the Neo-GOP is lying about was the equipment from the Afghan Army. They think we should have destroyed the equipment we gave them to defend themselves with. With friends like Trumpyberra's Neo-GOP, who needs enemies.
Trump caused if not a cessation, a reduction of the swamp global fantasies for 4 years. In one year, we have seen it all come back. You don't have to look for it. Martial Law over striking truckers protesting! Concerned parents branded terrorists over the safety of their children! Denying access to your own resources in banks and other ways of living. And all the other stuff over the years. We live in tyranny!
Look at the leftists trying to blame Trump for weapons Afghanistan Failure *Joe left behind.
The weapons represent 20 years of failure from Bush to Trump. Those were the Afghan Armies weapons. We, the American Tax payers gave it to them. Like the South Vietnamese military, Iike the Iranian military. Like the Sunnis part of Iraq who took the weapons from the Iraqi Military.....we never learn.
The equipment the Neo-GOP is lying about was the equipment from the Afghan Army. They think we should have destroyed the equipment we gave them to defend themselves with. With friends like Trumpyberra's Neo-GOP, who needs enemies.
imo they're just pissed we lost, and Trump signed the surrender. I mean, I'm none too happy. But I thought Biden was right to argue to Obama that his troop "surge" was not going to work, and we needed to pull out everyone but a small foot print of spec forces who could "kill" individual terrorists
Trump caused if not a cessation, a reduction of the swamp global fantasies for 4 years. In one year, we have seen it all come back. You don't have to look for it. Martial Law over striking truckers protesting! Concerned parents branded terrorists over the safety of their children! Denying access to your own resources in banks and other ways of living. And all the other stuff over the years. We live in tyranny!
oh yeah, Trump had Putin under his thumb. roflmao
Trump caused if not a cessation, a reduction of the swamp global fantasies for 4 years. In one year, we have seen it all come back. You don't have to look for it. Martial Law over striking truckers protesting! Concerned parents branded terrorists over the safety of their children! Denying access to your own resources in banks and other ways of living. And all the other stuff over the years. We live in tyranny!

Your dystopian dream is a fantasy brought to you by the wordsmith at Neo-GOP fascist fantasy island.
But no, Joe had to keep his record alive of 5 straight decades of nothing positive from his actions.
Well the taliban are brown people. Nothing else matters.
imo they're just pissed we lost, and Trump signed the surrender. I mean, I'm none too happy. But I thought Biden was right to argue to Obama that his troop "surge" was not going to work, and we needed to pull out everyone but a small foot print of spec forces who could "kill" individual terrorists
Imo we should have hit the road after Binny escaped through Tora Bora. Tacked a note on their door to not let terrorist use their territory or we'd be back.
Trump wasn't President immediately prior to the withdrawal, and we did have working air bases before Biden's botched pullout. There was far more materials there than the Afghan Army could have ever used.

How do you think we got all that equipment to Afghanistan in the first place? By boat? Seriously? :laughing0301:
Ever ship a Blackhawk or a Humvee by air? It doesn't work too well.
Ever ship a Blackhawk or a Humvee by air? It doesn't work too well.

Ukraine doesn't need Blackhawks or Humvees. They're capturing more abandoned Russian vehicles and tanks than they have drivers. Some are being refueled or even dragged off by tractors. What they need are more surface to air and handheld ground to ground missiles, which they are getting. British and American transport planes have been landing in Poland all night, which is just across Ukraine's eastern border.
Who is going to fly it and to where?
Who flew it there, Dufus?
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